Frontex, l’Agenzia Europea per la Gestione della Cooperazione Operativa alle Frontiere, lancia la sua guerra ai migranti nordafricani nel Canale di Sicilia. Quattro aerei, due navi e due elicotteri militari messi a disposizione da sei paesi membri opereranno sin dai prossimi giorni per presidiare le coste di Lampedusa. “A seguito di una richiesta formale da parte del ministro degli Interni italiano, ricevuta lo scorso February 15, Frontex and Italy have launched the joint operation Hermes 2011 that affect the central area of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean, "reads the statement issued by Frontex headquarters in Warsaw. "Originally Hermes in 2011 had been planned for the month of June, but it was decided to bring it forward to February. The mission should be completed by March 31 but could be extended beyond the deadline. " The estimated cost for operations is two million euro and will be fully covered by the European Commission.
A Rapid Response Team of the European left has already been a Lampedusa per operare a fianco delle autorità militari italiane nel “monitoraggio sul campo di quanto accade” e nel “rafforzamento della sorveglianza dei confini esterni dell’Unione europea”. Sempre secondo Frontex, “l’agenzia è attenta alla situazione migratoria di Lampedusa e il monitoraggio viene effettuato in stretto collegamento con il Frontex Operational Office del Pireo, Grecia”.
Sarà comunque l’Italia a guidare Hermes 2011 e a fornire tutte le unità navali e gli equipaggi che pattuglieranno il Canale di Sicilia per “individuare e prevenire l’attraversamento illegale delle borders for the Pelagie Islands, Sicily and the Italian peninsula. " The planes and helicopters to "improve border surveillance and the ability to search and rescue will be made available by France, Germany, Italy, Malta, Spain and Holland. There is also a "second line" of control through the transfer of Lampedusa thirty super Frontex experts in the 'identification of the nationality of origin of migrants "and any" networks of people traffickers. " The next step of EU staff will be to give assistance to Italy "in the organization of activities rimpatrio verso i Paesi di origine”. Gli esperti Frontex di Lampedusa forniranno - su richiesta dalle autorità italiane - le “analisi dei rischi specifici” relativi ai possibili scenari “sull’accresciuta pressione migratoria nella regione alla luce dei recenti sviluppi politici in nord Africa e sulla possibilità che si apra un ulteriore fronte migratorio nell’area centrale mediterranee” ( vedi Libia n.d.a. ). Il team d’intelligence sarà composto da 007 provenienti da Austria, Belgio, Francia, Germania, Italia, Malta, Olanda, Portogallo, Romania, Spagna, Svezia e Svizzera, paese quest’ultimo “extracomunitario”.
Lampedusa will also be installed in a mobile office of Europol, which will provide its technical support to the Joint Operation Hermes 2011. Since October 2009, the anti-crime agency of the European Union has become a major partner of Frontex in the field of security and screening-migration. The strengthening of military equipment are also competing in hundreds of army personnel (transferred to the island thanks to the "emergency decree immigrants" of the President of the Council of Ministers), two class corvettes "Minerva" ( Chimera and Phoenix ) with 226 members crew and the new ship "logistics support and inter-electronic" Elettra. The units are equipped with sophisticated weapons systems: 76/62 mm guns. compact, rocket launchers "Albatros" to eight cells, launchers A / S MK 32, multiple rocket launchers "Barricade" and gunner Alenia-Oerlikon KBA OtoBreda 25/80. In the most forward position, in front of the Libyan coast, will operate the guided missile destroyer Mimbelli that will keep electronic links with the commands of the Navy and the Eurofighter and F-16 fighter-bombers into "high alert operational" bases of Trapani and Gioia and units of the Hill amphibious San Giorgio San Marco and, with the marines on board the San Marco Regiment and the raiders of the group "Comsubin.
Imposing also the deployment of the Coast Guard. As announced by the captain Alessandro Nicastro, have been diverted to two patrol boats Lampedusa class 800 , specializing in coastal search and rescue, and two of the 300 class "made for emergencies related to migration and dedicated to the rescue at sea ". The device is built from aircraft Piaggio P-166 and ATR 42-MP aircraft operating from the base of Catania Fontanarossa. For the Pelagie islands off the patrol boats are also present 2000 class and 200 class engaged in coastal patrolling and deep, and the patrol class 900, with a range of several days. Overall, the Coast Guard personnel engaged in emergency landings and a hundred-man crew of about fifty to ten to the ground and air support. According to the newspaper the Republic, the Ministry of Defence would authorize the movement of helicopters in Sicily Air Force and Navy "to be used to support the work of Coast Guard vessels and the Guardia di Finanza".
Meanwhile, Interior Minister Roberto Maroni announced that he will travel to Catania Monday, February 28 to meet with President of the Region, Raffaele Lombardo, Sicilian and some mayors plan to illustrate the use of of Residence degli Aranci Mineo (owned by the construction company Pizzarotti Parma) as "temporary home" of asylum seekers. As anticipated by the mayor of the small town of Etna, Joseph Castania, returning from a meeting at the Interior Ministry, the structure will be transferred to "a maximum of 2,000 refugees, mainly women and families with children." Asylum seekers' will remain within the village for six months, after which time it will be the same government and humanitarian organizations to work to find a job in Italy and in Europe. " The conversion of the former village of the U.S. military to Sigonella in semi-detention center for refugees will be formalized with a permanent contract between the Ministry of Interior and the Pizzarotti Sp. A..
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