Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Last Stages Of Shingles

I drink San Benedetto Lombardo, the Mafia and the village of U.S. Africom Sigonella

A deal worth hundreds of millions of euro, the realization in Belper, in the province of Catania, a new village for the military base in Sigonella. On the track we are all right: a large construction company that has made Sicily his Eldorado, professional-link between legal and illegal, the boss of a mafia clan, the entire staff of the political movement of the governor of the island, Raffaele Lombardo. The project, however, involving a high-risk geological terrain and some local officials turn up their nose. But Palace Norman comes a suggestion: "Think about the friend of Catania to resolve 'is history."

umpteenth havoc warp building to grab the gold American Sigonella last chapter is devoted to a survey on procurement and mafia in Sicily (Operation Iblis), who in November 2010 saw the anti-mafia prosecutor in Catania issued 48 warrants of arrest against politicians, administrators, businessmen and mafia bosses. To prepare the project, the SAFAB - Procurement and Supply Company for Water and Reclamation Spa based in Rome and an enviable portfolio of work Sicily, from the multistorey car park of the Palace of Justice in Palermo widening of the road Gela-Aragon, the construction of the dam Desueri Gela irrigation networks and the reservoir of the Lentini construction of a waste incinerator and two landfills in Bellolampo ( Palermo). In view of its work for the entire USA, the SAFAB had formed two companies, the Volcano Housing and the Volcano Inn, where he had an interest Ciarrocca Paul, a former member of the Board and technical director of the parent. "Without the partnership with landowners - said Ciarrocca - the progetto però si era arenato presso l’ufficio del Genio civile di Catania perché vi era un conflitto di competenza con l’Assessorato regionale territorio ed ambiente anche in relazione al mutamento di destinazione d’uso dei terreni”. L’ufficio del Genio civile non aveva rilasciato le necessarie autorizzazioni in quanto il terreno in cui doveva sorgere il residence risultava particolarmente predisposto a dissesto idrogeologico, identificato a “pericolosità P2”, cioè a “probabilità elevata di riattivazione dei fenomeni franosi quiescenti e inattivi”.

Al   fine di agevolare la SAFAB nel portare a termine l’affaire di Sigonella fu chiesto l’intervento del geologo di Aci Castello, Giovanni Barbagallo, militante dell’Mpa (il Movimento per l’Autonomia di Raffaele Lombardo) e, secondo gli inquirenti, personaggio legato agli “esponenti di primo piano della criminalità organizzata catanese e, specialmente, con Vincenzo Aiello, reggente provinciale di Cosa Nostra”. Tramite Barbagallo, gli amministratori della SAFAB entravano in contatto con i dirigenti dell’ufficio del Genio civile di Catania e con alcuni uomini politici, “quali l’on. Angelo Lombardo o il presidente della Regione Raffaele Lombardo”. "Dr Barbagallo was employed to follow the practice in civil engineering, even remember who told me that the chief engineer, in writing as MPA, was particularly sensitive to the particulars of his political reference," he Paul said Ciarrocchi. "Barbagallo said that it would be appropriate to make contact with a politician and as work was concerned, however, the Sicilian regional government, he suggested I get in touch with Angelo Lombardo since, he said, that talking with him was like talking to his brother Raphael, who was very busy but having been elected for a very short time and was essentially unreachable. " Mr. Angelo Lombardo had just been appointed Secretary of the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies and a member of the parliamentary committee on defense.

Barbagallo was the same in procuring the technical director of the construction company a first appointment with the parliament, soon after the 2008 elections. "We went from the secretariat of Catania, but we could not talk too much confusion for Lombardo," said Ciarrocchi. "I remember Barbagallo walked alone in the room of Mr and right after I came out and said it would be better with more time to meet him in Rome. In fact some days after an appointment with his office in Rome, and had the meeting. Lombardo explained to the terms of the question but did not get anything other than general insurance availability and the promise of talking to your brother and me to meet with the chief civil engineer of Catania, Ragusa engineer. I met Lombardo on another occasion, again at his office in Rome. I suggested that, at a meeting of the party to be held at the Marriot hotel in Rome some time later. In February 2009, I went to the conference, I spoke with the engineer to the presence of Ragusa Angelo Lombardo, but Ragusa told me that there would be no way to authorize the change in urban destination area because they were a flood risk area. I believe the risks described by chief civil engineer was non-existent and there is also another place in the village of Americans. "

even before meeting with Lombardo, Paul Ciarrocca had tried to resolve issues related to land Belper with the then Regional Councillor for the area and environment, Rosanna Hinton, provincial secretary of MPA in Caltanissetta. "The Hinton brought me his Chief of Cabinet, who confirmed to me that the power was in fact the civil engineer of Catania," said Ciarrocchi. Meanwhile, we were more "frequent" contacts between the regional minister, the Salvatore Cavaleri (person close to his trust), the geologist and the leaders of SAFAB Barbagallo. On May 16, 2008 John Barbagallo informed by telephone the engineer Fabio Vargas, director of the yards of Roman society, to be able to make an appointment to Catania with Angelo Lombardo. "I also talked to my friend, Placido geologist, civil engineer, who is educating their own practice to develop the village in Belper, Barbagallo added. The practitioner takes care to keep constantly updated on all developments in the deal as well the "regent" local Cosa Nostra, Vincenzo Aiello. In particular, the weekend of 24 and 25 May, Barbagallo hosted at his home in the countryside Aiello to provide information about contacts with the directors of SAFAB. "I can speak both with Angelo (Lombardo) that the former Councillor Hinton, one of Niscemi," said Barbagallo. "The Hinton sent me a large company in Rome called SAFAB, the administrator came to talk to him, because they have to make a village for the Americans ... They came to me because they have difficulty with the civil engineering and the Land and Environment Department as commissioner el'Interlandi not been able to resolve it to him. Him administrator said, however, the only one that can solve this story ... a person who is close to Raphael, is John Barbagallo ... And he said: of you have told us very well, we seek a paternity policy ... . A paternity policy give it to me, there CONCERNED and I told him. So much so that I spoke with Angelo, I told him, "Angelo see those who have come, you are interested in the debate? "He said:" Yes ! ... .

