FREE ASSOCIATION presents Dossier Abruzzo Saturday, March 5, 2011 PESCARA
We invite the submission of the dossier Abruzzo Saturday, March 5 at
at 16 board room of the town of Pescara. Opportunity to reflect on
lawlessness, corruption and the mafia in our region.
calls for a strong participation to give a sign of non-indifference,
that this region is important to us and that there are still those who believe
that the "we" can change the consciousness.
We are also organizing a bus to the Day of Remembrance and Commitment
of 19 March to Power, Abruzzo could be
to say no to gangs in our area, the fee is € 20 departure
March 19 at 3:30 in Pescara, return same day, at around 22.
For further info: 348 6016819 or send email to
The deadline for confirmation is March 5.
Germana Vinegar
Coordination of Freedom in Abruzzo
Monday, February 28, 2011
What Is The Black Pearl Worth
Sunday, March 6 - Fourth Day of the Railways Forget. Brinda-LOVE Park.
Sunday, March 6 - Fourth Day of the Railways Forget. Brinda-LOVE Park. Vasto A walk on the former railway line, meeting at 10 to Piazza Fiume. In return for all those who want to toast in the nascent Square Park. With Co ... stituente
per il Parco Nazionale della Costa Teatina, impegnata in iniziative
lungo tutta la costa. ARCI Vasto, WWF Zona Frentana e Costa Teatina,
Italia Nostra, FAI Vasto, CAI Vasto, Ass. Amici di Punta Aderci invitano
tutti i cittadini e coloro che in questi anni hanno sognato e
costruiscono un futuro migliore per la nostra costa.
Sunday, March 6 - Fourth Day of the Railways Forget. Brinda-LOVE Park. Vasto A walk on the former railway line, meeting at 10 to Piazza Fiume. In return for all those who want to toast in the nascent Square Park. With Co ... stituente
per il Parco Nazionale della Costa Teatina, impegnata in iniziative
lungo tutta la costa. ARCI Vasto, WWF Zona Frentana e Costa Teatina,
Italia Nostra, FAI Vasto, CAI Vasto, Ass. Amici di Punta Aderci invitano
tutti i cittadini e coloro che in questi anni hanno sognato e
costruiscono un futuro migliore per la nostra costa.
Yamaha Waverunner Vx Cover
L’inquinamento elettromagnetico della base USA di Niscemi
is one of the lesser-known military installations in Italy but it is certainly among the most dangerous from the environmental point of view. Operating since 1991, the Naval Radio Transmitter Facility - NRTF of Niscemi (Caltanissetta) provides telecommunications Navy of the United States of America to be global, but can also be used to house one of the four terminals of the land Muos, the new system of satellite broadcasts of the U.S. military. The NRTF located a few kilometers from the town of Niscemi, closely behind the perimeter of the nature reserve "cork" Site of Community Importance SIC. It houses about forty antennas and radio-emitting, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, covering the entire electromagnetic spectrum from the HF, VHF and the UHF (high, very high and ultra frequencies for communications radio surface) and the ELF, VLF and LF (low and extremely low frequencies that can penetrate deep ocean waters and contribute to communications with submarines and nuclear propulsion capability). A deadly cocktail that sovrespone the residents and the diverse fauna and flora of the electromagnetic pollution which only in recent months it has been possible to know the very serious and unsustainable levels.
Nel corso del convegno sui “rischi MUOS”, promosso dalle associazioni che si oppongono al nuovo programma militare-satellitare, il sindaco di Niscemi, Giovanni Di Martino, ha presentato gli ultimi dati sulle emissioni rilevate dall’ARPA, l’Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente. «Nel periodo compreso tra il 22 marzo e il 19 aprile 2010, la centralina posta Ulmo in a private house in the district, near the U.S. station, reported the issue, constant, values \u200b\u200bslightly higher than 6 V / m (volts per meter), the limit set by Italian regulations of attention for exposure electromagnetic fields, "said Di Martino.
"These figures are extremely worrying, because we are in an area already affected by complex emergencies environment. We asked the legal office of the City of Niscemi to verify whether the conditions to proceed in court against the Navy U.S. military. Meanwhile, we have sent a warning that those responsible the basic action to block electromagnetic pollution. "
The new findings are even more alarming ARPA to what occurred in the previous monitoring activities (between December 2008 and March 2009), when the district Ulmo the unit had recorded a 'media exposure of about 6 V / m ', with' peak week overrun the threshold value, probably due to the intensification of the activities of broadcasting. Even then, however, these measures were left deeply puzzled the Committee which had reported no Muos as time was running just about 50% of satellite base Niscemi.
"Do not is also given that any of the broadcasts military is not continuity of the emissions and the variability of the power with which they are irradiated, "added the representatives of the Campaign for the demilitarization of Sigonella. "It should be remembered that the experts in the field of electromagnetic pollution in an estimated 10-15% of the uncertainty of the measurements of frequencies. This means that the houses near the base of Niscemi may already be subject to constant emissions with values \u200b\u200bexceeding 7 V / m. And a number of internationally renowned researchers have been calling for a significant reduction in the so-called "limits of care" required by the regulations, since the 3-4 V / m are already considered very high risk to human health. "
Adding to the fears of no-war organizations, the results of a study by Massimo Coraddu (researcher of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics - INFN Cagliari) emissions Station Niscemi and surveys carried out by the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment. "The instrumentation and procedures used by ARPA for the measurement of electromagnetism are not fully adequate to the relief of the type of emissions from NRTF, which may have led to a systematic underestimation of the observed field," says Dr. Coraddu.
"They were used for the detection units continuously with two operating modes, Wide Band (with bandwidth of 100 kHz-3 GHz) and Low Band (100 KHz-860 MHz band), but did not specify which of the two modes is actually used. Then comparing the characteristics of the measuring instrument with the emission characteristics of the antennas we realize immediately that the unit was not capable of detecting the emission of very low frequency VLF and LF of the big U.S. base antenna radiator vertical, operating between 3 and 300 KHz and a wavelength range from 1 to 100 km is the frequency that is largely or entirely below the lower limit detectable by the probes used by ARPA Sicily. "
the station NRTF of Niscemi, according to the Submarine Communications Master Plan produced in December 1995 by the U.S. Navy, is in fact a device VERDIN (VLF Digital Information Network) for communication with submerged submarines using frequencies between 14 and 60 KHz version of U.S. Navy and between 14 and 150 KHz in version NATO.
In his study, Massimo Coraddu also focuses on building Muos center that will be equipped with two transmitters UHF power of 105 W and three large dishes operating in the Ka-band microwave (18-40 GHz). "The environmental impact assessment of the new telecommunications satellite, provided by the U.S. Navy, is seriously flawed and inadequate in many respects and does not in any way to assess the severity of the problems and risks associated with its installation, "says the researcher of INFN.
"It will be announced the main features of the transmitters and antennas used (frequency, signal characteristics, etc.). And even explains the methodology of calculation. The results are mutually inconsistent and contradictory as the safety distance for the emission of microwaves from the parables, we present two different values, both frighteningly high, 38.9 km in Table 6.5 and 135.7 km in Table 6.7. Serious omissions as regards the risks of the system. The evaluation of safety distances and the level of field checking was carried out, one by one, the issue of individual antennas, and not, as required by law, the simultaneous emission of all devices at the highest level of power. It does not even consider what is probably the worst of possible hazards: an accident or a pointing error that leads to accidental exposure to microwave beam, dangerous and potentially lethal, even for short exposures at distances less than about 1 Km ' .
