Tramite un nostro gasista abbiamo potuto contattare Cascina La Luna - fattoria sociale coop. Frassati non-profit organization.
during a delivery on Thursday came to see us in the following guide of farm crops (... graduated in Agricultural Science) with which we began to take the first chords.
Guido is one of those people who'd be listening to for hours and that surely will invite in the meeting so that he can share his valuable experience in place of cooperation but also around the world in developing countries .
For the time will be offered a spot to buy a box of mixed vegetables consisting of:
No 1 cabbage,
200 gr. Valerian,
500 gr. Kale,
300 gr.
kind of salad at a truly united.
The order will remain open until Tuesday, March 1.
With the summer season, having more vegetables available, you can customize your box.
Good Sunday
promoted in collaboration with the Department of Labor of the Province of Turin, with the Territorial Pact of the West Zone, ; Coldiretti Turin and the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Turin, the Social Farms Project aims, among other objectives, promote the participation of disabled people or in situations of marginalization to experiments functional rehabilitation and work within contexts agricultural, horticultural and flowers.
The social factor that context they can become useful and effective tools to enable individuals involved to restore its balance personal and social, often undermined and challenged by continuing and precarious conditions of hardship, difficulty and disadvantage .
The draft of the cooperative Farm PG Frassati Services the person was born in 2008 from the desire to exploit the potential of more advanced resources and agricultural land in the Cascina THE MOON, with the intention of making better use of rehabilitative social impacts of agriculture. House is in fact already since 1982 a Day Centre for disabled people with rehabilitation projects centered on agricultural work
The project now includes the use of two agronomists and, in collaboration with the cooperative social PG Frassati Manufacturing Jobs , the regular intake of two agricultural workers with disabilities.
Testing Project is aimed at the creation of an agricultural enterprise autonomous , which arises from the vocations of the two cooperatives PG Frassati: that of the educational and social inclusion
The goal is che il lavoro della Fattoria Sociale costituisca contemporaneamente anche uno stimolo e una ricaduta positiva che potenzi le attività riabilitative del Centro Diurno che continua ad operare nella Cascina.
L'attività Agricola

Nell’ambito di un progetti educativi individual participating in the activity (or so the prevailing or determinant), some users of the Centre Daily activities with professionals (educators and oss).
Agricultural activities begin in late winter sowing in the nursery, they continue growing in the spring tunnel in cold air and allow the production of fruit and vegetables in season. The heated greenhouse extension agricultural activities in the winter and allows the production of early fruit and horticultural products, diversifying and expanding product offerings.
The sale to "kilometers zero directly from producer to consumer, allows you to learn the seasonality of the various products will appreciate the variety of preparations suggested by the abundance of production.
addition to on-line reservation service, the sale is via:
- a dedicated space at the Farm Social
- a bench in local markets of the city of Torino (Piazza Campanella, Brunelleschi course)
- a telephone service
- groups of citizens organized
- fairs and markets Local
- other farms of the region
- other social cooperatives with a store procedure.
With the support of Fondazione CRT and the Province of Turin, we were able to develop the horticultural and floricultural p roduction , through the purchase of a tractor with equipment, renovation of greenhouses, cold and recovery of a heated greenhouse that already exists.
social activity
The social activities of the farm is expressed essentially by:
- the recruitment of disabled people employed in the direct
- L and activities linked to the territory "open up" the cabin to the outside world (the sale of products , recreational activities, educational events)
- The impact of the activities of agricultural projects on rehabilitation of the Day Centre

