Non ci sono solo politici filo-Berlusconi, signori dell’acciaio e del cemento e cosche mafiose di mezzo mondo a guardare con interesse alla realizzazione del Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina. Anche i militari statunitensi che risiedono nelle basi in Italia sembrano attendere con impazienza l’avvio dei lavori dell’opera. “È un progetto assai ambizioso, di cui si è discusso per decenni”, scrive Stars and Stripes , l’organo ufficiale delle forze armate USA. “La realizzazione richiederà anni, ma una volta completato, il Ponte permetterà di viaggiare tra le basi dell’US Navy di Sigonella e Napoli più quickly. Currently cars must rely on the ships to cross the strait that separates the Sicilian city of Messina from the mainland. "
For the Pentagon, then, is very important to speed megainfrastruttura - presumably - the land routes between the two major Naval Air Station that the U.S. Navy has in the Mediterranean, the base of Sigonella in Sicily and the complex operating Gaeta-Naples-Capodichino, real springboards for military operations in Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan.
course commands USA sees a very positive also plan to upgrade the highway network and train in Italy, Mestre bypass and TAV in the head. "Several major road projects under construction - writes Stars and Stripes - are close to the communities in which they live and operate U.S. military. Aviano and Vicenza, in particular, will benefit from a couple of these projects. Sull'A28 interventions will enable communities living around the air base at Aviano to link directly to the A4 motorway connecting Milan to Venice. " [1] Even more important from the military and geostrategic articolarto plan for the High-speed rail in Central and Northern Italy, especially those relating to the so-called "Corridor 5" for the European Union should connect Lisbon to Kiev. The corridor runs through our country on the Turin-Genoa-Milan-Trieste, passing some of the major air bases and land under control of the United States and NATO (Solbiate Olona, \u200b\u200bGhedi, Vicenza Camp Ederle and Molin, Aviano, etc.. ). [2]
In the case of the Strait of Messina Bridge is certain the military significance of the infrastructure, if only for its defense against attacks or acts of terrorism will need to enable a massive and expensive military system (missiles ground-air and anti-ship, fighter-bombers, submarines and naval units, emergency departments assistance, etc..), which will lead to a further quantum leap in the process of militarization of the southern Italy. [3] around the project crossing of the Strait of Messina and then rotate the interests of transnational capital that controls the military-industrial complex and the joint undertakings engaged in the construction of military bases and major works from the most impactful point socially and environmentally. A Bridge object of desire of businesses, industries and contractors in the hands of the warlords of the XXI century.
The first aspect relating to marriage Ponte-War concerns the backlog of some of the companies calls for the design and implementation of the Straits of Messina megaopera. In fact, they are the same among the protagonists in the construction and expansion of major U.S. and NATO bases in Italy. And not only.
Impregilo , for example, lead the temporary joint venture general contractor for the bridge, in 2006 it concluded its work to modernize the military airport of Capodichino (Naples), available to the Air Force, U.S. Navy and NATO operating in Europe, Africa and the Persian Gulf. Up June 2006, the same Impregilo, through its subsidiary Impregilo Construction and Services, held 60% of the shares of "Gricignano 3", a company engaged in facility management services at the hospital in the U.S. Navy Gricignano d'Aversa (Caserta). [4] Impregilo is also involved in the completion of two high-speed rail routes to greater environmental and social impact, the Bologna-Florence-Milan and Novara, and the construction of the highway through Mestre. Especially the last two works are those that take the Pentagon's strategic importance to the network connection between the command e i reparti USA ospitati nelle regioni nord-orientali d’Italia.
In cordata con Impregilo per i lavori del Ponte c’è poi l’azienda leader della Lega delle Cooperative , la CMC – Cooperativa Muratori Cementisti di Ravenna, che arriverà nello Stretto con i manager ed i mezzi che operano ininterrottamente da dodici anni nella base siciliana di Sigonella. Questa infrastruttura dell’US Navy è al centro di un vasto programma di potenziamento infrastrutturale. Nel gennaio 2008 si sono conclusi i lavori del cosiddetto “Mega IV Multiple Buildings Naval Air Station”, con la realizzazione di una scuola all’interno NAS1 of (the area used as a residential center for the U.S. military) and seven other buildings with a variety of uses, primarily offices and workshops, in the working area on the NAS 2 (the airport with arms depots and hangars for fighter-bombers and patrol boats). The full amount of work, for a value of 59.5 million euro, were the prerogative of the CMC.