Massimo Coraddu also complains that it is not given any consideration about the impact of emissions on the natural environment, "it is firmly known as the microwaves are harmful to many species, such as bees, deeply disturbed also by low levels of field, or birds may be injured or killed in the air if accidentally cross the beam emitted.
In the absence of specific scientific studies on the risk of electromagnetic Muos, you can draw only what is already established for the waves generated by the mobile phone systems operating between 900 MHz and 2 GHz, the same range of the new satellite system of forces U.S. military. It is the central nervous system, in particular, to be affected by exposure to microwaves. As noted in February 2006 by the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety - ICEMS (between components, scientists, researchers and oncologists in Italy, the United States, Russia, China, Brazil, Sweden and Canada), "Epidemiological evidence has been accumulated that indicates an increased risk of brain tumors for extended use mobile phones. "
"These figures are extremely worrying, because we are in an area already affected by complex emergencies environment. We asked the legal office of the City of Niscemi to verify whether the conditions to proceed in court against the Navy
The new findings are even more alarming ARPA to what occurred in the previous monitoring activities (between December 2008 and March 2009), when the district Ulmo the unit had recorded a 'media exposure of about 6 V / m ', with' peak week overrun the threshold value, probably due to the intensification of the activities of broadcasting. Even then, however, these measures were left deeply puzzled the Committee which had reported no Muos as time was running just about 50% of satellite base Niscemi.
"Do not is also given that any of the broadcasts military is not continuity of the emissions and the variability of the power with which they are irradiated, "added the representatives of the Campaign for the demilitarization of Sigonella. "It should be remembered that the experts in the field of electromagnetic pollution in an estimated 10-15% of the uncertainty of the measurements of frequencies. This means that the houses near the base of Niscemi may already be subject to constant emissions with values \u200b\u200bexceeding 7 V / m. And a number of internationally renowned researchers have been calling for a significant reduction in the so-called "limits of care" required by the regulations, since the 3-4 V / m are already considered very high risk to human health. "
Adding to the fears of no-war organizations, the results of a study by Massimo Coraddu (researcher of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics - INFN Cagliari) emissions Station Niscemi and surveys carried out by the Regional Agency for the
"They were used for the detection units continuously with two operating modes, Wide Band (with bandwidth of 100 kHz-3 GHz) and Low Band (100 KHz-860 MHz band), but did not specify which of the two modes is actually used. Then comparing the characteristics of the measuring instrument with the emission characteristics of the antennas we realize immediately that the unit was not capable of detecting the emission of very low frequency VLF and LF of the big U.S. base antenna radiator vertical, operating between 3 and 300 KHz and a wavelength range from 1 to 100 km is the frequency that is largely or entirely below the lower limit detectable by the probes used by ARPA Sicily. "
the station NRTF of Niscemi, according to the Submarine Communications Master Plan produced in December 1995 by the U.S. Navy, is in fact a device VERDIN (VLF Digital Information Network) for communication with submerged submarines using frequencies between 14 and 60 KHz version of U.S. Navy and between 14 and 150 KHz in version NATO.
In his study, Massimo Coraddu also focuses on building Muos center that will be equipped with two transmitters UHF power of 105 W and three large dishes operating in the Ka-band microwave (18-40 GHz). "The environmental impact assessment of the new telecommunications satellite, provided by the U.S. Navy, is seriously flawed and inadequate in many respects and does not in any way to assess the severity of the problems and risks associated with its installation, "says the researcher of INFN.
"It will be announced the main features of the transmitters and antennas used (frequency, signal characteristics, etc.). And even explains the methodology of calculation. The results are mutually inconsistent and contradictory as the safety distance for the emission of microwaves from the parables, we present two different values, both frighteningly high, 38.9 km in Table 6.5 and 135.7 km in Table 6.7. Serious omissions as regards the risks of the system. The evaluation of safety distances and the level of field checking was carried out, one by one, the issue of individual antennas, and not, as required by law, the simultaneous emission of all devices at the highest level of power. It does not even consider what is probably the worst of possible hazards: an accident or a pointing error that leads to accidental exposure to microwave beam, dangerous and potentially lethal, even for short exposures at distances less than about 1 Km ' .
Massimo Coraddu also complains that it is not given any consideration about the impact of emissions on the natural environment, "it is firmly known as the microwaves are harmful to many species, such as bees, deeply disturbed also by low levels of field, or birds may be injured or killed in the air if accidentally cross the beam emitted.
In the absence of specific scientific studies on the risk of electromagnetic Muos, you can draw only what is already established for the waves generated by the mobile phone systems operating between 900 MHz and 2 GHz, the same range of the new satellite system of forces U.S. military. It is the central nervous system, in particular, to be affected by exposure to microwaves. As noted in February 2006 by the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety
Liberation Article published on June 18, 2010
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sims 2 4 Jahreszeiten
Vegetables "solidarity": The Moon House coop. Azienda Agricola F.lli Frassati onlus
La Fattoria Sociale dispone di seimila metri quadrati di terreno irriguo, quattro tunnel e una nuovissima serra climatizzata. All’interno della struttura opera attualmente personale dei tecnici specifico coadiuvato da due operai agricoli diversamente abili.
Agricultural activities begin in late winter sowing in the nursery, they continue growing in the spring tunnel in cold air and allow the production of fruit and vegetables in season. The heated greenhouse extension agricultural activities in the winter and allows the production of early fruit and horticultural products, diversifying and expanding product offerings.
The sale to "kilometers zero directly from producer to consumer, allows you to learn the seasonality of the various products will appreciate the variety of preparations suggested by the abundance of production.
The objectives of the Farm Social are
The choice is dictated by the desire to produce good quality fruit and vegetables, maintaining an environment rehabilitation and work also focused on the welfare of workers.
Tramite un nostro gasista abbiamo potuto contattare Cascina La Luna - fattoria sociale coop. Frassati non-profit organization.
during a delivery on Thursday came to see us in the following guide of farm crops (... graduated in Agricultural Science) with which we began to take the first chords.
Guido is one of those people who'd be listening to for hours and that surely will invite in the meeting so that he can share his valuable experience in place of cooperation but also around the world in developing countries .
For the time will be offered a spot to buy a box of mixed vegetables consisting of:
No 1 cabbage,
200 gr. Valerian,
500 gr. Kale,
300 gr.
kind of salad at a truly united.
The order will remain open until Tuesday, March 1.
With the summer season, having more vegetables available, you can customize your box.
Good Sunday
promoted in collaboration with the Department of Labor of the Province of Turin, with the Territorial Pact of the West Zone, ; Coldiretti Turin and the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Turin, the Social Farms Project aims, among other objectives, promote the participation of disabled people or in situations of marginalization to experiments functional rehabilitation and work within contexts agricultural, horticultural and flowers.
The social factor that context they can become useful and effective tools to enable individuals involved to restore its balance personal and social, often undermined and challenged by continuing and precarious conditions of hardship, difficulty and disadvantage .
