Arzano, Casal di Principe, Villa Literno Marcianise. From today, these four municipalities of the hinterland of Naples and Caserta will be off limits for the military operating in several U.S. Navy installations present in the Campania region. The Command of the U.S. Navy in Europe has issued an order of "temporary suspension of rent" for its staff, following the results of tests on water delivered by water systems of these towns.
The analysis, performed by the "Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center of Virginia, had in fact identified the presence of hazardous contaminants. In particular, a concern particularly the command of the Navy there would be the detection of high levels of "volatile organic compounds, presumably derived from bio-based industrial solvents. Water very high risk to the health of Americans that continue to be distributed to local populations, also used for spraying campaigns where they are vegetable products and vegetables and farms where the buffaloes are reared for the production of dairy products.
a result of any such suspension, the special office of the U.S. Navy to care for the leasing of its staff will freeze your search of homes in four towns in Campania (34 compromises had already been signed lease) to turn to other areas of Naples "where he was shown a low level of contamination."
currently banned in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence there are about 300 U.S. military, as specified by the Command of the U.S. Navy, they "will still be forced to leave their homes by force." Different story for U.S. personnel based in Casal di Principe, which instead will have to leave their homes immediately to the "discovery of unacceptable levels of volatile organic compounds in water for use by residents of the city." "In not all the houses in which the test was performed - the precise control of the U.S. Navy in Naples - were found unacceptable limits. But as long as the areas at high risk could not be better defined, it is prudent to suspend all new rentals.
program of water analysis municipalities where they reside in Campania the U.S. military stationed at the naval complex at Capodichino, was launched in February 2008 and in July it was revealed that about one quarter of the tests had been detected in the waters of bacteria, including total coliforms and faeces. Then the houses to "water hazard" (29) were in the towns of Caserta, Pozzuoli and still Casal di Principe, Villa Literno. Analyses were performed by specialized laboratories of the U.S. Navy Hospital in Naples and a private laboratory in Germany.
It's better for the supply of fresh chicken to the stores the U.S. military. The October 8, 2008 'Europe Regional Veterinay Command "stayed that millionaire contract with the Italian company known Arena following the takeover of" traces of coliform bacteria in water used to wash the chicken that had been plucked and gutted. " A second inspection scheduled for last November 7th has been postponed, probably for early next year. Meanwhile, the sales centers of the U.S. Navy in Campania will be "off limits" for chickens Arena. Not the supermarkets and shopping malls for the Neapolitans.
Meanwhile the Pentagon has appointed a new commander of U.S. naval forces in Europe. This is Admiral Bradley N. LeVault, until now head della Joint Task Force dell’US Navy della base di Guantanamo, Cuba. LeVault s’insedierà a Napoli nell’aprile 2009 ed assumerà anche le funzioni di Comandante per le operazioni navali in Africa, a conferma del ruolo strategico assunto dalle basi in Italia per le future campagne statunitensi nel continente africano. Nel frattempo sarà guerra a falde idriche e pollami contaminati.
Articolo pubblicato in il 14 novembre 2008
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