the Sigonella base, the cooperative of Ravenna has also completed the works of the Mega Plan III, funded by the Department of the Navy in 2001. With the Mega III were made roads, parking lots, plazas, picnic areas in green, six multi-purpose buildings, a shopping center and a complex sportivo e ricreativo per le truppe USA. Ancora più sostanzioso il valore di questo programma: alla CMC sono andati infatti 76,3 milioni di euro. Altri 80 miliardi di vecchie lire finirono invece alla “coop” nel 1996 per il Piano Mega II (la realizzazione di alloggi per i sottufficiali americani ed altre sei palazzine adibite a uffici e centri operativi). La cooperativa “rossa” compare poi nel consorzio che dovrà realizzare la galleria di circa 10 chilometri a Venaus, in Val di Susa, nell’ambito dei lavori per l’Alta Velocità ferroviaria Torino-Lione (siamo ancora nell’ambito del cosiddetto “corridoio 5”). E, come se non bastasse, nel marzo 2008 le forze armate USA hanno signed a contract with CMC for 245 million euro for the construction of infrastructure that will host the airport Dal Molin di Vicenza, the military in the strength of the U.S. Army 173rd Airborne Brigade, currently operating from bases at Camp Ederle (Vicenza) , and Scweinfurt Bamberg (Germany). [5] At the banquet of war, Cooperativa Muratori Cementisti Ravenna participating with CCC - Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni of Bologna, the colossus of the Cooperative League of that the former CMC member. [6]
return to Sicily, a significant role in pro-and pro-bridge foundations is was hired by major local construction company. The Demoter of Messina, for example, a leader in ground handling - also affirmed in Trentino Alto Adige, Tuscany and Calabria - has been the sub-contractor of the consortium Ferrofir (members Astaldi , Di Penta and Impregilo ) in the realization of the long tunnel between the Peloritani Villafranca Tirrena and Messina, prepared in view of building the railway passing through the Strait of Messina Bridge. In May 2005, the Demoter also noted the last batch to complete, the A-20 Messina-Palermo, the access roads to the districts of Joust and Annunziata provided as penetration into highway Cape Pelorus in Sicily and the future of the Tower Bridge. For such work the Demoter was associated with the Venetian Cordioli and C. and AIA Construction of Catania, a company that has created a building for the management of ammunition "in the U.S. airbase at Aviano, the air terminal for passengers and freight basis of NATO's Naples-Capodichino and some accommodation for U.S. military stationed in the latter military infrastructure. Construction The AIA has also participated in the creation of the new airport of Catania Fontananossa (regularly used by military aircraft of the armed forces of U.S. and Italian), the hotel "Navy Lodge, hospital "Med-Dental" and a school complex of the U.S. base at Sigonella.
Messina Demoter The company has also done work for 5.2 million euro for the completion of the "Residence Mineo" that houses in the territory eponymous Sicilian town, 400 family housing for U.S. personnel in force to Sigonella. The surgery was carried out for the Pizzarotti Parma, another Italian construction giant that has participated in the race for the general contractor of the bridge on the rope with the group Astaldi of Rome.
The Pizzarotti is a leading construction of military bases in Italy. In 1979 she was entrusted with the construction of a number of facilities within the Naval Air Station Sigonella when the base was chosen by Washington strategists as an operational base and advanced to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East of the Rapid Deployment Force, the Force d 'rapid intervention by the U.S. armed forces. In the mid-80s Pizzarotti also participated in the construction of numerous facilities in the base of Comiso (Ragusa), used by the U.S. Air Force for installation of 112 missiles with nuclear warheads. [7] The same Pizzarotti realized in Sicily complex "Belper Housing" which houses 526 apartments for independent Sigonella personnel. More recently (2003), the Department of the Navy "has awarded the company to Parma to build a complex of buildings to be used as a residence for 300 Marines based in Camp Ederle, Vicenza (cost 20 million €) . The Pizzarotti then carried out the renovation and expansion of the docks of the U.S. naval base in Santo Stefano (Archipelago de La Maddalena), used until the spring of 2008 as a support base for nuclear submarines stationed in the Mediterranean.
Another partner 's Impregilo and CMC in the design and construction of the bridge, Italian Society Pipelines for Water , has created a storage hangar and some buildings in the Army Aviation helicopters based in Lamezia Terme, where it operates the 2nd Regiment "Sirio" (Aircraft AB 205 and AB 412). Also in Calabria, pipelines built the buildings for the Police Training School in Reggio Calabria (eight blocks in total for a net area of \u200b\u200b65,000 square meters and a payload capacity of 253,000 cubic meters). At the end of the 80 companies participated in the work of construction of the plant Alenia Aeronautica Nola (Caserta). At that time pipes belonged to the group IRI and was presided over by General Mario de Sena, former commander of the Carabinieri. In 1994, the company then passed under the control of Iritecna that in those years was also a shareholder in the Strait of Messina Spa. [8]
The Alenia Nola is now used for the assembly of components used in civil and military aircraft. The production of Alenia Aeronautica includes, among others, the C-27J tactical transport aircraft, or ATR42MP and ATR72ASW, aircraft specially designed for maritime patrol missions, recemente sold well in India, Libya and Nigeria. Alenia also plays a key role in some of the military programs internazionali più importanti, come i cacciabombardieri Eurofighter Typhoon e Joint Strike Fighter F-35 e il dimostratore UCAV Neuron.
