Great deals on the horizon with the emergence of migrant Lampedusa. After the raids in Sicily of the Prime Minister Berlusconi and the Minister Maroni, from the cylinder out of the government is a proposal without precedent in Italy. To transform the former "residence of the orange" Mineo (Catania) in the "Solidarity Village" for refugees and immigrants. This is not the usual army barracks abandoned but a complex with 404 independent villas, with commercial, gymnasiums, tennis courts and football, a nursery, a hall for religious services and 12 acres of green space. Until a few months ago was one of many villages in the plain of Catania for the military stationed at the U.S. base at Sigonella. In the future it could become a "residential 4-star" for foreigners, but beyond the pronouncements, it seems that ideas are not entirely clear and consistent. The governor of Sicily, Raffaele Lombardo, is said to agree with the Interior Ministry on the "ability to temporarily accommodate the immigrants arrived on Lampedusa in the last few days." On 14 February, at the end of the meeting of the National Committee for order and security, Roberto Maroni confirms the hypothesis of Lombard, but 24 hours after changing the intended use of the village. "The idea of \u200b\u200bgovernment is to host a Mineo all asylum seekers, including those currently deployed in shelters around the country," declares the minister after the inspection of the military in the former residence of Sigonella. "The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Solidarity Village came to Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The former NATO base is in excellent condition, is equipped with medical facilities, emergency response, and a dining hall. It would be wasted and not used as a shelter for illegal immigrants, but it would be useful for Refugees around Italy. They are families, women and children. Mineo could be the best layout and become a model of support and solidarity to be extremely efficient, with the involvement of associations, the Red Cross and local authorities. " The "temporary" becomes permanent, the "illegal" asylum seekers.
and sociology of migration Tania Poguish to stigmatize the waltz of the Interior Ministry in terms of reception. "Not very convincing gooders the government who supported dictators like Mubarak and Ben Ali and who built the first socially and then signed into law a set of rules inhumane to defend the West by illegal criminals who came from the sea, "says Poguish. "In a socio-political context marked by a rhetoric of security-that is expressed in the so-called Security Act, seem incredible in the words of Minister Maroni on asylum seekers until a few days ago called illegal and which was necessary to show the teeth and be bad. How can we forget the long list of tragedies and pains, violent and arrogant policy that for more than a year did not allow anyone to reach the various banks of the South Mediterranean, as Italy had sent patrol ships to Libya, led by the military Libyans, ready to field the famous agreements with Tripoli? "" That same head of the Interior Ministry - Sicilian sociologist adds - now flaunting its intention to accept creating the Solidarity Village in a desert corner of Sicily. An area that has become a new ghetto fenced and does not recognize human dignity and desire for freedom to all those who are not necessarily those seeking asylum, who are rather young men with high educational qualifications and training took to the streets of the Mediterranean Arabic with a depth of political awareness that the same civil and advanced West has lost. " Tania Poguish for the proposed use of the center of Mine "mortifying yet once a generation of young women and men who have a right to their escape and security policies disguised as a human face they want to harness obsolete in the meshes of sinister exploitation. "
is also strong suspicion that in the town of Mineo you want to confine migrants away from prying eyes, according to the logic of militarization of government and strengthening of the safety devices. "The minister Maroni has looked good and clear if you intend to use the former stable complex to house refugees USA and / or asylum seekers or as another center of detention and deportation for immigrants," say the representatives Catanese Anti-Racist Network and the Campaign for the demilitarization of Sigonella. "Behind the proclamation of the Solidarity Village do not understand how the Tunisian migrants can actually be accepted, when for years, with rejections in Libya continues to trample the right of asylum (denied in Catania to 68 migrants were deported to Egypt last October). " In fact, deliberately leaving uncertain the final destination of the structure, for anti-racist organizations "there is a risk that it becomes a multipurpose no place, at the same detention center and center for asylum seekers, where police and army stand guard even women and children, and in general to people waiting to be recognized their status as refugees or international protection. " A place not impossibly overcrowded: it comes in the government's plans to "welcome" to Mineo up to 7,000 people when the receptive capacity of the "residence of the orange" is a maximum of 2,000.
