Vi presentiamo una delle iniziative finalizzate al sostegno dei due progetti presentati di Marcello (uomo dell'Avana, attualmente del Cuzco).
E 'entitled HELPING READING: Read with your heart and mind.
last Saturday of every month, the withdrawal of the "big spending", we invite you to bring two or three books (adventure, history, children, etc. ..).
Everyone can take home more in return (whereas we are more than 160 families would be a better choice!). The donation (minimum 5 €) will be devoted to two projects.
The same thing can be done with children's clothing, toys, etc. ...
gasisti Some have asked me if we could give them away here is your chance. Furthermore, the initiative encourages
the recycled: REUSE is also good for the environment !
See you soon anna
- gas Avigliana

Hello everyone I am Marcello,
gasisti for "historic" ... man de l ' Havana ... and more recently the man of Cusco ...
friend of Williams (Willy) who got the idea to dedicate as "GASisti" deserved a little present, even to help stand in these long months, say also "not pleased" that will pass away from home in that city in India where the food is very very good, especially the meat ... and where everyone is cordial, friendly and speak good of the Val di Susa ...
Lia The nest egg that has collected in a few days has exceeded the expenditure .
What to do: with the consent of William and Angela (who can only say yes) we said that the difference (about 50 euro) could be the beginning of a down payment for a Solidarity Fund.
stable, concrete of our group, where a fund to inject our "good deeds" ...
Through various initiatives, to which Anna Veltri and his team are actively working on, we want to make bodied this fund for 2011 and assigning it to a couple of projects ... one near us, 0 km, visible palpable ... every day ... and a further, but known and where "definitely" our little contribution will be well spent ...
restaurant offers FREE (Association against the Mafia) Abel Group, which we know to be in severe financial difficulties, we should all know well ... for those who are distracted or have lost a piece to upgrade just search the internet ...
Internationally (if you can say that) ... the democratically impose Qalauma Center ... a project in Bolivia MLAL , condotto dell’amico Riccardo Giavarini, che si occupa di giovani carcerati… forse qualcuno si ricorderà perchè ne avevo accennato una sera, circa un anno fa, di ritorno dal viaggio che avevo fatto con mio figlio…(allego anche un documento che il MLAL mi ha mandato)
Per entrambi si tratterà di gocce di solidarietà nel mare profondo di “bisogno” …
Concretamente si pensava ad una cifra totale “significativa” diciamo intorno ai mille…superata la quale (non ci diamo limiti …pensiamo in grande) potremmo “cercare “ qualche altra realtà locale e internazionale alla quale far arrivare il nostro piccolo, ma concreto sostegno.
We would like to "brand" not only as a GAG (Group of Friends Gourmet) also a bit like ... GAS
It is recognized that it is not an obligation ... although ...
Marcello (man Havana)
Dear supporters,
the process taking place in Bolivia for the establishment of a new constitutional framework that provides guidelines territorial autonomy, and therefore a precise allocation of powers and responsibilities at each level of government is problematic and inevitably intersects territorial separatism with the persistence of social tension.
institutional and political tensions, and the size of the role of the state, could therefore reduce the amount of initiative to other economic or social structures such as civil society, NGOs and other forms of cooperation, even with a heavier bureaucratic procedures (well known to our local offices) for approval and monitoring of projects, and for the various forms of authorization.
In particular, the cooperation partners-American suspected of encouraging hostility to the government under the banner of human rights, press freedom and enterprise - have already shifted the country.
This, in brief, the framework within which we are operating as ProgettoMondo Mlal, as we are engaged in strengthening networks of small producers OECAS with the Food Safety Project Life Campesina; of 33 Andean communities through responsible tourism with the project Bienvenidos !; network of children working with the new project the profession to grow, with the approaching opening of the prison facilities for children Qalauma; Mamita with the Project, to defend children's rights in the city of La Paz, and that for improving nutrition in schools Cotagaita (Sons of the Mine).
All these projects are funded from relations solidarity, support and exchange that many territories, organizations and individuals we have here and we also thank. More and more
Bolivia represents ProgettoMondo Mlal a strategic country, and for the strength of our roots, and then for the system of relationships that is built and developed over more than 40 years of continuous presence, both for the challenges this country offers more than ever for international cooperation.
Ivana Borsotto
Program Manager
ProgettoMondo Mlal
These last months have been very intense and very good results.
last half have been organized more visits with the children of San Pedro in Qalauma and recently the new Centre is also populated by girls and women's prisons Obrajes of Miraflores.
all began in June with a first group of eight boys from San Pedro we accompanied Qalauma later in August had been made out that they had seen two other involved 11 and then 16 boys. Finally, the last exit in October with 18 boys and girls.