Ad ulteriore conferma della vocazione militare di buona parte delle convitate al banchetto dei lavori del Ponte, l’incarico delle attività di monitoraggio ambientale, territoriale e sociale per la fase ante operam, di costruzione (in opera) e di esercizio (post operam) dell’infrastruttura e dei suoi collegamenti stradali e ferroviari, è stato affidato ad un raggruppamento d’imprese in cui compare la Theolab Srl , una dei maggiori laboratori di analisi ambientali, chimiche e microbiologiche in Italia, di proprietà del Gruppo Tazzetti di Volpiano (Torino). Theolab vanta una lunga esperienza come contractor dell’Air Force Centre for Environmental Excellence, la struttura specialistica dell’Aeronautica militare degli Stati Uniti che esegue i monitoraggi ambientali delle proprie basi in Europa.
Export d’armi in attesa dell’affare dello Stretto
La Società Stretto di Messina , concessionaria pubblica per la realizzazione del Ponte, ha e ha avuto nel proprio consiglio d’amministrazione alcuni dei personaggi più significativi della storia recente del complesso militare industriale italiano.
Giuseppe Zamberletti, Presidente della Stretto di Messina, è stato uno dei politici particolarmente attivi nella campagna orchestrata dalle grandi imprese belliche per la modifica della legge 185 del 1990 che regola l’export di armi, a favore della piena “liberalizzazione” in materia. “Siamo contro le norme, introdotte dall’area parlamentare più utopistica e massimalista, realmente assurde, come quelle relative ai paesi in via di sviluppo”, ha dichiarato lo stesso Zamberletti in occasione di un seminario organizzato nella primavera del 1999 dall’ Istituto ricerche e informazioni difesa ( Istrid ), insieme to major national companies war. [9]
Emmanuel Emmanuel, until April 2005 the board of directors of the concessionaire for the Bridge, is a member of ' Agusta SpA, one of the largest companies in the world market for helicopter gunships (sales of over EUR 2.5 billion and a backlog of over 7.6 billion). [10] The Agusta operates in joint venture with Britain's Westland and is controlled by Finmeccanica, the holding in large part to public capital that has absorbed the main Italian companies operating in the military, aerospace and nuclear energy. In addition to Agusta, Finmeccanica's Alenia Aeronautica controls, Selenia Communications, Ama , Aermacchi , Galileo Avionica , AnsaldoBreda and Ansaldo Energia. Former board member of Finmeccanica was also Dr. Pietro Ciucci, CEO of today Stretto di Messina , but especially the President of ANAS , the body that is the majority shareholder of the public broadcaster. To the Board of Directors of Finmeccanica was also a member of Professor Ernesto Monti, president of Astaldi , big loser nella gara per il general contractor del Ponte.
Anche l’odierno presidente del consiglio d’amministrazione di Impregilo , Massimo Ponzellini, è stato consigliere d’amministrazione di Finmeccanica. Ponzellini sbarcò alla holding militare dopo aver ricoperto l’incarico di direttore generale del Centro Studi Nomisma e dirigente superiore dell’ IRI negli anni della presidenza di Romano Prodi. Successivamente Massimo Ponzellini fu nominato vicepresidente della Banca Europea per gli Investimenti (BEI). Nel 2001 il manager intervenne direttamente per esprimere la disponibilità della banca di cui era rappresentante a “sostenere, up to 50%, the financing of the bridge over the Strait. " [11]
CEO of the holding company of the Italian military-industrial complex was Alberto Lina, Impregilo CEO until 2007. Years of driving Lina Finmeccanica have been marked by the signing of important international agreements. After the merger of with Agusta Westland in July 1998, the manager promuovette partnership between Alenia Difesa and Britain's General Electric Company , creating the joint venture Alenia Marconi Systems NV "for development of ground radar and naval systems, command and control missile. The headquarters of the new company was established in the Netherlands and were opened two administrative offices in Chelmsford and Rome.