The draft of the cooperative Farm PG Frassati Services the person was born in 2008 from the desire to exploit the potential of more advanced resources and agricultural land in the Cascina THE MOON, with the intention of making better use of rehabilitative social impacts of agriculture. House is in fact already since 1982 a Day Centre for disabled people with rehabilitation projects centered on agricultural work
The project now includes the use of two agronomists and, in collaboration with the cooperative social PG Frassati Manufacturing Jobs , the regular intake of two agricultural workers with disabilities.
Testing Project is aimed at the creation of an agricultural enterprise autonomous , which arises from the vocations of the two cooperatives PG Frassati: that of the educational and social inclusion
The goal is che il lavoro della Fattoria Sociale costituisca contemporaneamente anche uno stimolo e una ricaduta positiva che potenzi le attività riabilitative del Centro Diurno che continua ad operare nella Cascina.
L'attività Agricola

Nell’ambito di un progetti educativi individual participating in the activity (or so the prevailing or determinant), some users of the Centre Daily activities with professionals (educators and oss).
Agricultural activities begin in late winter sowing in the nursery, they continue growing in the spring tunnel in cold air and allow the production of fruit and vegetables in season. The heated greenhouse extension agricultural activities in the winter and allows the production of early fruit and horticultural products, diversifying and expanding product offerings.
The sale to "kilometers zero directly from producer to consumer, allows you to learn the seasonality of the various products will appreciate the variety of preparations suggested by the abundance of production.
addition to on-line reservation service, the sale is via:
- a dedicated space at the Farm Social
- a bench in local markets of the city of Torino (Piazza Campanella, Brunelleschi course)
- a telephone service
- groups of citizens organized
- fairs and markets Local
- other farms of the region
- other social cooperatives with a store procedure.
With the support of Fondazione CRT and the Province of Turin, we were able to develop the horticultural and floricultural p roduction , through the purchase of a tractor with equipment, renovation of greenhouses, cold and recovery of a heated greenhouse that already exists.
social activity
The social activities of the farm is expressed essentially by:
- the recruitment of disabled people employed in the direct
- L and activities linked to the territory "open up" the cabin to the outside world (the sale of products , recreational activities, educational events)
- The impact of the activities of agricultural projects on rehabilitation of the Day Centre

The presence of regularly employed workers with disabilities had a positive impact on the Centre Activity Daylight, improving well-being and stimulating the ability of patients.
addition, the Social Farm has multiplied the opportunities open to the territory and those who wish to participate in productive activities to receive proper training in the field of social farming. The activity is organized through apprenticeships or training and is aimed at disabled people from the various departments of the cooperative or other cooperatives, but also to other parties: professionals, parents with children with disabilities, operators in who use or plan to use collaboration of a disabled person.
The objectives of the Farm Social are
- develop a systematic quality agricultural production and short chain traceable to market at the right price
- promote social inclusion -employment of persons with disabilities with regular recruitment by law
- Implement projects and opportunities that enhance the therapeutic potential of social farming
- Promote a network of collaboration among all subjects sensitive to issues of inclusion and social work of persons with disabilities.
The productions are mainly vegetables and flowers. In addition, some products are processed by the processing company with which the farm works.
Social Farm products are grown through the adoption of methods traditional, traditional family farming, and innovative methods of its specialist firms. The control of weeds and pests is avoiding the use of potentially hazardous substances in both phases of soil preparation and during cultivation.
The choice is dictated by the desire to produce good quality fruit and vegetables, maintaining an environment rehabilitation and work also focused on the welfare of workers.
More offers
addition to the farm productive activities with the kids preparing Christmas baskets with products of the territory even where it is placed. Finally, the Farm is organizing a series of training activities and information related to the rehabilitative needs but also for families with disabled children and for educators and trainers whose business is to follow people with disabilities in the agricultural sector.
The Farm as part of its objectives with the CAD Frassati Coop organizes activities for integration with the region through events public, liaison with local schools, participation in markets and so on.
Farm Social
Cooperativa Sociale Onlus PG Frassati scs
Road Pellerina 22 / 7
10146 Torino Tel
011 / 710114 Fax 011/7792785
Monday to Friday: 08.30 - 16.00
Luigi Piras
Cooperativa Sociale Onlus PG Frassati scs
Road Pellerina 22 / 7
10146 Torino Tel
011 / 710114 Fax 011/7792785
Monday to Friday: 08.30 - 16.00
Luigi Piras
Reporting on retegas:
We are the Centre Daily activities of the Cooperative Farm Moon PG Frassati, a service for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health. Since 1984 we have adopted farming as a means of rehabilitation and job placement.
We recently joined the Project social factors, promoted by the Labour of the Province of Turin, made by the Territorial Pact of the West Zone with the help of Coldiretti e della Facoltà di Agraria dell'Università di Torino.
In seguito all'adesione al progetto abbiamo incrementato la nostra produzione e la vendita diretta in cascina.
Produciamo ortaggi secondo metodi di coltivazione tradizionali, sia all'aperto sia in coltura protetta, seguendo il ciclo produttivo dalla semina alla raccolta e vendita.
We recently joined the Project social factors, promoted by the Labour of the Province of Turin, made by the Territorial Pact of the West Zone with the help of Coldiretti e della Facoltà di Agraria dell'Università di Torino.
In seguito all'adesione al progetto abbiamo incrementato la nostra produzione e la vendita diretta in cascina.
Produciamo ortaggi secondo metodi di coltivazione tradizionali, sia all'aperto sia in coltura protetta, seguendo il ciclo produttivo dalla semina alla raccolta e vendita.
Centro Attività Diurne
Progetto Fattoria Sociale Cascina La Luna
Progetto Fattoria Sociale Cascina La Luna
La Fattoria Sociale Cascina La Luna è una fra le poche realtà di agricoltura sociale situate interamente all'interno del territorio del Comune di Torino.
In essa, tramite il CAD (Centro Attività Diurne) gestito dalla cooperativa sociale P. G. Frassati, operano anche alcune persone diversamente abili, per le quali l'attività agricola viene adottata come strumento di riabilitazione e inserimento lavorativo. Quindici disabili psichici e intellettivi coltivano infatti zucchini, insalata, pomodori e cavoli con tecniche a basso impatto ambientale.
L'orto si estende su 6.000 m 2 di suolo, in quattro tunnel e una serra riscaldata.
I prodotti sono venduti da educatori e disabili direttamente in cascina e nei mercati rionali di corso Brunelleschi e piazza Campanella.
La Bastide La Luna granted funding by the Province of Turin and Fondazione CRT, adheres to the Project social factors, promoted by the Labour of the Province of Turin, made by the Territorial Pact of the West Zone in collaboration with the Confederation and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Turin.

L'orto si estende su 6.000 m 2 di suolo, in quattro tunnel e una serra riscaldata.
I prodotti sono venduti da educatori e disabili direttamente in cascina e nei mercati rionali di corso Brunelleschi e piazza Campanella.
La Bastide La Luna granted funding by the Province of Turin and Fondazione CRT, adheres to the Project social factors, promoted by the Labour of the Province of Turin, made by the Territorial Pact of the West Zone in collaboration with the Confederation and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Turin.
What 6 Points Do I Need For My Nys I.d
BORON: wines from the Veneto tradition since 1954
L ' farm BORON is part of a family tradition begun in 1954 thanks to the passion of Remigio and Amedeo.
Here too, the input came from a gasista that after a long stay in France, currently working in Veneto.
He knew Baron Brothers after a day's work going, with some colleagues in the area, taste the excellent wines from the Veneto.