After much hesitation, both by the police that the children themselves, about such an initiative that brings out the prisoners from the minors for a few days living in the new Education Centre opened by ProgettoMondo Mlal to Viacha, these days they are proved unforgettable.
Prior to this experience were the many-minded pilot experiment we proposed. Inside the prisons
Qalauma rumor that he was a concentration camp or a place of punishment.
For this reason, the first few times, we encountered much resistance from the boys to give their consent.
But, little by little, they themselves have understood that you can live Qalauma detention, in respect of the person and of his age.
So much so that even after the third visit, the same young prisoners of San Pedro, decided to create a committee to push the government to speed up a formal opening and then the full functioning of the Centre.
Kevin (one of the guys from San Pedro), thus making, youth representative of the prison, he has worked to promote a collection
signatures between prisoners and submitted it to the governor, in charge of prisons.
In October there was a hunger strike organized by prisoners who claimed their rights: in that occasion, Kevin, and his companions have made their voices heard also.
Today in the prisons of La Paz all know Qalauma center, and many are eagerly awaiting its opening, as you will remember that-unfortunately depends on an agreement made by different authorities and is therefore subject to a series of unexpected events, red tape, delays varied.
advantage-if I may say-of this period of impasse, the team of Qalauma is working to prepare the area so that everything works then the best.
are then made to raise awareness workshops with police officers who then will be used to Viacha because
know about the project and the educational model on which it is based, and also because they have more information on the status of the adolescent and the functioning of justice .
It sounds absurd, but if the Bolivian justice now laments serious shortcomings, the responsibility is also a security system that is still partial.
To ensure that Qalauma functions is therefore of paramount importance that the security system work with all other professionals.
and seminars conducted for the prison service seem to have given good results: the changes were noted in the relationship with the boys and a greater willingness to cooperate. In addition, the team
Qalauma organized a seminar to raise awareness with the judges of the Superior Court of the city of La Paz and the city of El Alto.
We wanted to make known to the judges, who denied the necessary permits for the outputs of two days of jail, the aims and methods proposed by the project.
It happened often that the team requires permission for 30 students, but eventually received permission only for the half.
Unfortunately, this has been a major impediment to our programming and to overcome this problem is thought to promote a seminar attended by 35 judges.
Participation was very active, as revealed to them, was the best way to clear doubts.
is also planned another meeting in which, in addition to judges, will be invited international speakers: Brazilians (APAC method is in fact Brazilian), English, Swiss and Italians.
Finally, another objective of the team, carries out awareness raising and prevention also nella società civile.
L’equipe sta infatti collaborando con le scuole superiori di Viacha con l’idea di potere svolgere attività preventive con adolescenti dai 16 ai 18 anni.
Sono stati anche realizzati una serie di eventi pubblici per sensibilizzare la popolazione del paese in cui sorge Qaluama perché la struttura non venga vissuta come estranea e scomoda dalla popolazione.
Insomma l’equipe del Progetto è sempre in fermento, io stessa lascio con profondo dispiacere questo ventaglio di occasioni, anche se sento come altrettanto grande la soddisfazione per i risultati ottenuti.
In questi mesi ho lavorato come casco Bianco insieme all’equipe, e insieme abbiamo pianificato, eseguito e valutato tutte le activities of which I have recounted above.
Every day we walked to conduct workshops in prisons, and were authentic relationship with the boys.
Some of them are open to me telling me their stories, others have found my support in a welcoming smile.
I want to thank them ... because they were the co-authors of my own experience.
So much so that the penultimate day of my stay in Bolivia, the boys from San Pedro wanted to prepare a meal in prison, buy rice, salad, potatoes and pork chops.
It was a big expense for them, el'hanno done for me in gratitude!
We said goodbye hugs and movingly between phrases of hope ... unforgettable moments that are engraved in our hearts.
Ester Bianchini
Old White
ProgettoMondo Mlal Bolivia
Bianchini, for a year in voluntary community service program in our Qalauma, for which he has followed the activities organized in prison for minors held in San Pedro, she returned to Italy. His valuable work and careful ProgettoMondo Mlal allowed to gather much evidence of a world, the Bolivian prison, that does not pit the front pages of our media.
Thanks Esther!
In its place, two other young white helmet just selected: Cinti Diego, 26 years of Ascoli Piceno and Simona Durzu, 23 anni, cagliaritana. Entrambi partiranno per la Bolivia il primo febbraio. A loro un in bocca al lupo fin d’ora.
Lo scorso ottobre, Projecto solidario, Ong spagnola impegnata in programmi di sviluppo dedicati ai giovani, ha consegnato un premio a Riccardo per il suo strenuo e appassionato impegno in difesa della condizione dei giovani in carcere. Complimenti Riccardo!
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