The propensity of the construction company based in Sesto San Giovanni for managers with wide experience in the military might seem, at first, simply as a result of chance, but if you look at the composition and investment of some of its major shareholders, there is a strong suspicion that it is instead a result of the interpenetration financial "weapons-cement." After the flurry of acquisitions and disposals of shareholdings that have characterized the last two years' Impregilo , are mainly banks and foreign private investment funds to exercise control over the today's construction company. From July 14, 2008, for example, Deutsche Bank holds 5.45% stake in Impregilo. The German institute, both at home and in Italy, between donors and major donor of war production credit for military exports. According to the Campaign military pressure on banks, only Deutsche Bank last year has given cover to the transfer of Italian arms abroad for a value of € 173.9 million, up 14.2% of exports, second only to banking group Unicredit . [12]
Deutsche Bank is not limited only to banking activities. The banking group is directly holds a share of about 45.8 million dollars EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, aerospace holding company headquartered in the Netherlands. EADS was created in 2000 by three leading companies in the European military-industrial complex: Aerospatiale Matra (France), Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace ( DASA, Germany) and Aeronáuticas Construcciones (CASA , Spain). For turnover, the holding company is now the second largest gruppo aerospaziale al mondo (dopo Boeing ) e il secondo produttore di sistemi d’armi in Europa dopo BAE Systems . Alla inarrestabile crescita di EADS ha fortemente contribuito Deutsche Bank , la quale, oltre ad acquisirne una quota, ha assicurato dal 2003 importanti finanziamenti per la realizzazione del “Programma Industriale a Medio Termine” di EADS e, due anni dopo, erogando un credito per tre miliardi di euro per lo sviluppo di alcune delle sue più importanti linee di produzione. [13]
Tra i sistemi d’arma che hanno contribuito all’affermazione economica del gigante europeo, si annoverano le differerenti versioni degli elicotteri “Eurocopter”, l’elicottero multiuso NH-90, ma soprattutto i velivoli cargo prodotti dal Consorzio Airbus , controllato per l’80% da EADS . Con sede principale a Tolosa (Francia) ed oltre 55.000 dipendenti, Airbus produce sia numerosi modelli utilizzati per il trasporto civile, sia i velivoli militari multiruolo A310 e A330 MRTT ed il quadrimotore da trasporto tattico A400M, quest’ultimo acquistato da diversi paesi dell’Unione europea, Stati Uniti, Turchia, Malesia e Sud Africa. Il 29 febbraio 2008, a seguito del megacontratto per 35 miliardi di dollari sottoscritto dall’US Air Force con la società statunitense Northrop Grumman and for the construction of 179 KC-45 refueling tankers, EADS has been chosen as the main subcontractor. In fact, the KC-35 is a modified version of the existing Airbus 330 and will be used for refueling of fighter jets. The one with Northrop Grumman - EADS is the most important economic agreement ever signed by the Department of Defense United States of America.
EADS and Northrop Grumman beside General Dynamics Canada, French Thales, Indra Sistemas the English and Italian Galileo Avionica ( Finmeccanica), appear in the consortium Transatlantic Industrial Partnership for Surveillance - TIPS "costiuito in pursuit of AGS - Alliance Ground Surveillance, the NATO program monitoring global land, which command may be installed in the base of Sigonella Sicily. Again this is a big order, € 532 million, the largest in the history of the Atlantic Alliance. The vital core of AGS will consist of the use of radar and unmanned aircraft, satellites and sophisticated telecommunications systems. NATO sources have confirmed that Europe's Airbus aircraft will be used 321 (EADS) and the unmanned Global Hawk (Northrop Grumman). [14] In
EADS customer base there are other countries that face conflict and the index for the persecution of minorities or human rights violations. Were produced by EADS's helicopter gunships used in India for some attacks in Nepal. The European consortium also has a significant presence in equity AviChina, a company that has sold military parts to China Airlines, Sudan and Burma. The strong international criticism for the production of ammunition "PR Cargo" by the joint venture TDA SA, consisting of EADS and France's Thales . They sarebbero assimilabili alle “clusterbomb”, le famigerate bombe a grappolo che al momento dell’esplosione generano altre centinaia di bombe più piccole che possono non esplodere, occultandosi nei campi in attesa di colpire alla stregua delle mine anti-uomo. A causa della produzione di bombe “PR Cargo”, il Fondo Pensioni Statale della Norvegia aveva preannunciato nel 2005 l’esclusione del finanziamento a favore della joint venture TDA S.A., provvedimento rientrato dopo la presentazione di un rapporto di EADS che negava la violazione del Trattato di Ottawa che bandisce la produzione di mine terrestri. I Fondi norvegesi, tuttavia, si sono rifiutati di finanziare EADS a causa della sua compartecipazione nel Consortium MBDA, a producer of advanced missile systems, as well as directly interested in developing nuclear weapons. The Consortium MBDA was created in 2001 by EADS, BAE Systems and Alenia Marconi , company Finmeccanica constituted in the management of Alberto Lina, then CEO Impregilo .