Back home we have now brought the leaflets, saying they have good wine, never tasted a wine like that.
And here's the spot ....
Unfortunately, producers do not have a website and are not able to find pictures of the products.
You then need to be satisfied only in the description.
The wines will be delivered in late March directly from the manufacturers that will make us taste their specialty.
We take this opportunity to ask questions, get clarification, ask for advice, etc. .. Good Sunday -----

Over the years, the production company has experienced a constant development up to 25 hectares of vineyards, all located in Loncon.
Today the company has been passed on to the next generation.
Sabrina, Andrea, and Robert continues to live this passion alongside the experience of tradition with new techniques vinificazione, per poter offrire ai propri clienti dei vini prestigiosi.
Boron Remigio e Amedeo - Azienda Agricola
Viale Vittoria 6 - 30020 Annone Veneto (VE)
Tel. (+39).0422.864020 Fax (+39).0422.864020
E' ottimo con il pesce bollito, con le salse, con gli antipasti di pesce e come aperitivo.
Servire alla temperatura di 10-12°
Profumo caratteristico e persistente. Sapore asciutto e fruttato.
Eccellente aperitivo.
Accompagna al meglio gli antipasti alla marinara, tutti i piatti di pesce in genere, le verdure miste ed i formaggi.
Servire alla 10-12 °
It has a pale straw color with delicate aromas characteristic.
has a dry, soft and velvety.
Serve at 8-10 °
elegant wine, fruity with a delicate bouquet reminiscent of peach and apricot.
accompaniment to any dish of fish, especially shellfish risotto and spring vegetables. Serve at
di 8-10°
Verduzzo Dorato: IGT veneto
Splendido vino dal colore oro antico. Possiede un bouquet raffinato, avvolgente, con sentori di fichi e albicocche secche.
Il suo piacevole equilibrio fra zuccheri e acidità fissa lo rendono ideale per fantasiosi fuori pasto e dessert.
Servire alla temperatura di 8-10°
Verduzzo Frizzante: IGT veneto
Vino dal colore paglierino accentuato e dal profumo caratteristico e vinoso persistente.
Ha sapore asciutto e sapido.
E' indicato per gli antipasti misti, i risotti e i primi piatti leggeri a base di verdure, carni bianche arrostite e pesce.
Servire alla temperatura di 8-10°
Dal sapore intenso, delicato, morbido molto armonico.
Si accompagna ad antipasti, primi piatti e preparazioni a base di pesce.
Servire alla temperatura di 8-10°
E' indicato con gli antipasti di mare, con le minestre vellutate, con i risotti e anche con carni bianche delicate.
Servire alla temperatura di 8-10°
The taste is dry, full, with a bitter aftertaste.
accompaniment to all kinds of grilled meat and others such as: meats and poultry.
Serve at 16-18 °
particularly elegant wine with herbaceous notes and a delicate hint of wild raspberry.
The taste expresses her personality, showing a perfect balance.
accompaniment to red meats and game.
Servire alla temperatura di 16-18°
Profumo leggermente erbaceo con sfumature di lampone.
Ha un gusto armonico e corposo ma molto elegante.
Si accompagna ad arrosti di carni bianche e rosse, formaggi di pasta dura ed alla cacciagione.
Servire alla temperatura di 16-18°
Pinot nero: IGT veneto
Dal bel colore rubino tendente al granato.
La finezza olfattiva apre su sentori delicati, di sottobosco: al palato è di grande impatto gustativo.
Si accompagna egregiamente a piatti a base di carni e a formaggi stagionati.
Servire at a temperature of 18 °
Scents reveal a typical varietal character.
the palate it offers a pleasant aroma and a corresponding dry and slightly tannic.
particularly suitable for combination with white and red meat.
Serve at 18-20 °
E 'suitable for dishes half but strong regional cuisine type and boiled pork in general.
Excellent with grilled meats and skewers game. Serve at
18-20 °
Fresh, pleasant and intense. Balanced and savory flavor.
accompaniment to meats, medium-aged cheeses, pasta dishes and tasty fish stew.
Serve at 8-10 °
is passed in barrels for 12 months where it takes on the trappings of a major, full-bodied wine.
Serve at 16-18 °
In flute fa bella mostra con perlage fine persistente.
Da sensazioni eleganti con nuance di crosta di pane e ricordi di mandorla.
Gradito come aperitivo. Accompagna ottimamente tutto il pasto.
Servire alla temperatura di 6°
Pinot Grigio: IGT veneto
vino dal colore giallo paglierino con tendenza al ramato, fruttato da giovane, poi intenso e caratteristico.
Sapore vellutato e armonico. E' ottimo con il pesce bollito, con le salse, con gli antipasti di pesce e come aperitivo.
Servire alla temperatura di 10-12°
Lison: DOC Lison-Pramaggiore
vino dal colore paglierino con riflessi verdognoli. Profumo caratteristico e persistente. Sapore asciutto e fruttato.
Eccellente aperitivo.
Accompagna al meglio gli antipasti alla marinara, tutti i piatti di pesce in genere, le verdure miste ed i formaggi.
Servire alla 10-12 °
Chardonnay IGT Veneto
elegant wine and hors d'oeuvres prepared seafood and vegetables, eggs and soft cheeses. It has a pale straw color with delicate aromas characteristic.
has a dry, soft and velvety.
Serve at 8-10 °
Riesling: wine IGT Veneto
a beautiful straw color with greenish tints, dry, harmonious, slim body. elegant wine, fruity with a delicate bouquet reminiscent of peach and apricot.
accompaniment to any dish of fish, especially shellfish risotto and spring vegetables. Serve at
di 8-10°
Verduzzo Dorato: IGT veneto
Splendido vino dal colore oro antico. Possiede un bouquet raffinato, avvolgente, con sentori di fichi e albicocche secche.
Il suo piacevole equilibrio fra zuccheri e acidità fissa lo rendono ideale per fantasiosi fuori pasto e dessert.
Servire alla temperatura di 8-10°
Verduzzo Frizzante: IGT veneto
Vino dal colore paglierino accentuato e dal profumo caratteristico e vinoso persistente.
Ha sapore asciutto e sapido.
E' indicato per gli antipasti misti, i risotti e i primi piatti leggeri a base di verdure, carni bianche arrostite e pesce.
Servire alla temperatura di 8-10°
Chardonney frizzante: IGT veneto
Vino di colore giallo paglierino, profumo fruttato con note vanigliate. Dal sapore intenso, delicato, morbido molto armonico.
Si accompagna ad antipasti, primi piatti e preparazioni a base di pesce.
Servire alla temperatura di 8-10°
Malvasia frizzante: IGT veneto
Vino dal colore giallo paglierino intenso, spicca per la pulizia e la fragranza dei profumi varietali e fruttati e per la freschezza con cui si propone al palato. E' indicato con gli antipasti di mare, con le minestre vellutate, con i risotti e anche con carni bianche delicate.
Servire alla temperatura di 8-10°
Refosco: DOC Lison-Pramaggiore
purplish red color, with a winy, characteristic. The taste is dry, full, with a bitter aftertaste.
accompaniment to all kinds of grilled meat and others such as: meats and poultry.
Serve at 16-18 °
Cabernet Franc: DOC Lison-Pramaggiore
intense ruby \u200b\u200bred wine, a large structure. particularly elegant wine with herbaceous notes and a delicate hint of wild raspberry.