The proposed Maroni and Berlusconi has meanwhile had the advantage of dividing the political forces of the left Sicily. As the circles of the PRC of Caltagirone and Mineo said they were "in favor of opening a shelter non-militarization "provided it is declared" the civil, democratic, open entry and control of the information world, voluntary associations that work in support of the rights of migrants ", the Left believes that the Environment and Freedom decision to use the residence is a "wicked choice that demonstrates once again the failure of the Berlusconi government to take action on major issues that affect the country." "This foolish decision, with the complicit silence of the Government Lombardo - SEL adds Sicily - is yet another gift to the appetites of the League of xenophobic and racist who thinks to hide the problem, preventing thousands of migrants cross the Strait of , concentrating all in one territory. " On the same wavelength as the mayor of Caltagirone, Francesco Pignataro (center-left). "The immigration problem is not in Sicily, Italy and Europe but, otherwise it becomes a problem difficult to manage than with interventions of public policy," says Pignataro. "The potential arrival of thousands of migrants Mineo is a time bomb that threatens to be an example of further marginalization and attack on the dignity of persons. Lampedusa before the emergency, the City of Caltagirore was among the first to declare himself available. Stiamo costruendo col Viminale un centro di accoglienza per 88 minorenni immigrati, un progetto è in corso per accogliere decine di rifugiati politici. L’accoglienza funziona se è diffusa, non se si concentrano immigrati in una zona avulsa dal contesto territoriale”. Contrario pure il sindaco Pd di Mineo, Giuseppe Castania. Per quest’ultimo, però, la preoccupazione maggiore va alla “sicurezza nelle campagne” e al rischio furto ad abitazioni e centri agrituristici. Anche qui nessuno è immune dal falso sillogismo migrazione - clandestinità – criminalità.
Il colpo più riuscito a Berlusconi e Maroni è però quello di aver imposto l’idea-immagine that the "Solidarity Village" by Mineo rise in "houses owned by the United States" or in the 'former U.S. base and NATO, "as reported by major local and national press. Yet the residence is in no way owned by the Italian armed forces or the U.S., but of a large company in Parma, the Pizzarotti Sp. A., who has leased for ten years, following a millionaire fees, the Department of U.S. Navy . January 26, 2010 When Washington decided to withdraw the contract, the Pizzarotti was launched in search of possible new tenants the village. Initially we tried the card of "social", proposing the use of "some space for former prisoners," conversion "to places of detention alternatives to prison for detained mothers" to "reception center for immigrants and drug addicts" , even a research center at the University of Catania. Then I tried the real estate business by offering the Sicilian Region and the municipalities in a project of "social core multi-purpose", ie offering available to "rent-subsidized homes for rent and space for social activities of public bodies and cooperatives." Attempts, however, should not essere andati a buon fine e un paio di mesi fa la società ha lanciato una campagna pubblicitaria con tanto di cartelloni in lingua inglese invitando le famiglie dei militari USA a non abbandonare Mineo. “A sbloccare l’empasse ci pensa adesso la nuova emergenza sbarchi”, commentano i rappresentanti della Rete Antirazzista e della Campagna per la smilitarizzazione di Sigonella. “Ancora una volta le “emergenze” umanitarie servono a favorire gli interessi dei privati. Come mai non si è pensato di utilizzare in Sicilia altre infrastrutture di proprietà pubblica, a partire ad esempio dalle centinaia di villette che gli statunitensi realizzarono a Comiso alla vigilia dell’installazione dei missili nucleari Cruise e che dopo the withdrawal of U.S. quotas have been abandoned to the mercy of vandals and squatters? "
After the flop of Mineo and Quinto Vicentino, January 19, 2011 Pizzarotti managers have entrusted their business with the Pentagon in the Military Housing one of the main-lobby groups in Washington, the Fabiani & Co.. Founded in 2002, Fabiani & Co. as its primary objective "to provide a select group of customers innovative and creative strategies to effectively represent them in front of the Federal Government of the United States of America, especially through partnership programs with Department of Defense, Veterans Affairs and Security internal, in the field of services and advanced technologies that meet the needs of 21st century warfare and national defense priorities, "as reported in the lobby of the company brochure. "Our customers have given the U.S. government technology in intelligence and weapon systems in Afghanistan, Alaska, California and Florida, winning contracts for more than six billion dollars." The profiles and biographies of the staff members of Fabiani & Co. possible to understand the scope persuasive on secretaries, secretaries and the U.S. Congress. Its founder is Jim Fabiani, former director of the Republican budget subcommittee for the House of Representatives and former government used the Department of Defense organization that supports families of military personnel. Important partners are well-managers Fabiani Stephen R. Conafay (formerly vice president of two pharmaceutical giants, "Pfizer" and "Glaxo Inc." former Marine and decorated for the war in Vietnam) and three lobbyists called to represent Pizzarotti SpA, Bradford Foley, Bruce Navarro and Jeffrey Wiener. Foley, in particular, has fifteen years of experience with the Pentagon: Ex-pilot 's U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) with "114 combat missions in Afghanistan and Iraq," was then responsible del Pentagono nel campo dell’intelligence e dell’anti-terrorismo. Bruce Navarro, già consulente dei presidenti Ronald Reagan e George H.W. Bush, è stato rappresentante di numerose società produttrici o fornitrici di applicazioni militari nell’“area delle nanotecnologie, dell’intelligenza artificiale e dei sensori”. Jeffrey Wiener vanta invece una lunga esperienza come consulente dei senatori del partito democratico all’interno del Comitato per le forze armate, lavorando per “far crescere il budget riservato alla costruzione di navi da guerra e all’acquisto di sistemi d’arma destinati ai Comandi operativi speciali, alla Guardia nazionale e alle forze della reserve ". In Rome, like Washington, the better Pizzarotti could not find.
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