Banks and financial-nuclear armed
Among the shareholders of the company's general contractor Strait Bridge is another banking giant stranger, 'ABN Amro , con sede in Olanda. Dopo essersi dichiarato disponibile a coprire in parte il finanziamento dei lavori dell’opera, nel gennaio 2008 ABN Amro ha deciso di entrare direttamente nel capitale d’Impregilo accettando la richiesta di IGLI (la finanziaria di controllo formata dai gruppi Benetton, Gavio e Ligresti) di rastrellare sul mercato sino al 3% delle azioni della società. Dopo un anno, il gruppo bancario deciderà se restare in Impregilo oppure trasferire a terzi le azioni acquisite (al momento rappresentano il 2.18% del capitale della società di Sesto San Giovanni). Lo storico istituto olandese è proprietà di una holding che vede la partecipazione, tra gli altri, del Banco Santander Central Hispano SA and Royal Bank of Scotland . As in the case of Deutsche Bank we are faced with two European groups involved financially in favor of the production and marketing of systems of war.
Together with five other institutions in Spain, in April 2008, Banco Santander has signed an agreement with EADS (the company that has space in Deutsche Bank) to provide a loan of 554 million of € as a guarantee of a job on the Brazilian air force to twelve C-295 transport planes and eight patrol boats to the modernization of P-3 "Orion". [15] The Institute Spain also controls 50% of Vista Capital, a financial holding his fly 23% of Grupo Maxam Corp., the holding company referred to by six English firms of the defense sector, the most famous of which is Explosivos Alaveses - Expal , a manufacturer of explosives, detonators, fuses, etc. .. On May 22, 2008, the plant inputs Expal Madrid were occupied by Greenpeace-España symbolically to condemn its use for the production of cluster bombs BME330, capable of spreading between 180 and 512 submunitions in the area reduced. Even in this case, the bombs failed to explode are converted into potential land mines.
The Banco de Santander then has a stake of 0.92% of Indra Sistemas SA , the largest English war, a partner of " Transatlantic Industrial Partnership for Surveillance - TIPS " Achieving the NATO AGS system . Indra mainly produces simulators, firing systems and components for defense electronics, also participates in the assembler Eurofighter combat aircraft, the Leopard tank, the fragata F-100 and Tiger helicopter, intended for military programs of the European Union and NATO. The English company also operates in the equipment of the U.S. missile "Sparrow" and, in association with Thales in the development of flight simulator for the A400M military transport aircraft of Airbus .
The Royal Bank of Scotland, another important group that has acquired Amro Bank, is the second bank in the United Kingdom and the fifth in the world, boasting a market capitalization of over € 75 billion. Is its strong presence in banking services for the benefit of British companies producing arms. The institute, based in Edinburgh is in possession of large blocks of shares of defense industries for a total of 36.4 million pounds. In particular, The Royal Bank of Scotland has the majority ownership of Doncasters Group Ltd, a company with plants in Europe, China, Mexico and the United States and operating in ingnegneristico and production of aerospace components. Its turnover in 2006 exceeded $ 940 million and among the largest customers appear Boeing, Pratt & Whitney , Rolls-Royce and Honeywell . The French subsidiary of Doncasters working on behalf of the Airbus Consortium ; in June 2007 was also signed an agreement with EuroProp International production factories Shewsbury (Great Britain), components for aircraft engine Airbus A400M military, the same aircraft that the English working Indra Sistemas . [16]
Another shareholder Impregilo (3%), the Banca Popolare di Milano , has for years been a technical operation of the financial transactions of firearms produced by Italian companies. The value of transactions carried out by the institution in this sector in 2006 was 17.7 million euro. [17] a result of pressure from the Armed Country Banks and Bank Ethics (which is a member of the Banca Popolare di Milano), 7 January 2007, the group headquarters in Milan si sono impegnate per il futuro ad “un ulteriore sensibilie riduzione della proprie operazioni” a favore del’esportazione di armi. La banca ha tuttavia ammesso di aver effettuato nel biennio 2005-06, quarantasei operazioni d’incasso per un valore complessivo di 61.890.000 euro. È stato inoltre autorizzato il pagamento “di un compenso d’intermediazione per euro 1.576.000” ed effettuato un “incasso di euro 771.000 nell’ambito di un programma di coproduzione intergovernativa per il quale non necessita preventiva autorizzazione”. Francia, Gran Bretagna, Grecia, USA, India e Turchia i paesi destinatari delle transazioni che hanno “riguardato essenzialmente componenti per aeromobili e in minor Part filtration units for ships. " [18]
made even more inextricable relationship between the Impregilo the international military industrial complex, we think of the private investment funds that control major shares. About 5.8% of the shares of construction companies is held by Centaurus Capital background lanciatonel 2000 by former executives employed by the French BNP Paribas . The funds Centaurus hold 30% of the Dutch company Stork BV , active in the construction and assembly of components of aircraft. The orders in the military about the fighter F-35 Lightning II, the Airbus SAS A380 NH90 multi-purpose helicopter. Change companies but they are almost always the same means of death. Last year the fund has entered the field of new technologies, along with other European partners by investing 28.5 million dollars on Gemfire Corporation, a company based in California and Livingston (Great Britain), a manufacturer of circuit electronic, telecommunications equipment and fiber optics used in the aerospace industry.