The taste expresses her personality, showing a perfect balance.
accompaniment to red meats and game.
Servire alla temperatura di 16-18°
Cabernet Sauvigon: IGT Veneto
Vino di colore rosso rubino tendente al viola. Profumo leggermente erbaceo con sfumature di lampone.
Ha un gusto armonico e corposo ma molto elegante.
Si accompagna ad arrosti di carni bianche e rosse, formaggi di pasta dura ed alla cacciagione.
Servire alla temperatura di 16-18°
Pinot nero: IGT veneto
Dal bel colore rubino tendente al granato.
La finezza olfattiva apre su sentori delicati, di sottobosco: al palato è di grande impatto gustativo.
Si accompagna egregiamente a piatti a base di carni e a formaggi stagionati.
Servire at a temperature of 18 °
Malbech: IGT Veneto
It shows an intense ruby \u200b\u200bcolor. Scents reveal a typical varietal character.
the palate it offers a pleasant aroma and a corresponding dry and slightly tannic.
particularly suitable for combination with white and red meat.
Serve at 18-20 °
Raboso Veronese IGT Veneto
wine typical of intense ruby \u200b\u200bred color and the characteristic vinous. E 'suitable for dishes half but strong regional cuisine type and boiled pork in general.
Excellent with grilled meats and skewers game. Serve at
18-20 °
Rosé Sparkling: IGT Veneto
wine made exclusively from grape crushing Malbech immediately separated from the skins to achieve its characteristic color. Fresh, pleasant and intense. Balanced and savory flavor.
accompaniment to meats, medium-aged cheeses, pasta dishes and tasty fish stew.
Serve at 8-10 °
Bosc vert: IGT Veneto
Wine made from grapes in our vineyard in Loncon Bosc Vert. is passed in barrels for 12 months where it takes on the trappings of a major, full-bodied wine.
Serve at 16-18 °
Chardonnay spumante brut
Da un sapiente uvaggio nasce questo Chardonnay spumante brut a fermentazione naturale. In flute fa bella mostra con perlage fine persistente.
Da sensazioni eleganti con nuance di crosta di pane e ricordi di mandorla.
Gradito come aperitivo. Accompagna ottimamente tutto il pasto.
Servire alla temperatura di 6°

Friday, February 25, 2011
Sprint Internet Mediafire
HELPING READING: Read with your heart and mind.
Cari gasisti e care gasiste,
Vi presentiamo una delle iniziative finalizzate al sostegno dei due progetti presentati di Marcello (uomo dell'Avana, attualmente del Cuzco).
E 'entitled HELPING READING: Read with your heart and mind.
last Saturday of every month, the withdrawal of the "big spending", we invite you to bring two or three books (adventure, history, children, etc. ..).
Everyone can take home more in return (whereas we are more than 160 families would be a better choice!). The donation (minimum 5 €) will be devoted to two projects.
The same thing can be done with children's clothing, toys, etc. ...
gasisti Some have asked me if we could give them away here is your chance. Furthermore, the initiative encourages
the recycled: REUSE is also good for the environment !
See you soon anna
- gas Avigliana
GASAVIGLIANA: many drops of solidarity
Hello everyone I am Marcello,
gasisti for "historic" ... man de l ' Havana ... and more recently the man of Cusco ...
friend of Williams (Willy) who got the idea to dedicate as "GASisti" deserved a little present, even to help stand in these long months, say also "not pleased" that will pass away from home in that city in India where the food is very very good, especially the meat ... and where everyone is cordial, friendly and speak good of the Val di Susa ...
Lia The nest egg that has collected in a few days has exceeded the expenditure .
What to do: with the consent of William and Angela (who can only say yes) we said that the difference (about 50 euro) could be the beginning of a down payment for a Solidarity Fund.
stable, concrete of our group, where a fund to inject our "good deeds" ...
Through various initiatives, to which Anna Veltri and his team are actively working on, we want to make bodied this fund for 2011 and assigning it to a couple of projects ... one near us, 0 km, visible palpable ... every day ... and a further, but known and where "definitely" our little contribution will be well spent ...
restaurant offers FREE (Association against the Mafia) Abel Group, which we know to be in severe financial difficulties, we should all know well ... for those who are distracted or have lost a piece to upgrade just search the internet ...
Internationally (if you can say that) ... the democratically impose Qalauma Center ... a project in Bolivia MLAL , condotto dell’amico Riccardo Giavarini, che si occupa di giovani carcerati… forse qualcuno si ricorderà perchè ne avevo accennato una sera, circa un anno fa, di ritorno dal viaggio che avevo fatto con mio figlio…(allego anche un documento che il MLAL mi ha mandato)
Per entrambi si tratterà di gocce di solidarietà nel mare profondo di “bisogno” …
Concretamente si pensava ad una cifra totale “significativa” diciamo intorno ai mille…superata la quale (non ci diamo limiti …pensiamo in grande) potremmo “cercare “ qualche altra realtà locale e internazionale alla quale far arrivare il nostro piccolo, ma concreto sostegno.
It is recognized that it is not an obligation ... although ...
Marcello (man Havana)
Dear supporters,
the process taking place in Bolivia for the establishment of a new constitutional framework that provides guidelines territorial autonomy, and therefore a precise allocation of powers and responsibilities at each level of government is problematic and inevitably intersects territorial separatism with the persistence of social tension.
institutional and political tensions, and the size of the role of the state, could therefore reduce the amount of initiative to other economic or social structures such as civil society, NGOs and other forms of cooperation, even with a heavier bureaucratic procedures (well known to our local offices) for approval and monitoring of projects, and for the various forms of authorization.
In particular, the cooperation partners-American suspected of encouraging hostility to the government under the banner of human rights, press freedom and enterprise - have already shifted the country.
This, in brief, the framework within which we are operating as ProgettoMondo Mlal, as we are engaged in strengthening networks of small producers OECAS with the Food Safety Project Life Campesina; of 33 Andean communities through responsible tourism with the project Bienvenidos !; network of children working with the new project the profession to grow, with the approaching opening of the prison facilities for children Qalauma; Mamita with the Project, to defend children's rights in the city of La Paz, and that for improving nutrition in schools Cotagaita (Sons of the Mine).
All these projects are funded from relations solidarity, support and exchange that many territories, organizations and individuals we have here and we also thank. More and more
Bolivia represents ProgettoMondo Mlal a strategic country, and for the strength of our roots, and then for the system of relationships that is built and developed over more than 40 years of continuous presence, both for the challenges this country offers more than ever for international cooperation.
Ivana Borsotto
Program Manager
ProgettoMondo Mlal
These last months have been very intense and very good results.
last half have been organized more visits with the children of San Pedro in Qalauma and recently the new Centre is also populated by girls and women's prisons Obrajes of Miraflores.
all began in June with a first group of eight boys from San Pedro we accompanied Qalauma later in August had been made out that they had seen two other involved 11 and then 16 boys. Finally, the last exit in October with 18 boys and girls.
After much hesitation, both by the police that the children themselves, about such an initiative that brings out the prisoners from the minors for a few days living in the new Education Centre opened by ProgettoMondo Mlal to Viacha, these days they are proved unforgettable.
Prior to this experience were the many-minded pilot experiment we proposed. Inside the prisons
Qalauma rumor that he was a concentration camp or a place of punishment.