The presence of regularly employed workers with disabilities had a positive impact on the Centre Activity Daylight, improving well-being and stimulating the ability of patients.
addition, the Social Farm has multiplied the opportunities open to the territory and those who wish to participate in productive activities to receive proper training in the field of social farming. The activity is organized through apprenticeships or training and is aimed at disabled people from the various departments of the cooperative or other cooperatives, but also to other parties: professionals, parents with children with disabilities, operators in who use or plan to use collaboration of a disabled person.
The objectives of the Farm Social are
- develop a systematic quality agricultural production and short chain traceable to market at the right price
- promote social inclusion -employment of persons with disabilities with regular recruitment by law
- Implement projects and opportunities that enhance the therapeutic potential of social farming
- Promote a network of collaboration among all subjects sensitive to issues of inclusion and social work of persons with disabilities.
The productions are mainly vegetables and flowers. In addition, some products are processed by the processing company with which the farm works.
Social Farm products are grown through the adoption of methods traditional, traditional family farming, and innovative methods of its specialist firms. The control of weeds and pests is avoiding the use of potentially hazardous substances in both phases of soil preparation and during cultivation.
The choice is dictated by the desire to produce good quality fruit and vegetables, maintaining an environment rehabilitation and work also focused on the welfare of workers.
More offers
addition to the farm productive activities with the kids preparing Christmas baskets with products of the territory even where it is placed. Finally, the Farm is organizing a series of training activities and information related to the rehabilitative needs but also for families with disabled children and for educators and trainers whose business is to follow people with disabilities in the agricultural sector.
The Farm as part of its objectives with the CAD Frassati Coop organizes activities for integration with the region through events public, liaison with local schools, participation in markets and so on.
Farm Social
Cooperativa Sociale Onlus PG Frassati scs
Road Pellerina 22 / 7
10146 Torino Tel
011 / 710114 Fax 011/7792785
Monday to Friday: 08.30 - 16.00
Luigi Piras
Cooperativa Sociale Onlus PG Frassati scs
Road Pellerina 22 / 7
10146 Torino Tel
011 / 710114 Fax 011/7792785
Monday to Friday: 08.30 - 16.00
Luigi Piras
Reporting on retegas:
We are the Centre Daily activities of the Cooperative Farm Moon PG Frassati, a service for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health. Since 1984 we have adopted farming as a means of rehabilitation and job placement.
We recently joined the Project social factors, promoted by the Labour of the Province of Turin, made by the Territorial Pact of the West Zone with the help of Coldiretti e della Facoltà di Agraria dell'Università di Torino.
In seguito all'adesione al progetto abbiamo incrementato la nostra produzione e la vendita diretta in cascina.
Produciamo ortaggi secondo metodi di coltivazione tradizionali, sia all'aperto sia in coltura protetta, seguendo il ciclo produttivo dalla semina alla raccolta e vendita.
We recently joined the Project social factors, promoted by the Labour of the Province of Turin, made by the Territorial Pact of the West Zone with the help of Coldiretti e della Facoltà di Agraria dell'Università di Torino.
In seguito all'adesione al progetto abbiamo incrementato la nostra produzione e la vendita diretta in cascina.
Produciamo ortaggi secondo metodi di coltivazione tradizionali, sia all'aperto sia in coltura protetta, seguendo il ciclo produttivo dalla semina alla raccolta e vendita.
Centro Attività Diurne
Progetto Fattoria Sociale Cascina La Luna
Progetto Fattoria Sociale Cascina La Luna
La Fattoria Sociale Cascina La Luna è una fra le poche realtà di agricoltura sociale situate interamente all'interno del territorio del Comune di Torino.
In essa, tramite il CAD (Centro Attività Diurne) gestito dalla cooperativa sociale P. G. Frassati, operano anche alcune persone diversamente abili, per le quali l'attività agricola viene adottata come strumento di riabilitazione e inserimento lavorativo. Quindici disabili psichici e intellettivi coltivano infatti zucchini, insalata, pomodori e cavoli con tecniche a basso impatto ambientale.
L'orto si estende su 6.000 m 2 di suolo, in quattro tunnel e una serra riscaldata.
I prodotti sono venduti da educatori e disabili direttamente in cascina e nei mercati rionali di corso Brunelleschi e piazza Campanella.
La Bastide La Luna granted funding by the Province of Turin and Fondazione CRT, adheres to the Project social factors, promoted by the Labour of the Province of Turin, made by the Territorial Pact of the West Zone in collaboration with the Confederation and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Turin.

L'orto si estende su 6.000 m 2 di suolo, in quattro tunnel e una serra riscaldata.
I prodotti sono venduti da educatori e disabili direttamente in cascina e nei mercati rionali di corso Brunelleschi e piazza Campanella.
La Bastide La Luna granted funding by the Province of Turin and Fondazione CRT, adheres to the Project social factors, promoted by the Labour of the Province of Turin, made by the Territorial Pact of the West Zone in collaboration with the Confederation and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Turin.
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