Solventi chimici, diossina e persino arsenico nelle acque dei comuni campani in cui vivono le famiglie dei militari USA di stanza a Napoli. I risultati dei test effettuati dalla US Navy in 166 abitazioni prese in affitto nel napoletano e nel casertano outline a scenario of serious chemical and biological contamination of local water resources.
"I'm very high concentrations of volatile organic components in eleven homes in Casal di Principe," the Command of the Navy has ordered the immediate evacuation of personnel housed therein, and its transfer to the base of Gricignano . While Casal di Principe is declared "off limits", the presence of chemical agents found in "lesser amounts" in homes occupied by the U.S. military Arzano, Villa Literno Marcianise and led to the "temporary suspension of rent" in these three towns.
Il composto inquinante rilevato nelle acque è il tetracloroetene , anche noto come tetracloroetilene o PCE, un alogenuro organico utilizzato come solvente per lo sgrassaggio dei metalli nell’industria metallurgica, chimica e farmaceutica e per la produzione di pesticidi. Il suo uso è pure comune nelle lavanderie a secco, nei laboratori fotografici e nelle officine dove viene rimossa la vernice da superfici metalliche. Un solvente similare noto commercialmente è la trielina , che si differenzia dal PCE per avere un atomo di carbonio in meno (è infatti detto “tricloroetilene”). Il tetracloretene, scarsamente biodegradabile, è assai nocivo per l’uomo e per l’ambiente. Inhaled, depresses the central nervous system and produces symptoms similar to those from alcohol dell'ubriacatura: headache, confusion, difficulty in motor coordination, reduced tactile perceptions.
"Generally - the warning notice issued by the Command Station of the U.S. Navy in Naples - the immediate effects of PCE may include irritation of eyes, nose and throat, nausea, memory impairment and visual disturbances. Exposure to a large percentage of volatile chlorinated organic solvents (VOCs) can cause dizziness, reduced ability to concentrate and cause an irregular heartbeat. It may affect the ability of the immune response and, in caso di una gravidanza, il corretto sviluppo del feto. Esposizioni prolungate possono condurre al danneggiamento dei tessuti epatici, renali e del sistema nervoso centrale”. Il tetracloroetilene è considerato inoltre un agente cancerogeno.
"Generally - the warning notice issued by the Command Station of the U.S. Navy in Naples - the immediate effects of PCE may include irritation of eyes, nose and throat, nausea, memory impairment and visual disturbances. Exposure to a large percentage of volatile chlorinated organic solvents (VOCs) can cause dizziness, reduced ability to concentrate and cause an irregular heartbeat. It may affect the ability of the immune response and, in caso di una gravidanza, il corretto sviluppo del feto. Esposizioni prolungate possono condurre al danneggiamento dei tessuti epatici, renali e del sistema nervoso centrale”. Il tetracloroetilene è considerato inoltre un agente cancerogeno.
In Italia, i prodotti contenenti tetracloroetilene sono classificati nel decreto legislativo n. 152 del 2006 come “rifiuti pericolosi” e non devono essere smaltiti in discarica o drenati nelle acque sotterranee. In che modo il PCE sia finito nei rubinetti di alcuni comuni campani è cosa tutta da accertare, ma gli “inaccettabili livelli” del solvente riscontrati dalla US Navy hanno imposto l’allontanamento da Casal di Principe di undici famiglie statunitensi. A measure that has no concerns regarding local government officials: the civilian population in fact continues to be filled with water to Tetrachloroethylene. And, perhaps, other poisons.
As revealed by the military newspaper Stars and Stripes in at least one of the houses in Campania being analyzed were in fact identified alarming amount of dioxin, another substance is particularly dangerous to human health. "Experiments have shown that dioxin affects a large number of organs and systems," warned the U.S. military. "Once in the body, its presence is prolonged in time because of its stability chemistry and skill to be absorbed by fat tissue. Exposure for short periods to high levels of dioxin can cause skin lesions and altered liver function. Prolonged exposure has instead carcinogenic effects on the immune system, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems. "
Nevertheless, the U.S. command in Naples would not reveal the name of the place where dioxin was found in water sources. Failure
Nevertheless, the U.S. command in Naples would not reveal the name of the place where dioxin was found in water sources. Failure
well as news of the discovery of another dangerous poison, arsenic, especially used in agriculture as a pesticide, herbicide and insecticide. To reveal that arsenic in the waters flowing bells was the young wife of a U.S. official, Maria Ortiz. Mother of two children under eight years, Ortiz scored in June to be relocated with his family to a new accommodation of the U.S. base at Gricignano. A few months before the Command Naples husband had verbally communicated that the tests carried out at his home in Villa Literno had revealed the presence of "high levels of arsenic and other dangerous chemicals." A further examination has confirmed the "preliminary results of the sample with a substantial presence of tetrachloroethene," but did not make more mention of arsenic.