For this reason, the first few times, we encountered much resistance from the boys to give their consent.
But, little by little, they themselves have understood that you can live Qalauma detention, in respect of the person and of his age.
So much so that even after the third visit, the same young prisoners of San Pedro, decided to create a committee to push the government to speed up a formal opening and then the full functioning of the Centre.
Kevin (one of the guys from San Pedro), thus making, youth representative of the prison, he has worked to promote a collection
signatures between prisoners and submitted it to the governor, in charge of prisons.
In October there was a hunger strike organized by prisoners who claimed their rights: in that occasion, Kevin, and his companions have made their voices heard also.
Today in the prisons of La Paz all know Qalauma center, and many are eagerly awaiting its opening, as you will remember that-unfortunately depends on an agreement made by different authorities and is therefore subject to a series of unexpected events, red tape, delays varied.
advantage-if I may say-of this period of impasse, the team of Qalauma is working to prepare the area so that everything works then the best.
are then made to raise awareness workshops with police officers who then will be used to Viacha because
know about the project and the educational model on which it is based, and also because they have more information on the status of the adolescent and the functioning of justice .
It sounds absurd, but if the Bolivian justice now laments serious shortcomings, the responsibility is also a security system that is still partial.
To ensure that Qalauma functions is therefore of paramount importance that the security system work with all other professionals.
and seminars conducted for the prison service seem to have given good results: the changes were noted in the relationship with the boys and a greater willingness to cooperate. In addition, the team
Qalauma organized a seminar to raise awareness with the judges of the Superior Court of the city of La Paz and the city of El Alto.
We wanted to make known to the judges, who denied the necessary permits for the outputs of two days of jail, the aims and methods proposed by the project.
It happened often that the team requires permission for 30 students, but eventually received permission only for the half.
Unfortunately, this has been a major impediment to our programming and to overcome this problem is thought to promote a seminar attended by 35 judges.
Participation was very active, as revealed to them, was the best way to clear doubts.
is also planned another meeting in which, in addition to judges, will be invited international speakers: Brazilians (APAC method is in fact Brazilian), English, Swiss and Italians.
Finally, another objective of the team, carries out awareness raising and prevention also nella società civile.
L’equipe sta infatti collaborando con le scuole superiori di Viacha con l’idea di potere svolgere attività preventive con adolescenti dai 16 ai 18 anni.
Sono stati anche realizzati una serie di eventi pubblici per sensibilizzare la popolazione del paese in cui sorge Qaluama perché la struttura non venga vissuta come estranea e scomoda dalla popolazione.
Insomma l’equipe del Progetto è sempre in fermento, io stessa lascio con profondo dispiacere questo ventaglio di occasioni, anche se sento come altrettanto grande la soddisfazione per i risultati ottenuti.
In questi mesi ho lavorato come casco Bianco insieme all’equipe, e insieme abbiamo pianificato, eseguito e valutato tutte le activities of which I have recounted above.
Every day we walked to conduct workshops in prisons, and were authentic relationship with the boys.
Some of them are open to me telling me their stories, others have found my support in a welcoming smile.
I want to thank them ... because they were the co-authors of my own experience.
So much so that the penultimate day of my stay in Bolivia, the boys from San Pedro wanted to prepare a meal in prison, buy rice, salad, potatoes and pork chops.
It was a big expense for them, el'hanno done for me in gratitude!
We said goodbye hugs and movingly between phrases of hope ... unforgettable moments that are engraved in our hearts.
Ester Bianchini
Old White
ProgettoMondo Mlal Bolivia
Bianchini, for a year in voluntary community service program in our Qalauma, for which he has followed the activities organized in prison for minors held in San Pedro, she returned to Italy. His valuable work and careful ProgettoMondo Mlal allowed to gather much evidence of a world, the Bolivian prison, that does not pit the front pages of our media.
Thanks Esther!
In its place, two other young white helmet just selected: Cinti Diego, 26 years of Ascoli Piceno and Simona Durzu, 23 anni, cagliaritana. Entrambi partiranno per la Bolivia il primo febbraio. A loro un in bocca al lupo fin d’ora.
Lo scorso ottobre, Projecto solidario, Ong spagnola impegnata in programmi di sviluppo dedicati ai giovani, ha consegnato un premio a Riccardo per il suo strenuo e appassionato impegno in difesa della condizione dei giovani in carcere. Complimenti Riccardo!

Vi presentiamo una delle iniziative finalizzate al sostegno dei due progetti presentati di Marcello (uomo dell'Avana, attualmente del Cuzco).
E 'entitled HELPING READING: Read with your heart and mind.
last Saturday of every month, the withdrawal of the "big spending", we invite you to bring two or three books (adventure, history, children, etc. ..).
Everyone can take home more in return (whereas we are more than 160 families would be a better choice!). The donation (minimum 5 €) will be devoted to two projects.
The same thing can be done with children's clothing, toys, etc. ...
gasisti Some have asked me if we could give them away here is your chance. Furthermore, the initiative encourages
the recycled: REUSE is also good for the environment !
See you soon anna
- gas Avigliana

Hello everyone I am Marcello,
gasisti for "historic" ... man de l ' Havana ... and more recently the man of Cusco ...
friend of Williams (Willy) who got the idea to dedicate as "GASisti" deserved a little present, even to help stand in these long months, say also "not pleased" that will pass away from home in that city in India where the food is very very good, especially the meat ... and where everyone is cordial, friendly and speak good of the Val di Susa ...
Lia The nest egg that has collected in a few days has exceeded the expenditure .
What to do: with the consent of William and Angela (who can only say yes) we said that the difference (about 50 euro) could be the beginning of a down payment for a Solidarity Fund.
stable, concrete of our group, where a fund to inject our "good deeds" ...
Through various initiatives, to which Anna Veltri and his team are actively working on, we want to make bodied this fund for 2011 and assigning it to a couple of projects ... one near us, 0 km, visible palpable ... every day ... and a further, but known and where "definitely" our little contribution will be well spent ...
restaurant offers FREE (Association against the Mafia) Abel Group, which we know to be in severe financial difficulties, we should all know well ... for those who are distracted or have lost a piece to upgrade just search the internet ...
Internationally (if you can say that) ... the democratically impose Qalauma Center ... a project in Bolivia MLAL , condotto dell’amico Riccardo Giavarini, che si occupa di giovani carcerati… forse qualcuno si ricorderà perchè ne avevo accennato una sera, circa un anno fa, di ritorno dal viaggio che avevo fatto con mio figlio…(allego anche un documento che il MLAL mi ha mandato)
Per entrambi si tratterà di gocce di solidarietà nel mare profondo di “bisogno” …
Concretamente si pensava ad una cifra totale “significativa” diciamo intorno ai mille…superata la quale (non ci diamo limiti …pensiamo in grande) potremmo “cercare “ qualche altra realtà locale e internazionale alla quale far arrivare il nostro piccolo, ma concreto sostegno.
We would like to "brand" not only as a GAG (Group of Friends Gourmet) also a bit like ... GAS
It is recognized that it is not an obligation ... although ...
Marcello (man Havana)
Dear supporters,
the process taking place in Bolivia for the establishment of a new constitutional framework that provides guidelines territorial autonomy, and therefore a precise allocation of powers and responsibilities at each level of government is problematic and inevitably intersects territorial separatism with the persistence of social tension.
institutional and political tensions, and the size of the role of the state, could therefore reduce the amount of initiative to other economic or social structures such as civil society, NGOs and other forms of cooperation, even with a heavier bureaucratic procedures (well known to our local offices) for approval and monitoring of projects, and for the various forms of authorization.
