The 36 meter high tower was installed in record time and expect the final permission to turn the powerful radar that will chase the boats of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea. The final instrument Monitoring anti-landing is in the heart of one of the most valuable of Sicily the environmental, landscape and archaeological Cape Murro di Porco, within the marine "protected" Plemmirio of Syracuse. The radar was purchased by the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza using a special fund of the European Union to combat migration. It will be integrated into the new network of sensors deep to coastal surveillance that the GDF is activating in southern Italy and Sardinia, with little regard for the environment, health and human rights. As in the case of Syracuse, the areas where to install fall under the radar in parks and nature reserves. And the powerful microwave devices are manufactured by Elta Systems, a company wholly owned by the military and aerospace industrial giant Israeli IAI.
The codename EL/M-2226 ACSR ( Advanced Coastal Surveillance Radar ) and the system is designed specifically to detect small fast boats to a distance of 50 km from the coast. "The radar is able to keep under control than a hundred targets simultaneously," say the manager of Elta Systems. "The recognition of the boats used in illegal immigration case con l’analisi, per ogni natante avvistato, della velocità, rotta, provenienza, dimensioni, numero di persone a bordo. Opera 24 ore al giorno, 365 giorni all’anno, anche in condizioni climatiche particolarmente avverse, in network con altri tipi di sensori installati su imbarcazioni navali, aerei ed elicotteri”. Tutti i dati raccolti verranno poi inviati al Centro di comando e controllo generale della Guardia di finanza che darà il via alle operazioni aeree e navali di respingimento con le modalità sperimentate in questi giorni di crisi umanitaria nel Canale di Sicilia. Ne sanno qualcosa i 64 migranti a bordo del peschereccio battente bandiera egiziana intercettato tra Caucana e Capo Scalambri, a Marina di Ragusa, la notte tra il 14 and 15 February. As documented by reporters of The Clandestine Modica, one of the soldiers on board the means of the GDF would have fired in air during the chase Egyptian boat, hitting his arm to a young immigrant of 25 years. "It was an event of accidental pollution of the sea under five," explained Massimo Pacetti greater that did not intend to explain why, at first, the victim had also been accused unjustly of being a pilot of the vessel . For the media nothing more than an insignificant incident side of the anti-crusade landings.
are also the events antecedenti alla costruzione del traliccio-radar nel Plemmirio che la dicono lunga sul modus operandi delle autorità militari. L’associazione Plemmyrion di Siracusa che ha richiesto, inutilmente, la sospensione dei lavori, denuncia che “gli enti preposti, con iter burocratico di sorprendente velocità ed autorizzazioni concesse in meno di dieci giorni, hanno consentito l’istallazione di un mostro ad altissima frequenza che sprigiona onde elettromagnetiche, reputate pericolosissime per la salute umana, che con un movimento di 360 gradi attraverseranno tutto il territorio della Penisola Maddalena, di Ortigia, cuore della città di Siracusa, della Fanusa, dell’Arenella, dell'Ognina, residential areas and resorts ". Despite the area existed since ancient times a logistics center of the Guardia di Finanza (location Massolivieri), 8 July 2010, the City of Syracuse, determines management, authorized the Department the logistical and technical administration of the GDF to occupy Sicily "under free "area of \u200b\u200b88 square meters of municipal property at the sewage lift station of Cape Murro di Porco, near the lighthouse at Plemmirio, to install new radar equipment . The relative agreement between the City and the military was signed the next the September 2 and October 21, just eight days from the request for construction plant, the chief engineer of the municipality informed the command of the GDF that the intervention was not necessary the measures authorized by recognizing "the character of work devoted to national defense." Also according to city officials, the area was already covered in the availability of the military who had used for years for locating a radio antenna. Only that of that military facility there is no trace in the archives of the local authority.