Other fund management "savings" in this Impregilo (9.8% of the shares) is Fidelity Management and Research - FMR LLC, the group Fidelity Investments in Boston. This is one of the leading U.S. business, owned by billionaire Edward Crosby "Ned" Johnson III, former U.S. Army officer. A deep bond with the military establishment, to the point that two of the major investment plans offered by Fidelity, the Promoting Fidelity's Destiny I and II , are directed almost esclusivamnete to U.S. military personnel. FMR LLC also controls 4.8% of the capital Prysmian Cables & Systems Inc. ., The Milan-based company which in 2005 acquired the shares and assets of the Cables and Systems Division di Pirelli & C. .
Prysmian è tra i leader mondiali nella produzione di fibre e cavi ottici per la trasmissione di video, dati e voce nel settore civile e militare. La controllata Prysmian Cavi e Sistemi Energia Italia vanta tra i suoi maggiori clienti la Marina Militare italiana. Prysmian Cables & Systems è inoltre una delle principali società internazionali operanti nel cablaggio di centrali nucleari. Nel luglio 2008, la China Nuclear Power Engineering Company le ha affidato la progettazione, produzione e installazione dei cavi speciali che verranno utilizzati per cablare due nuove centrali in fase di costruzione nelle province di Liaoning and Fujian.
Besides Impregilo Prysmian Fidelity Management and Research is a shareholder of FIAT (5%) of megacorporation MC Donalds Burger Co. (3.7%), and of Ansaldo STS (1.9%), a subsidiary of Finmeccanica . Ansaldo STS manufactures and installs advanced technologies for rail and underground and is one of the leading companies engaged in high speed, with contracts in Italy, France, Japan, China and South Korea is also a partner of socieità Impregilo and Italian Companies Pipelines Water in the works of construction of the railway Verona-Padova. He also implemented part of the electronic control components of the railway line between Paris and London through the Channel Tunnel.
Iraq. Before the bombs, then contracts
Overall Bridge-war scenario are also present for men and companies that have divided their efforts between the activities towards the creation of megainfrastruttura in the Strait of Messina and the "reconstruction" of Iraq after the devastating bombing campaign of the international coalition led by Washington.
Among the former members of the Board of Directors of Stretto di Messina SpA , consisted of two people who then will play a key role in the plans of action "civil" in the war-torn Middle Eastern country: on the . Vito Riggio, the former manager Montedison, Lino Cardarelli.
Vito Riggio, chairman of today's ' National Board of Civil Aviation - Civil Aviation Authority , is also a member of the board of the' Italian Consortium infrastructure and transport for Iraq "with its registered office Rome and members ANAS, Railways , Italferr , ENAC and ENAV . The consortium has been entrusted to study and implement a plan Iraqi general transport. The principal organ of the occupying coalition Administration (CPA), the interim government installed in Baghdad by the United States and the "allies" immediately after the invasion. Strictly dependent on the CPA was the PMO (Program Management Office), the agency which coordinated the economic, financial and industrial reconstruction, of which he was deputy head, of course, Lino Cardarelli. The
as governor "provisional" of Iraq and head of the CPA was covered by American Paul Bremer, executive director and consultant senior at the time of the air against the Twin Towers in New York, the insurance giant MMC - Marsh & McLennan Companies. With annual sales of more than twelve billion dollars, 26,000 employees and customers in over 100 countries worldwide, MMC-Marsh & McLennan Companies Marsh's wholly-owned SpA, the Milan-based company that won the tender insurance broker on the risk of construction work on the bridge across the Strait. The term of office will be for 108 months, depending on the timing of completion of the work and the first two years of operation thereof.
MMC - Marsh is now among the insurance companies more involved in the global risk coverage for all segments of the nuclear industry (from design to implementation and operation of nuclear reactors). In July 2007, the subsidiary Marsh Inc., has also given life in Philadelphia to a center of excellence for nuclear power ( U.S. Nuclear Energy Center of Excellence) . "The center will intervene in favor of nuclear industries to hedge business risks and investments", said James R. Pierce Jr., chief of Marsh Inc.. "Today, given the global attention to the development of alternative energy sources to coal, the U.S. industries are returning to the option of nuclear energy and this brings about the rebirth of this area. Our goal is to support them to assess and manage the 'all risks associated with the design, development, construction, operation and plant safety. "That is not just the nuclear" civil "is demonstrated by his appointment as head of the Center of Excellence by J. Shannon Moyer, already in service eight years as commander of the U.S. Navy's nuclear submarines. [19]
MMC - Marsh & McLennan Companies has also enabled a division specializing in insurance for the risks arising from "international terrorism". This is in large part of the hedge contracts of large transnational areas of the planet torn by conflict (Iraq and Afghanistan, for example). As recalled by the writer Naomi Klein, author of No Logo Shock and Economy , just the central offices of the insurance company were housed in the North Tower of the World Trade Center, and were destroyed by the attacks launched on 11 September 2001. The collapse of the tower caused, among others, the deaths of 295 employees Marsh. [20]
The Administration of the occupying coalition headed by Paul Bremer and the Program Management Office with Deputy Lino Cardarelli have distributed millions of dollars to the general contractor called the "reconstruction" of airports, ports, road networks and Iraqi oil infrastructure. The companies, of course, are mostly American, among the most significant first Bechtel, Louis Berger and Parsons, all competitors of the deal Strait Bridge.