In particular, the cooperation partners-American suspected of encouraging hostility to the government under the banner of human rights, press freedom and enterprise - have already shifted the country.
This, in brief, the framework within which we are operating as ProgettoMondo Mlal, as we are engaged in strengthening networks of small producers OECAS with the Food Safety Project Life Campesina; of 33 Andean communities through responsible tourism with the project Bienvenidos !; network of children working with the new project the profession to grow, with the approaching opening of the prison facilities for children Qalauma; Mamita with the Project, to defend children's rights in the city of La Paz, and that for improving nutrition in schools Cotagaita (Sons of the Mine).
All these projects are funded from relations solidarity, support and exchange that many territories, organizations and individuals we have here and we also thank. More and more
Bolivia represents ProgettoMondo Mlal a strategic country, and for the strength of our roots, and then for the system of relationships that is built and developed over more than 40 years of continuous presence, both for the challenges this country offers more than ever for international cooperation.
Ivana Borsotto
Program Manager
ProgettoMondo Mlal
These last months have been very intense and very good results.
last half have been organized more visits with the children of San Pedro in Qalauma and recently the new Centre is also populated by girls and women's prisons Obrajes of Miraflores.
all began in June with a first group of eight boys from San Pedro we accompanied Qalauma later in August had been made out that they had seen two other involved 11 and then 16 boys. Finally, the last exit in October with 18 boys and girls.
After much hesitation, both by the police that the children themselves, about such an initiative that brings out the prisoners from the minors for a few days living in the new Education Centre opened by ProgettoMondo Mlal to Viacha, these days they are proved unforgettable.
Prior to this experience were the many-minded pilot experiment we proposed. Inside the prisons
Qalauma rumor that he was a concentration camp or a place of punishment.
For this reason, the first few times, we encountered much resistance from the boys to give their consent.
But, little by little, they themselves have understood that you can live Qalauma detention, in respect of the person and of his age.
So much so that even after the third visit, the same young prisoners of San Pedro, decided to create a committee to push the government to speed up a formal opening and then the full functioning of the Centre.
Kevin (one of the guys from San Pedro), thus making, youth representative of the prison, he has worked to promote a collection
signatures between prisoners and submitted it to the governor, in charge of prisons.
In October there was a hunger strike organized by prisoners who claimed their rights: in that occasion, Kevin, and his companions have made their voices heard also.
Today in the prisons of La Paz all know Qalauma center, and many are eagerly awaiting its opening, as you will remember that-unfortunately depends on an agreement made by different authorities and is therefore subject to a series of unexpected events, red tape, delays varied.
advantage-if I may say-of this period of impasse, the team of Qalauma is working to prepare the area so that everything works then the best.
are then made to raise awareness workshops with police officers who then will be used to Viacha because
know about the project and the educational model on which it is based, and also because they have more information on the status of the adolescent and the functioning of justice .
It sounds absurd, but if the Bolivian justice now laments serious shortcomings, the responsibility is also a security system that is still partial.
To ensure that Qalauma functions is therefore of paramount importance that the security system work with all other professionals.
and seminars conducted for the prison service seem to have given good results: the changes were noted in the relationship with the boys and a greater willingness to cooperate. In addition, the team
Qalauma organized a seminar to raise awareness with the judges of the Superior Court of the city of La Paz and the city of El Alto.
We wanted to make known to the judges, who denied the necessary permits for the outputs of two days of jail, the aims and methods proposed by the project.
It happened often that the team requires permission for 30 students, but eventually received permission only for the half.
Unfortunately, this has been a major impediment to our programming and to overcome this problem is thought to promote a seminar attended by 35 judges.
Participation was very active, as revealed to them, was the best way to clear doubts.
is also planned another meeting in which, in addition to judges, will be invited international speakers: Brazilians (APAC method is in fact Brazilian), English, Swiss and Italians.
Finally, another objective of the team, carries out awareness raising and prevention also nella società civile.
L’equipe sta infatti collaborando con le scuole superiori di Viacha con l’idea di potere svolgere attività preventive con adolescenti dai 16 ai 18 anni.
Sono stati anche realizzati una serie di eventi pubblici per sensibilizzare la popolazione del paese in cui sorge Qaluama perché la struttura non venga vissuta come estranea e scomoda dalla popolazione.
Insomma l’equipe del Progetto è sempre in fermento, io stessa lascio con profondo dispiacere questo ventaglio di occasioni, anche se sento come altrettanto grande la soddisfazione per i risultati ottenuti.
In questi mesi ho lavorato come casco Bianco insieme all’equipe, e insieme abbiamo pianificato, eseguito e valutato tutte le activities of which I have recounted above.
Every day we walked to conduct workshops in prisons, and were authentic relationship with the boys.
Some of them are open to me telling me their stories, others have found my support in a welcoming smile.
I want to thank them ... because they were the co-authors of my own experience.
So much so that the penultimate day of my stay in Bolivia, the boys from San Pedro wanted to prepare a meal in prison, buy rice, salad, potatoes and pork chops.
It was a big expense for them, el'hanno done for me in gratitude!
We said goodbye hugs and movingly between phrases of hope ... unforgettable moments that are engraved in our hearts.
Ester Bianchini
Old White
ProgettoMondo Mlal Bolivia
Bianchini, for a year in voluntary community service program in our Qalauma, for which he has followed the activities organized in prison for minors held in San Pedro, she returned to Italy. His valuable work and careful ProgettoMondo Mlal allowed to gather much evidence of a world, the Bolivian prison, that does not pit the front pages of our media.
Thanks Esther!
In its place, two other young white helmet just selected: Cinti Diego, 26 years of Ascoli Piceno and Simona Durzu, 23 anni, cagliaritana. Entrambi partiranno per la Bolivia il primo febbraio. A loro un in bocca al lupo fin d’ora.
Lo scorso ottobre, Projecto solidario, Ong spagnola impegnata in programmi di sviluppo dedicati ai giovani, ha consegnato un premio a Riccardo per il suo strenuo e appassionato impegno in difesa della condizione dei giovani in carcere. Complimenti Riccardo!
Inflamed Cervix From Birth Control
A Siracusa il primo radar anti-migranti prodotto in Israele
While the Commission urbanism was kept unaware of the design of radar Plemmirio, no relief was raised dal Genio Civile di Siracusa e dalla SAI 8 , consegnataria per la gestione del pubblico acquedotto. “Quest’ultima però ha permesso alla Guardia di finanza di costruire il manufatto in contrada Casevacche, in un luogo difforme alla convenzione del Comune che invece faceva riferimento all’impianto di sollevamento fognario di Capo Murro di Porco, distante 2 km”, denuncia l’associazione Plemmyrion. “L’impianto è stato inoltre realizzato non rispettando né l’area stabilita di 88 mq né le distanze dai confini riscontrabili sulla pianta del progetto. In tutta la documentazione non vengono riportate, per individuare inequivocabilmente la sua destinazione, le indicazioni catastali di numero map and parcel. Those produced in some developed and some institutions are given in approximate and are to be owned by third parties and not the City of Syracuse. " Del shuffling of places and plants did not notice but the Superintendency of local cultural and environmental assets, which authorized the installation October 29, 2010 "for the strategic defense of the national territory."