Maria Ortiz then decided to make public its findings in the original text. "The values \u200b\u200bof arsenic dispersed in the soil in my house - said Maria Ortiz - were 40 times larger than those of the EPA, the Agency for Environmental Protection in the United States, considered as a potential threat in the event of an exhibition period of thirty 'years. The results of the analysis of the water were even worse. Arsenic exceeded the limit of 180 times. If small quantities of arsenic in the taps are common in areas with volcanic activity, the same EPA declares that the highest values \u200b\u200bof the poison come from fertilizer and some food stuffs. "
The hinterland of Villa Literno is characterized, in fact, for the cultivation intensive vegetable and livestock of buffaloes.
Maria Ortiz then decided to make public its findings in the original text. "The values \u200b\u200bof arsenic dispersed in the soil in my house - said Maria Ortiz - were 40 times larger than those of the EPA, the Agency for Environmental Protection in the United States, considered as a potential threat in the event of an exhibition period of thirty 'years. The results of the analysis of the water were even worse. Arsenic exceeded the limit of 180 times. If small quantities of arsenic in the taps are common in areas with volcanic activity, the same EPA declares that the highest values \u200b\u200bof the poison come from fertilizer and some food stuffs. "
The hinterland of Villa Literno is characterized, in fact, for the cultivation intensive vegetable and livestock of buffaloes.
What's more compounds and toxic chemicals, laboratory analysis of the popular U.S. forces have also confirmed the presence of large amounts of fecal coliform and local authorities in more than 30% of all households "tested". Municipalities are at risk of biological contamination Caserta, Casapesenna, Gricignano d'Aversa, Pozzuoli, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, San Cipriano D'Aversa, Villa di Briano and still Casal di Principe, Villa Literno. "The coliforms are normally found in the intestines of warm-blooded animals," says the statement issued by the Command in Naples. "The analysis results in 160 households showed che le acque dei rubinetti di 48 di esse hanno livelli batterici che eccedono il limite massimo permesso dall’Agenzia dell’Ambiente degli Stati Uniti. Si tratta di un valore compreso tra 1 e 200.5 CFU/ml (Unità di coliformi per millilitro). Le abitazioni con alte percentuali batteriche sono servite da pozzi e acquedotti comunali. Sei di queste sono localizzate nell’area residenziale dell’US Navy di “Parco Artimide”, a Lago di Patria”.
Per far fronte a quella che è ormai una vera e propria emergenza idrica, il Comando di Napoli, contemporaneamente alla sospensione degli affitti in quattro comuni campani, ha richiesto ai proprietari dei circa 2.000 immobili che ospitano militari U.S. to take charge of the installation of water containers and purifiers, on pain of termination of contracts already signed. Meanwhile, every single member of U.S. households are distributed daily 4 liters of bottled water, an intervention that only the last two months has cost the Department of Defense $ 263,000.
mineral water that has received the OK of the veterinary department of the U.S. Army is produced in the plants of San Benedetto, a wholly owned subsidiary of the group Zoppas, known producer of household appliances. Second only to sales in Italy to the Swiss giant Nestlé, San Benedetto at work in Eastern Europe, France, Spagna e America Latina. Cura inoltre l’imbottigliamento e la commercializzazione di bevande per conto delle transnazionali “antagoniste” Pepsi Co. e Coca Cola.
Negli stessi giorni in cui la società era scelta come fornitrice di fiducia delle forze armate Usa di Napoli, 60 lavoratori dello stabilimento San Benedetto di Scorzè (Venezia) venivano messi in cassa integrazione per supposta crisi nelle vendite. L’azienda ha pure imposto unilateralmente la modifica degli orari di produzione. Flai Cgil, Fai Cisl e le Rsu, nel criticare aspramente i provvedimenti, hanno denunciato il “clima di polizia” che caratterizzerebbe la vita all’interno degli stabilimenti. Sfruttamento e militarizzazione continue to be the most brutal expression of capitalism. mineral water that has received the OK of the veterinary department of the U.S. Army is produced in the plants of San Benedetto, a wholly owned subsidiary of the group Zoppas, known producer of household appliances. Second only to sales in Italy to the Swiss giant Nestlé, San Benedetto at work in Eastern Europe, France, Spagna e America Latina. Cura inoltre l’imbottigliamento e la commercializzazione di bevande per conto delle transnazionali “antagoniste” Pepsi Co. e Coca Cola.
Article written and published December 7, 2008
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