Bechtel is perhaps the most giant military-industrial-nuclear world, but has a role predominant in the energy sector, services and private control of water resources. Headquartered in San Francisco (California) and an annual turnover of more than fifteen billion dollars, Bechtel is deeply rooted in the military and political nell'establishment U.S. Republican. The vice president of Bechtel Corporation, Jack Sheehan, was until 1998 the U.S. Marine Corps general, and he was also appointed head of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic and Commander in Chief U.S. Atlantic Command. The board of Bechtel has been for a long time, George Shultz, former secretary of state of the powerful United States of America during the presidency of Richard Nixon. Counsel of Bechtel was also the former secretary of defense, Caspar Weinberg, and Kenneth Devis, today's group vice president from California, has occupied the post of Assistant Secretary for Energy of the administration of George Bush. George W. Bush Jr. has instead appointed the chairman of the board executive, Riley P. Bechtel, as a member of its Presidential Council for Exports.
Bechtel designed the English Channel, Among the most disastrous in the history of transport. The company also was among the first to offer to the Strait of Messina Spa willingness to participate in design and execution of the bridge, and in 1997 his managers also met in Messina the top of the concessionaire and the then president, now honorary Nino Calarco. [21] Despite
Bechtel International Inc. was present at the pre-qualifying for the detection of so-called "Project Management Consultant (PMC), which will be tasked to carry out the activities monitoring and verifying the final design, execution and implementation of the work of the Contractor General, the Californian group has not submitted the tender offer made to order 2005. Forse alla fine il management della società ha ritenuto poco vantaggioso il rapporto costi-benefici del Ponte.
Bechtel, oltre a contratti per milioni di dollari in Iraq, è impegnata con la Lockheed Martin nel nuovo programma di potenziamento del sistema missilistico nucleare e di sorveglianza spaziale avviato nell’atollo Kwajalein (“Reagan Test Site”), Isole Marshall, per conto dell’US Army Space and Missile Defense Command. Altri appalti per circa cinque miliardi di dollari sono stati ottenuti dal Dipartimento per l’Energia degli Stati Uniti per sviluppare gli impianti di processamento di uranio per la fabbricazione di testate nucleari di Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Bechtel Corporation gestisce inoltre la stazione per i test nucleari del Nevada, dove vengono eseguiti in profondità e con cadenza periodica i cosiddetti “esperimenti subcritici” (dal costo di circa venti milioni di dollari l’uno). [22]
Anche il gruppo Luois Berger , società d’ingegneria con sede in New Jersey, ha concorso, senza successo, al bando di gara per il Project Management Consultant del Ponte sullo Stretto. Luois Berger è guidato da un italo-americano, tale Nick Masucci, e ha come portavoce un altro italo-americano, Tom Nacastro. Oltre che in Iraq, il gruppo statunitense è presente nella ricostruzione di importanti international infrastructure in Afghanistan under occupation, where she also awarded subcontracts to small building contractors in Umbria. [23]
The race for the PMC was instead awarded to Parsons Transportation Group follow so that the final design of the Messina Bridge. U.S. giant engineering and construction sector, Parsons is based in Pasadena (California) and branches in over 80 countries worldwide. In Iraq, the Program Management Office has given the group Parsons contracts for millions of dollars for the reconstruction of dozens of civil and military infrastructure (even Naomi Klein points out a contract for 186 million dollars to build 142 clinics Medical, of which only six were completed in 2007). Since Bremer's CPA, Parsonsha well received, in a joint venture with a construction company based in Colorado, 28.5 million dollars to monitor the activity of four other major U.S. contractor in Iraq.
Parsons Transportation Group , that Saddam Hussein had made the bridge "July 14" on the Tigris and megacentrale electric power in the city of Baghdad, and designed the underground of the capital, is was also contracted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering for the "clearance and destruction of weapons" and the recovery of more oil and gas pipeline networks in Iraq. On behalf of the U.S. Air Force, the group Parsons rehabilitated the infrastructure of the base of Taji, a major operational areas of the armed forces of the allied coalition. The U.S. company has finally subcontractor of the giant Bechtel International Inc. for the construction of a megaprogramma infrastructure (water systems, hospitals, educational centers, barracks, police stations and prisons) coordinated by the PMO and funded in part by USAID, the ' U.S. agency cooperation.
