Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Tell If Caps Is On A Logitech Kepboard

doubles. Italy will host the U.S. command for Africa, Africom

Napoli and Vicenza will host two components of Africom, the new U.S. military command for operations on the African continent. The foreign minister, Franco Frattini, confirmed the rumors that were leaked a month ago in Spain on the intention to transfer the Pentagon command center of the new military structure from Stuttgart in Rota (Cadiz) and / or Napoli, per avvicinarlo allo scacchiere operativo africano. Ma l’Italia stavolta raddoppia: oltre che sulle infrastrutture che la Marina USA possiede a Capodichino, Gricignano e Gaeta, Africom potrà contare sulle basi dell’US Army di Camp Ederle e Dal Molin, Vicenza.

Ripetendo il copione che caratterizza ogni scelta di politica militare, sono tante le menzogne e le omissioni del governo italiano. Nel corso di una conferenza stampa, presente l’ambasciatore statunitense in Italia Ronald Spogli , il ministro Frattini ha dichiarato che le due componenti di Africom che saranno ospitate a Napoli e Vicenza, “operano nel quadro della Nato”. Ebbene, Africom è stato istituito lo scorso anno dell’amministrazione Bush senza consultare gli alleati atlantici. Il Pentagono ha deciso unilateralmente le finalità dell’intervento in Africa (lotta al terrorismo, addestramento e armamento dei paesi partner) e i tempi di attivazione del comando transitorio di Stoccarda (Germania), delle basi e delle unità destinate ad intervenire in Africa.

Le operazioni (molte delle quali segrete) e le esercitazioni che si realizzano nel continente sono gestite esclusivamente da personale statunitense. Fare riferimento alla Nato per le operazioni USA in Africa è solo un modo per occultare la piena sudditanza di Roma a Washington.
Franco Frattini He also said that the choice of the Italian government has been taken after "also informed the African countries that have expressed great support for this decision." As if to say that while Parliament and the Italian people are kept unaware of plans to consolidate the country as a main springboard for the U.S. war, the disseminates foreign ministry officials and diplomats in Africa to obtain consent for commands and departments that only Djibouti, Liberia and Morocco are willing to host.
Foreign Minister has also added that "there will be no American combat troops assigned on a permanent basis" in Naples and Vicenza, but only "civilian components." Frattini, ie, emphasizes the purpose of "humanitarian assistance" of the new U.S. command, concealing what has greatly angered the Congress and most of the non-governmental organizations of the United States. In Stuttgart

only a dozen people assigned to AFRICOM are not employees of the Department of Defense, while more than a thousand aircraft are the military, army, navy, coast guard and marines of the United States of America. ;
Frattini, his goodness, states that "Africa's problems are not resolved by combat troops," and that in the unlikely event that there was no need for them, "these will come from Germany but not from Italy. " But maybe not from the bases of Bamberg in Germany and the departments of Scweinfurt 173 Airborne Brigade Vicenza when they reach that conclusion of the work Dal Molin airport?
As reported by the "National Network Disarmiamoli! , "the Foreign Ministry has also failed to mention that Italy is already home to other bases for the new war policy in Washington, Sigonella and Camp Darby, the latter the seat of Central Intelligence for the activities" anti-terrorism "in Africa Northern and Western Europe. "Joint Task Force JTF Aztec Silence" is the name of the special force created by the Department of Defense to conduct surveillance missions from Sicily land, air and naval and even actual bombing operations against civilian and military targets in the Sahel region.
U.S. Ambassador Ronald Spogli be recognized more sincerity. "The objectives of the new AFRICOM command - he said - focus on security and increased humanitarian assistance through four activities: conflict prevention, promotion of economic growth, migration control and prevention of terrorism."
to undress, the creation of the two subordinate commands of Naples and Vicenza Italy-US cooperation will promote, as is being done within the framework of G8 initiatives for the training of peacekeeping forces and actions against piracy off the Somali coast. " A nod to the multimillion-dollar arrangements entered into by military-industrial complexes of the two countries and the former Prime Minister Romano Prodi, appointed by the UN as head of operations of peacekeeping in Africa. Article published in December 4, 2008


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