On the highway Catania-Gela there are dozens of posters depicting the "Mineo Residence owned by Pizzarotti Parma. "We offer from 1 April 2011 € 900 comfortable apartments," the report written strictly in English. The price is good, really, they are detached houses of 160 square meters, more garden and barbecue, in a residential complex of 25 hectares with a lot of tennis, baseball and playground for children. Until last December, the village is a part of U.S. military personnel stationed in the naval base in Sigonella. The Department of Defense, however, decided not to renew the lease agreement and not even close to the village, Pizzarotti SpA has tried to rent the unit directly to the 404 military semi-bargain charges, including offering a free shuttle to the base. Balances in hand, placing all the houses, after a year would entered the chest just under $ 4 million, a tidy sum, but less than half what the company had pulled up in Parma in the past the Pentagon. The Americans do not want us to Mineo but feel more and over-supply is deserted. Never despair, though. With the 'emergency' landing here is an opportunity for new migrants lucrative business. What until yesterday was the "Residence of Oranges" is dubbed "Solidarity Village" and the duo-Berlusconi Pizzarotti Maroni agrees with the conversion of the structure in "four-star center for-illegal-immigrant asylum seekers, etc. . etc. .. Baptism is for tomorrow, February 23 when Mineo will start the deportation of many of the migrants who have reached Lampedusa in recent days and - in the government's intentions - even of refugees and asylum seekers housed in reception centers throughout Italy.
with civil protection order signed by President of the Council, the prefect of Palermo, Giuseppe Caruso, was appointed Special Commissioner for the immigration crisis: you can count on 200 soldiers of the armed forces to be used until 30 June for "vigilance and security" anti-migrant and out of a million euro in cash for "the initiation of early intervention" in the center of Mineo. Undertaking privacy has already been contacted in order to strengthen the control systems at the former "Village of Oranges". In spite of the regulations has not been shown any sign to indicate the type Offer, the amount and the customer. The workers, due HOLDING helmet, worked well all day on Sunday, watched over by four U.S. Marines and a squad of Military Police.
is the U.S. military is still entrusted with the supervision of the residence. "The Navy leave the complex of mines retained by the troops stationed at Sigonella, on March 31, when the lease expires, "said regional spokesman for the U.S. Navy, Timothy Hawkins. "On behalf of the Italian government or the owners, we have not received any official request to leave the village before 31 March. We are committed to cooperate with our Italian partners as well and we are fulfilling our contractual obligations with the landlord. Several attempts to obtain information from the Ministry of Interior and Pizzarotti & Co. went unanswered. Although the accommodation has been emptied Mineo, military police will continue to monitor the entrances to the complex until the termination of the contract. The U.S. Navy has incurred minimal costs to evacuate the complex, largely due to handling of equipment and materials or to complete the services we do. " Until the end of March, therefore, control the fortunes of Mineo, in addition to the police and the Italian army, we think even the U.S. Marines.
"A ncora once the military option is to govern international tragedies and social dynamics to which Italy contributes its misguided economic decisions," is the comment of Alfonso Di Stefano's anti-racist network Catanese . "The re-processing of Lampedusa in a fortress-prison, the provision of new military units there as Pantelleria, the strengthening of the devices and naval patrol aircraft is now added to the "conversion" of the residential villages to centers of maximum vigilance. And if that were not enough, sprouting like mushrooms in Sicily, the fixed and mobile radar stations financial police in anti-landing. Purchased with funds from the European Union key companies of the military industrial Israeli radars are installed inside the reserves and marine parks, as happened for example in Cape Murro di Porco, Syracuse. The proliferation of unmanned aircraft in Sigonella, starting with the infamous "Global Hawk", responds in part to the logic repression of the flows of migrants in the Mediterranean. "
Among the many "merits" of the government to have even bypassed the community, and administrators interested in the plan "welcome". Mineo City Council adopted an agenda in which he denounced the "lack of transparency of the institutions supra for non-involvement of local authorities" is to ask the Minister Maroni "through a detailed report on the real purpose of the likely center on the timing of adjustment of the housing and flows of migrants for the Solidarity Village . The odg ends However, calling for "all measures necessary to allay concerns about the risks of public policy resulting from the settlement of thousands of immigrants, in order to safeguard the needs of the local population, of production and local entrepreneurs." The mayor, Giuseppe Castania, says he was never informed of either the number or status of the persons that the government will transfer to Mineo and enhances the security alert. "The government needs to clarify what will you do to make people live together under a single structure of origin, languages \u200b\u200band religions," said Castania. "Amassed thousands of immigrants in that place, could be a reckless choice, which would create a huge bag of exclusion in an area already plagued by high unemployment and poverty. " According to the mayor, in Rome we would intend to make structural changes inside the residence in order to obtain up to 2,000 homes and 7,000 people. "A situation untenable, considering that our town has only 5,000 inhabitants," said Castania. "In the village you can set up instead to a maximum of 1,938 inhabitants, in compliance with the volumes of the plan of settlement."
