Monday, February 28, 2011

Yamaha Waverunner Vx Cover

L’inquinamento elettromagnetico della base USA di Niscemi

is one of the lesser-known military installations in Italy but it is certainly among the most dangerous from the environmental point of view. Operating since 1991, the Naval Radio Transmitter Facility - NRTF of Niscemi (Caltanissetta) provides telecommunications Navy of the United States of America to be global, but can also be used to house one of the four terminals of the land Muos, the new system of satellite broadcasts of the U.S. military. The NRTF located a few kilometers from the town of Niscemi, closely behind the perimeter of the nature reserve "cork" Site of Community Importance SIC. It houses about forty antennas and radio-emitting, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, covering the entire electromagnetic spectrum from the HF, VHF and the UHF (high, very high and ultra frequencies for communications radio surface) and the ELF, VLF and LF (low and extremely low frequencies that can penetrate deep ocean waters and contribute to communications with submarines and nuclear propulsion capability). A deadly cocktail that sovrespone the residents and the diverse fauna and flora of the electromagnetic pollution which only in recent months it has been possible to know the very serious and unsustainable levels.

Nel corso del convegno sui “rischi MUOS”, promosso dalle associazioni che si oppongono al nuovo programma militare-satellitare, il sindaco di Niscemi, Giovanni Di Martino, ha presentato gli ultimi dati sulle emissioni rilevate dall’ARPA, l’Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente. «Nel periodo compreso tra il 22 marzo e il 19 aprile 2010, la centralina posta Ulmo in a private house in the district, near the U.S. station, reported the issue, constant, values \u200b\u200bslightly higher than 6 V / m (volts per meter), the limit set by Italian regulations of attention for exposure electromagnetic fields, "said Di Martino.

"These figures are extremely worrying, because we are in an area already affected by complex emergencies environment. We asked the legal office of the City of Niscemi to verify whether the conditions to proceed in court against the Navy U.S. military. Meanwhile, we have sent a warning that those responsible the basic action to block electromagnetic pollution. "

The new findings are even more alarming ARPA to what occurred in the previous monitoring activities (between December 2008 and March 2009), when the district Ulmo the unit had recorded a 'media exposure of about 6 V / m ', with' peak week overrun the threshold value, probably due to the intensification of the activities of broadcasting. Even then, however, these measures were left deeply puzzled the Committee which had reported no Muos as time was running just about 50% of satellite base Niscemi.

"Do not is also given that any of the broadcasts military is not continuity of the emissions and the variability of the power with which they are irradiated, "added the representatives of the Campaign for the demilitarization of Sigonella. "It should be remembered that the experts in the field of electromagnetic pollution in an estimated 10-15% of the uncertainty of the measurements of frequencies. This means that the houses near the base of Niscemi may already be subject to constant emissions with values \u200b\u200bexceeding 7 V / m. And a number of internationally renowned researchers have been calling for a significant reduction in the so-called "limits of care" required by the regulations, since the 3-4 V / m are already considered very high risk to human health. "

Adding to the fears of no-war organizations, the results of a study by Massimo Coraddu (researcher of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics - INFN Cagliari) emissions Station Niscemi and surveys carried out by the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment. "The instrumentation and procedures used by ARPA for the measurement of electromagnetism are not fully adequate to the relief of the type of emissions from NRTF, which may have led to a systematic underestimation of the observed field," says Dr. Coraddu.

"They were used for the detection units continuously with two operating modes, Wide Band (with bandwidth of 100 kHz-3 GHz) and Low Band (100 KHz-860 MHz band), but did not specify which of the two modes is actually used. Then comparing the characteristics of the measuring instrument with the emission characteristics of the antennas we realize immediately that the unit was not capable of detecting the emission of very low frequency VLF and LF of the big U.S. base antenna radiator vertical, operating between 3 and 300 KHz and a wavelength range from 1 to 100 km is the frequency that is largely or entirely below the lower limit detectable by the probes used by ARPA Sicily. "

the station NRTF of Niscemi, according to the Submarine Communications Master Plan produced in December 1995 by the U.S. Navy, is in fact a device VERDIN (VLF Digital Information Network) for communication with submerged submarines using frequencies between 14 and 60 KHz version of U.S. Navy and between 14 and 150 KHz in version NATO.

In his study, Massimo Coraddu also focuses on building Muos center that will be equipped with two transmitters UHF power of 105 W and three large dishes operating in the Ka-band microwave (18-40 GHz). "The environmental impact assessment of the new telecommunications satellite, provided by the U.S. Navy, is seriously flawed and inadequate in many respects and does not in any way to assess the severity of the problems and risks associated with its installation, "says the researcher of INFN.

"It will be announced the main features of the transmitters and antennas used (frequency, signal characteristics, etc.). And even explains the methodology of calculation. The results are mutually inconsistent and contradictory as the safety distance for the emission of microwaves from the parables, we present two different values, both frighteningly high, 38.9 km in Table 6.5 and 135.7 km in Table 6.7. Serious omissions as regards the risks of the system. The evaluation of safety distances and the level of field checking was carried out, one by one, the issue of individual antennas, and not, as required by law, the simultaneous emission of all devices at the highest level of power. It does not even consider what is probably the worst of possible hazards: an accident or a pointing error that leads to accidental exposure to microwave beam, dangerous and potentially lethal, even for short exposures at distances less than about 1 Km ' .

Massimo Coraddu also complains that it is not given any consideration about the impact of emissions on the natural environment, "it is firmly known as the microwaves are harmful to many species, such as bees, deeply disturbed also by low levels of field, or birds may be injured or killed in the air if accidentally cross the beam emitted.

In the absence of specific scientific studies on the risk of electromagnetic Muos, you can draw only what is already established for the waves generated by the mobile phone systems operating between 900 MHz and 2 GHz, the same range of the new satellite system of forces U.S. military. It is the central nervous system, in particular, to be affected by exposure to microwaves. As noted in February 2006 by the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety - ICEMS (between components, scientists, researchers and oncologists in Italy, the United States, Russia, China, Brazil, Sweden and Canada), "Epidemiological evidence has been accumulated that indicates an increased risk of brain tumors for extended use mobile phones. "

Liberation Article published on June 18, 2010


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