Authorized use of force units in the fleet sent Born in Somalia to protect food aid from the World Food Program, but in fact used against possible attacks on oil tankers and cargo ships transiting the area. This was announced by the U.S. State Department through its website .
"Resolution No 1838 of the UN Security Council calls on the nations concerned to use its tools to combat piracy along the coast of Somalia, "the statement signed by Jacquelyn S. Porth. "The Somali waters are becoming increasingly dangerous for pirate attacks on merchant vessels carrying food, weapons and ammunition. More than 60 ships have been attacked in 2008, and the ransom paid to pirates each time, has grown to more than 100 million dollars. "
War pirates in the name of freedom of navigation as the one launched by the Multinational Force Standing Naval Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) of NATO. These seven units "by the high operational readiness, mobile and flexible" belonging to Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Turkey and the United States, and under the command of Italian Admiral Giovanni Gumiero. Top secret rules of engagement and operational modalities to prevent the attacks in the Gulf of Aden. Indeed the tone of resolution 1838, submitted by France and the United States and approved by the Security Council October 7, 2008, is fairly generic, but because of this dangerously ambiguous. The Security Council is "appealed to States whose naval vessels and military aircraft operating on the high seas and airspace near the coast of Somalia to use the necessary measures, in conformity with international law, for the suppression of acts of piracy. " "Necessary measures", therefore, that in the absence of rigid rules, leave anybody wide powers of interpretation and action. Born in the case of the fleet, the firepower of the unit does not bode well. There are five frigates, a destroyer and a support ship, the Italian 'Durand de la Penne, provided the latter, the Standard SM-1MR missile systems, and Asp Teseo MK2, MU90 torpedoes, guns and compact Super Fast 'Oto Melara (AB-212 helicopters and two ASW).
How the "war Piracy "respond to the wording of Article 11 of Italian Constitution it is difficult to understand and it would not hurt the defense minister to explain to the Chambers and citizens who, how, when, why and by what rules, decided that our country was launched in command of today's crusade against the Somali attackers. The Navy is not new to security operations of transit cargo in the most dangerous seas in the world, but to date, interventions have been confined to mere armed prevention. When in July 2005 the then Minister Antonio Martino decided to send in the Gulf of Aden a frigate and a patrol boat in an anti-piracy, they are limited to "surveillance, deterrence and the basis of the national merchant.
Since then only an "Italian", is not likely to be involved in any operation of war decreed by third countries. This time, however, for the suspected vagueness of the text of UN resolution, a military unit in transit through the Somali coast may feel entitled to launch, unilaterally, an attack against any target considered "pirate." With unpredictable consequences that could invest the other actors in the area, even creating the conditions for the escalation of war in the Horn of Africa to which many aspire today.
Resolution 1838 does not define also possible chains of command in operations, but merely an invitation to individual countries and regional organizations in combating piracy, "to coordinate their actions." In reality what is happening is more like a disorganized and, in some ways competitive run to the militarization of international waters and skies of the Horn of Africa. In addition to the unity of the NATO fleet, as of May 2008 in the Gulf of Aden ships and submarines of Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Pakistan and the U.S. (the destroyer USS Howard). In October came a Russian missile frigate, a helicopter carrier Indian and a drive to war in Kenya. From Brussels, the European Union has said that within the month of December will be sent to Somalia in a task force composed of naval units and aircraft from Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Great Britain, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Sweden. The Arab League should decide in a few days setting up a naval anti-piracy force.
For the European Union is the first military mission outside the joint area. Decided without the involvement of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the mission will act under the supervision of the NATO command, confirming the subordination of the European Union military policy in Washington.
The Pentagon has developed in recent years a dangerous geo-strategic vision of interests to defend in the context of so-called "freedom of navigation", emphasizing a new threat for the twenty-first century, the so-called "piracy." Admiral Michael Mullen, chief of the joint forces of the U.S. Navy, described piracy as "a global problem because of the deep ties with the international criminal network interruption of vital commerce." The new "Cooperative Strategy for the 21st Century" to reshape the strategies of intervention by the United States naval forces, including "combating piracy" of key "actions mitigation of maritime threats. " On 24 August 2008, the U.S. Navy Central Command has created the "Maritime Security Patrol Area (MSPA), a task force with planes, helicopters, ships and unmanned aircraft to patrol the Somali waters. Again the military instrument became operational before the UN formalize the request for adoption of "necessary measures" against the pirates.
The MSPA has taken on international configuration, since the units of the United States have joined those of Canada. According to Admiral Jane Campbell of the Command of the Fifth Fleet based in Bahrain, "the number military presence in the Gulf of Aden will vary. In addition, the operations will coordinate with the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), the device of 2,000 established by the U.S. military at Camp Lemonier, Djibouti.
Confirming the coup d'accelerator impressed by Washington to plan the military penetration into the Horn of Africa in late November will leave the naval base in Mayport, Fla., the missile frigate USS Robert G. Bradley, to operate indefinitely under the orders of the new Africom Command in Stuttgart. The frigate is designed for operations that include "el'abbordaggio search of suspected ships, intelligence, the detention of persons of interest and the fight against piracy. " Imposing its endowment of weapons: two SH-60 Sea Hawk helicopters Lamps-3, eight guns and dozens of launchers misisili anti-ship and anti-aircraft. And always will operate as an anti-piracy units of the U.S. Coast Guard that the Pentagon has decided to move permanently into the waters of the African continent.
Article published on November 7, 2008
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