Also in Iraq, for contracts totaling $ 200 million but ended up with Italian companies "friends" of the bridge, mainly Snamprogetti and Tecnimont (competing for the Project Management Consultant work) and Techint family of Italian-Argentine Rocca, head of the empire and the international steel major shareholder of Impregilo up the spring of 2007. The same Impregilo continues to aspire to important jobs in the civil war-torn Arab country.
Society of Sesto San Giovanni and the rest of the house on the chessboard in the Middle East: in the small emirate of Abu Dhabi, Impregilo has made several desalination plants and the largest mosque in the world. Even in Abu Dhabi, Giuseppe Zappia, the Italian-Canadian entrepreneur sotto processo a Roma con l’accusa di aver operato per conto di Cosa Nostra per un’abortita operazione di finanziamento dei lavori del Ponte, ha progettato un acquedotto di oltre 400 chilometri ed ottenuto ben otto contratti di costruzioni civili. Negli Emirati Arabi Uniti, Giuseppe Zappia ha anche lavorato alla realizzazione dei campi base utilizzati dalle forze armate USA per sferrare i suoi attacchi all’Iraq durante le due più recenti Guerre del Golfo.
[1] K. Harris, “Italy to tackle big road projects”, Stars and Stripes , European edition, April 12, 2003.
[2] Si veda in proposito: C. Bettio The TAV and the doubling of U.S. base in Vicenza , .
[3] A. Mangano, A. Mazzeo, Monster Strait. Seven good reasons not to build the bridge , Sicilia Punto L, Ragusa, 2006, pp. 91-93.
[4] Impregilo also contest, unsuccessfully, to different invitations to tender issued by the Department of Defense to upgrade the airport's air and Sigonella (Sicily), launched in the mid 90s.
[5] K. Harris, "U.S. Molin awards construction contract", Stars and Stripes, European edition, March 30, 2008.
[6] The Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni Bologna participating in the tender prior to the general contractor the bridge across the Straits on the rope with the group Astaldi of Rome, and thus as an opponent of the "social" CMC . The cooperative Bolognese was withdrawn, however, by the joint on the eve of final race.
[7] A. Mazzeo, The Mega Sigonella, paper, Campaign for the demilitarization of Sigonella, Catania, May 2004.
[8] Three years later the Italian Society for Water Pipelines was finally captured by the financial Ferfina of the Bruno family.
[9] G. Meroni, "The Italian lobby of arms," \u200b\u200b Life Magazine, January 14, 2005.
[10] name Emmanuel Emmanuel appeared until some time ago also in the boardrooms of financial Ferfina (holder of 98.5% of Italian Society for Water Pipelines ) and Pipelines Real Estate .
[11] Il Sole 24 Ore, April 20, 2001.
[12] G. Beretta, “Armi, il vero business italiano”, Mosaico di Pace , Aprile 2008.
[13] Netwerk Vlaanderen. Bank Secrets. Deutsche Bank: Harmful Investments , May 2008,
[14] Secondo quanto confermato dal Comando in Europa dell’US Air Force, la base siciliana di Sigonella fungerà da centro “hub” per i velivoli senza pilota Global Hawk in dotazione all’aeronautica e alla marina militare statunitense.
[15] A. Gutierrez, “Financieros de la Guerra”, 25 de septiembre de 2008, .
[16] Doncasters, Doncasters Aerospace Components Secures SNECMA Deal, Press Release, June 2007.
[17] F. Vignarca , Weapons: boom for Italian exports in 2006, " Altraeconomia , April 2007.
[18] Banca Popolare di Milano, Law 185/90. Reporting year 2006 technical operations of the BPM Group , Milan, January 7, 2007.
[19] Marsh & McLennan Companies, "Marsh Establishes U.S. Nuclear Energy Center of Excellence" Press Release , New York, July 19, 2007.
[20] N. Klein, Shock Economy. The rise of disaster capitalism , Bur Editore, Milan, 2008, p. 393.
[21] Nino Calarco is director of the South Journal, the leading newspaper in the province of Calabria and Messina, caratterizzatosi as the main spokesman of the "Lords of the Bridge."
[22] of Nevada for the station and the sub-critical nuclear tests, see: P. Farinella, experiments "subcritical" of the Nevada nuclear tests but not ... , Union of Scientists for Disarmament (USPID)
[23] D. De Joannon, A. Mazzeo, "bridge wars" Centonove , May 20, 2005.
Article published on November 12, 2008
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