Environmentalists point out however that the choice to place the radar at the tanks tap water is "extremely detrimental to the residential community, since the entire Plemmirio town would be, in fact, between the source of the electromagnetic beam generated by the radar and the sea to watch, which presumably could be overcome the limits of exposure to electromagnetic fields under the Decree of 10 September 1998, no 381 ". With the entry into operation of the antenna it would undoubtedly undermine the entire development of the area. "The PRG - adds Plemmyrion - involves the construction of a link road between the aqueduct and sites for camping, but you can certainly create facilities frequented by tourists, students and where they preserve live specimens of wild fauna and flora artifacts near high electromagnetic impact. "
The visual effect of the tower's radar, just near the coastline, is at odds with the unique beauty of the area. Around Cape Murro di Porco were found important evidence of the past as the "Cave Pilgrim", inhabited since prehistoric times, or tanks for rainwater probably dating from the nineteenth century. A tip of the wheel there is a necropolis of the Bronze with traces of the adjoining village and along the coast there are six quarries from the Greek period (so-called "quarries") and the remains of the sub-urban district of Plemmyriom. A study by the University the University of Catania, reported in the Official Gazette of the Sicilian Region of February 20, 1993, described the natural heritage of Plemmirio. "The flora of this area is that of the rocky areas in arid subtropical climate with plants typical of the Mediterranean basin," it said. "Prevalent in the native scrub palmetto (protected species), which is here represented with the largest palm grove in the province (almost one square kilometer). In areas less exposed to the south, more humid, you can come in strips of residual stain mastic and myrtle. " They also present the important shrub species as Sarcopoterium spinosum (spinaporci) that exists exclusively in the Italian territory in small areas of Sardinia and Puglia. Maddalena Peninsula is an important point for observation of migratory songbirds and seabirds. Among the rare animals can be counted discoglosso the painting, the snake, the tortoise, porcupine, foxes and weasels. The depths of Capo Murro di Porco allow the observation of large pelagic fish such as tuna, amberjack, sharks and marine mammals such as dolphins, whales and sperm whales. In the lower depths is possible to see vast meadows of Posidonia with gigantic specimens of Pinna nobilis , the largest in the Mediterranean shell, and coral colonies such as' Astroides calycularis . There are numerous underwater caves "Rich benthic life and nekton with solitary corals, sponges, bryozoans, sea slugs and sea cicadas."
Plemmirio Although both the 2005 marine area "protected", the project of installation of the tower and radar anti-migrant has not been subjected to impact assessment, as required by Directive 92 / 43/CEE of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. Also missing a study on the electromagnetic system. Yet the EL / M-2226 ACSR is part of the family of X-band transmitters (8 to 12.5 GHz frequency), namely those that operate by emitting microwaves. " ARPA Sicily, we interpallata, said that was not provided by any study of the military, though not due, noting missing, in fact, an assessment of potential electromagnetic effects on organisms and plants animals and the ecosystem of the reserve as well as on staff and visitors, "say the leaders of the Syracuse-based environmental group.
With the declaration of war against migrants is not possible to go for the thin-impact studies and assessments; radars are then a great deal, for those who produce them (the Israelis) and for those who install, AlmavivA of Rome. In the latter, the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza of € 5,461,700 for contracted work in view of the new network of five sensors depth EL / M 2226, nearly a million and € 100 000 to antenna. This without a call and the publication of the notice in the Official Journal of the European Union, with the official explanation that "works and services can be provided only by a particular supplier, the AlmavivA SpA, which owns the technical requirements and reserved rights of the materials. "
important contractor in the field of new technologies of NATO and the Italian armed forces, the society of Rome boasts an annual turnover of 865 million € and managers at the highest level. Chairman and majority shareholder of the engineer is AlmavivA Alberto Tripi, former manager and former IBM IRI, later founder of COS SpA, a leading provider of IT services and call center . Alberto Tripi currently serves on the board of directors of Confindustria and is also president of InItalia, the Consortium for Informatics consists AlmavivA, Engineering and Elsag (Finmeccanica). Group CEO è il figlio Marco Tripi, ex dirigente del la Banca Nazionale del Lavoro; vicepresidente è invece Giuseppe Cuneo, sino al 2004 amministratore delegato di Elsag. Un business tra civile e militare quasi tutto in famiglia.
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