The apartment complex was built in the late '90s with the variant planning instrument, approved by the Sicilian Region, which involved a hypothecation of the exclusive "residential development in a closed environment for families of military personnel of the U.S. naval base in Sigonella," as Mineo remembers administration in a letter of formal notice sent to Pizzarotti and Banca Intesa San Paolo, the bank which financed the project. "This measure explicitly excludes the change of use and the new plan adopted in 2002 by the City has maintained the bond to the area," added the administrators. "If the choice addivenisse to a destination other than the residence you must activate the procedures required to obtain permission from the competent bodies due to it.
From yet another record last waltz of the Governor Raffaele Lombardo. After the "yes" and "ni" to "plan Mineo", in the last hour has come to a "no" decision. "Migrants and asylum seekers are housed in an area and in an environment where there are job opportunities. How Lombardy or the Veneto, "says Lombardo. "Maroni partially reassured me, however, confirming that the town of Mineo are not allocated gli immigrati giunti nelle ultime settimane sulle sponde siciliane. Si prevede, invece, di ospitare i richiedenti asilo, per il tempo necessario alla valutazione dell’istruttoria. Nel residence non ci saranno militari, ma la Caritas e la Croce Rossa ”. L’ennesimo gioco delle parti. Con la bugia, enorme, che a presidiare i richiedenti-detenuti ci saranno i volontari e non le forze armate.
Mentre buona parte dell’associazionismo siciliano pro-migranti assiste in silenzio agli osceni sviluppi della vicenda, dal Friuli Venezia Giulia è giunta la dura posizione della tent of peace and human rights . "The residence is located in an isolated area and Mineo It is therefore the perfect joining in the global war, from support for the conflicts, the management of migration flows through the policies of detention and segregation," sc shores organization. "This is a huge business to art created on the skin, life and death of people. Once again, the government could seize the opportunity to exploit the "state of emergency" to pursue their own ends. The construction of CPT hours Identification and Expulsion Centres (CIE) has bypassed the normal procedures for public works referring a law on the state of emergency. Perhaps referring to ' horde of Tunisian that we are invading the government succeeds in obtaining rapidly with the opening of new CIE, just turn the key to the doors of CARA, the shelters refugees and asylum seekers. "
Concerns and worries about the decision to transfer a small town in Sicily asylum seekers housed in the various protection centers scattered in almost 100 Italian municipalities have also been expressed by the High Commissioner for UN refugee agency (UNHCR) and the Italian Refugee Council (CIR). "Such a solution would sradicare persone e famiglie che hanno già avviato un percorso di integrazione e trasferirle in un luogo dove queste condizioni non sussistono”, ha dichiarato la portavoce UNHCR, Laura Boldrini. “È sorprendente che per far posto agli ultimi immigrati arrivati dalla Tunisia, che sono per lo più migranti economici, si vada a intaccare e a mettere in discussione l’intero sistema di asilo, che, sia pur con dei limiti, è funzionante. S i finirebbe inoltre per stravolgere l’equilibrio dei centri di accoglienza, rallentando ancor di più il lavoro di accertamento che precede la concessione dell’asilo da parte delle “Commissioni Territoriali” .
In una lettera inviata al ministro Maroni, il CIR sottolinea come il “concentramento” di rifugiati o richiedenti asilo in una grande struttura “rappresenterebbe il contrario dell’attuale sistema di protezione coordinato dall’Anci in accordo con il ministero dell’Interno che prevede decentramento, ospitalità in piccoli centri, coinvolgimento degli enti locali e delle associazioni”. “Già una volta, nella primavera del 1999, 5.000 sfollati kosovari furono ospitati nella ex base Nato di Comiso in Sicilia e inevitabilmente in poco tempo la situazione divenne totalmente ingovernabile”, scrivono ancora i rappresentanti del CIR. “Chiediamo un ripensamento sull’utilizzo del Villaggio degli Aranci di Mineo che potrebbe effettivamente servire come centro di smistamento e prima identificazione delle persone solo per un limitatissimo periodo di accoglienza in caso di arrivi massicci dal nord-Africa, caso che non è affatto da escludersi considerando anche l’attuale situazione in Libia”.
Contro le accoglienze-detenzioni dei cittadini africani in fuga si schierano invece la Commissione episcopale per le migrazioni (Cemi) e la Fondazione Migrantes. Ponendo la necessità di imboccare “percorsi strutturali politici e sociali di integrazione” per chi arriva in Italia, le due organizzazioni asked to assess the possibility of "an order flows to regularly work overtime to immigrants." A simple request and that would undermine the interests of sustainable profiteers' Emergency Migrants SpA.
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