Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Best Aftermarket Dirtbike Rims


The Look of the City Wide Youth, an organization of institutional representation of young people, presents the initiatives that are working in this initial part of its route, taking its first steps through the organization of specific working groups with participation of about 30 young Vasto. Registration is open until March 31 ac and are open to all young people between 14 and 30 years, community and non-EU residents in Vasto. You can 'register by completing a form at the One Stop Youth Information in via Naumachia, 45 tel 0873.366836. The Council is an important means of participation in youth and that is why they are asked not only enrollment but also to participation in initiatives for all young people of the city 'and surrounding municipalities.
Here are the initiatives under way
The consultation suggested a public competition to free participation for all children aged between 14 and 30 years for the creation of what will be the Check that the logo uses as a graphic symbol. The drawings into vector. PDF. JPEG 10 MB should be sent to the e-mail or brought up at the counter also support information centers by March 31 about the complete announcement can be downloaded from the blog Look at the following link http://www.consultagiovanilevasto . The day will be held on April 4 meeting of the Council for the Last Judgement and the winner will win a Sector watch the market value of about € 250, available from jewelry Corvino located in Vasto.
In order to promote consultation and raising awareness of its actions in a widespread manner throughout the municipality, verranno affissi manifesti lungo le
strade cittadine e locandine nelle scuole, nei centri sportivi e aggregativi, e
in aggiunta si distribuiranno flyers presso locali ed esercizi commerciali.


È attivo da inizio Febbraio il blog ufficiale al seguente

Nato per dare comunicazione diretta delle iniziative e degli
argomenti che si trattano all’interno del gruppo, presenta al suo interno
notizie sulla composizione della struttura organizzativa, aggiornamenti sulle
riunioni, disponibilità dei verbali on line e informazioni sui gruppi di lavoro
e i progetti in course.
every Monday from March 14 there will be a FREE screening of a film at the youth center as a Ritucci Chinni (in the Church of St. Paul). For information about the subjects and schedule projections, see the blog and facebook page of the Consulta.

Vasto, 02/22/2010 See Large Youth


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