On May 29, 2008 Barbagallo went personally by MPA member, getting an appointment for managers to SAFAB on 2 June in the political secretariat of Catania Viale Africa. At the meeting, as determined by judges, would then attended the geologist, the Hon. Lombardo, Paolo Ciarrocchi and "perhaps other people." The relationship between factotum and the leaders of Roman society would then be continued on subsequent days. On June 23, Barbagallo was meeting with the engineer in Vargas AGIP which stands near the base of Sigonella, then go to visit the land intended to accommodate the residence for the military. Eleven days later, in a telephone conversation with the geologist, Paul Ciarrocca reiterated once again that "the primary concern was to solve the SAFAB problems arise with the civil engineer "and that" he had an appointment in Rome with Angelo Lombardo. " During the call, Barbagallo advised to remind the Honourable Member to a first call to the engineer chief civil engineer, so then he going to speak with officials from office "would have found the road a little plain ".

In reality, the process for the approval of the project is stalled partly as a result of the serious legal mess that would soon hit by the construction company and its two directors, owners, brothers Louis and Ferdinand Masciotta. Following inspection of the Prefecture de L'Aquila, November 14, 2009, in the yard site on the plateau of the Rocche, SAFAB the certificate was withdrawn at the mafia. In Palermo, however, the company was under investigation over an alleged bribes to an official of the fire to the car for a test of the Court. In August 2009 the engineer Fabio Vargas, Paolo Ciarrocca Masciotta and two brothers were joined by an order of custody for the crime of corruption against two officials of the civil engineer of Caltanissetta, which received a bribe of 110 thousand euro for overestimate the amount that the Consortium for reclamation di Gela avrebbe dovuto versare alla SAFAB a seguito di un contenzioso extragiudiziale per i lavori alla diga di Disueri. Il GIP, nel motivare le esigenze cautelari, sottolineava che i Masciotta “cercano pure di accreditarsi con importanti esponenti del Movimento per l’Autonomia” (MPA) e in particolare con il presidente della Regione Sicilia, Lombardo Raffaele”.

Ad allarmare particolarmente gli inquirenti erano però i “rapporti di natura sinallagmatica mantenuti dalla SAFAB con l’organizzazione mafiosa, “tramite Angelo Santapaola prima e Enzo Aiello poi”, i quali curavano “da un lato la messa a posto dell’impresa non but perhaps only in Catania to Palermo and, secondly, through working towards the same could win important business, and then subcontract the work to various contractors organic or otherwise close association itself. " In an interview in May 1998, also former Minister of Public Works of the Cosa Nostra, Angelo Siino, had admitted that he personally supervised the "put right" of SAFAB "on behalf of the famous mobster Cataldo Farinella, a businessman in Gangtok. Investigators have also found that the company had maintained contacts with the Roman criminal gangs "responsible" for the territory, through the constructor Gela Sandro Missio. Starting 2000, the Miss firms were involved in almost all the work carried out in Sicily by the Romans. Sandro letter he was also awarded the subcontract for the construction of the incinerator Bellolampo and excavation work in the nearby landfill where the SAFAB illegally disposed of asbestos waste. In this regard, the collaborator with justice Gaspare Pulizzi, interrogation made February 15, 2008, reported that for the work Bellolampo, the entrepreneur Gela had "put right" with the mafia family of Little "by Angelo Santapaola ".

In July 2009 he was arrested on Sandro Missio measure GIP Caltanissetta for having "been part of the association mafia operating in Gela and directed by Emmanuel Daniel, died Dec. 3, 2007 following a shootout with the police . Particularly relevant to the investigation was the finding in the esophagus of Emmanuel, during the autopsy, a Pezzino that the same had swallowed while trying to escape the police, which referred to "Sandro", identified in its Sandro Missio, and to work for a supply of water mains connected to the dam of Desueri (license plate SAFAB other work). During the investigation, however, showed that the Roman society, before "trust" Sandro Missio, supervised the "put right" of the work in Sicily, through its administrator, the engineer Louis Masciotta that - as told by her father in a letter to the environmental conversation in 2004 - "went alone to talk to the boss Catania, who was carrying large sums of money. " In a note from the DIA of Caltanissetta, in the order drawn against Missio, however, any particular appears even more disturbing. Following the murder of Judge Paolo Borsellino and his escort of staff, it was found that "the SAFAB had rented, about ten days before the massacre, an apartment right in the same building where his mother lived the magistrate in via D'Amelio, who was later detonated a powerful car bomb in 1992. " And not only. A few days before dell'eccidio, write the investigators, "in that apartment were activated two phone lines, perhaps, were useful to terrorists."


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