The 36 meter high tower was installed in record time and expect the final permission to turn the powerful radar that will chase the boats of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea. The final instrument Monitoring anti-landing is in the heart of one of the most valuable of Sicily the environmental, landscape and archaeological Cape Murro di Porco, within the marine "protected" Plemmirio of Syracuse. The radar was purchased by the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza using a special fund of the European Union to combat migration. It will be integrated into the new network of sensors deep to coastal surveillance that the GDF is activating in southern Italy and Sardinia, with little regard for the environment, health and human rights. As in the case of Syracuse, the areas where to install fall under the radar in parks and nature reserves. And the powerful microwave devices are manufactured by Elta Systems, a company wholly owned by the military and aerospace industrial giant Israeli IAI.
The codename EL/M-2226 ACSR ( Advanced Coastal Surveillance Radar ) and the system is designed specifically to detect small fast boats to a distance of 50 km from the coast. "The radar is able to keep under control than a hundred targets simultaneously," say the manager of Elta Systems. "The recognition of the boats used in illegal immigration case con l’analisi, per ogni natante avvistato, della velocità, rotta, provenienza, dimensioni, numero di persone a bordo. Opera 24 ore al giorno, 365 giorni all’anno, anche in condizioni climatiche particolarmente avverse, in network con altri tipi di sensori installati su imbarcazioni navali, aerei ed elicotteri”. Tutti i dati raccolti verranno poi inviati al Centro di comando e controllo generale della Guardia di finanza che darà il via alle operazioni aeree e navali di respingimento con le modalità sperimentate in questi giorni di crisi umanitaria nel Canale di Sicilia. Ne sanno qualcosa i 64 migranti a bordo del peschereccio battente bandiera egiziana intercettato tra Caucana e Capo Scalambri, a Marina di Ragusa, la notte tra il 14 and 15 February. As documented by reporters of The Clandestine Modica, one of the soldiers on board the means of the GDF would have fired in air during the chase Egyptian boat, hitting his arm to a young immigrant of 25 years. "It was an event of accidental pollution of the sea under five," explained Massimo Pacetti greater that did not intend to explain why, at first, the victim had also been accused unjustly of being a pilot of the vessel . For the media nothing more than an insignificant incident side of the anti-crusade landings.
are also the events antecedenti alla costruzione del traliccio-radar nel Plemmirio che la dicono lunga sul modus operandi delle autorità militari. L’associazione Plemmyrion di Siracusa che ha richiesto, inutilmente, la sospensione dei lavori, denuncia che “gli enti preposti, con iter burocratico di sorprendente velocità ed autorizzazioni concesse in meno di dieci giorni, hanno consentito l’istallazione di un mostro ad altissima frequenza che sprigiona onde elettromagnetiche, reputate pericolosissime per la salute umana, che con un movimento di 360 gradi attraverseranno tutto il territorio della Penisola Maddalena, di Ortigia, cuore della città di Siracusa, della Fanusa, dell’Arenella, dell'Ognina, residential areas and resorts ". Despite the area existed since ancient times a logistics center of the Guardia di Finanza (location Massolivieri), 8 July 2010, the City of Syracuse, determines management, authorized the Department the logistical and technical administration of the GDF to occupy Sicily "under free "area of \u200b\u200b88 square meters of municipal property at the sewage lift station of Cape Murro di Porco, near the lighthouse at Plemmirio, to install new radar equipment . The relative agreement between the City and the military was signed the next the September 2 and October 21, just eight days from the request for construction plant, the chief engineer of the municipality informed the command of the GDF that the intervention was not necessary the measures authorized by recognizing "the character of work devoted to national defense." Also according to city officials, the area was already covered in the availability of the military who had used for years for locating a radio antenna. Only that of that military facility there is no trace in the archives of the local authority.
Environmentalists point out however that the choice to place the radar at the tanks tap water is "extremely detrimental to the residential community, since the entire Plemmirio town would be, in fact, between the source of the electromagnetic beam generated by the radar and the sea to watch, which presumably could be overcome the limits of exposure to electromagnetic fields under the Decree of 10 September 1998, no 381 ". With the entry into operation of the antenna it would undoubtedly undermine the entire development of the area. "The PRG - adds Plemmyrion - involves the construction of a link road between the aqueduct and sites for camping, but you can certainly create facilities frequented by tourists, students and where they preserve live specimens of wild fauna and flora artifacts near high electromagnetic impact. "
The visual effect of the tower's radar, just near the coastline, is at odds with the unique beauty of the area. Around Cape Murro di Porco were found important evidence of the past as the "Cave Pilgrim", inhabited since prehistoric times, or tanks for rainwater probably dating from the nineteenth century. A tip of the wheel there is a necropolis of the Bronze with traces of the adjoining village and along the coast there are six quarries from the Greek period (so-called "quarries") and the remains of the sub-urban district of Plemmyriom. A study by the University the University of Catania, reported in the Official Gazette of the Sicilian Region of February 20, 1993, described the natural heritage of Plemmirio. "The flora of this area is that of the rocky areas in arid subtropical climate with plants typical of the Mediterranean basin," it said. "Prevalent in the native scrub palmetto (protected species), which is here represented with the largest palm grove in the province (almost one square kilometer). In areas less exposed to the south, more humid, you can come in strips of residual stain mastic and myrtle. " They also present the important shrub species as Sarcopoterium spinosum (spinaporci) that exists exclusively in the Italian territory in small areas of Sardinia and Puglia. Maddalena Peninsula is an important point for observation of migratory songbirds and seabirds. Among the rare animals can be counted discoglosso the painting, the snake, the tortoise, porcupine, foxes and weasels. The depths of Capo Murro di Porco allow the observation of large pelagic fish such as tuna, amberjack, sharks and marine mammals such as dolphins, whales and sperm whales. In the lower depths is possible to see vast meadows of Posidonia with gigantic specimens of Pinna nobilis , the largest in the Mediterranean shell, and coral colonies such as' Astroides calycularis . There are numerous underwater caves "Rich benthic life and nekton with solitary corals, sponges, bryozoans, sea slugs and sea cicadas."
Plemmirio Although both the 2005 marine area "protected", the project of installation of the tower and radar anti-migrant has not been subjected to impact assessment, as required by Directive 92 / 43/CEE of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. Also missing a study on the electromagnetic system. Yet the EL / M-2226 ACSR is part of the family of X-band transmitters (8 to 12.5 GHz frequency), namely those that operate by emitting microwaves. " ARPA Sicily, we interpallata, said that was not provided by any study of the military, though not due, noting missing, in fact, an assessment of potential electromagnetic effects on organisms and plants animals and the ecosystem of the reserve as well as on staff and visitors, "say the leaders of the Syracuse-based environmental group.
With the declaration of war against migrants is not possible to go for the thin-impact studies and assessments; radars are then a great deal, for those who produce them (the Israelis) and for those who install, AlmavivA of Rome. In the latter, the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza of € 5,461,700 for contracted work in view of the new network of five sensors depth EL / M 2226, nearly a million and € 100 000 to antenna. This without a call and the publication of the notice in the Official Journal of the European Union, with the official explanation that "works and services can be provided only by a particular supplier, the AlmavivA SpA, which owns the technical requirements and reserved rights of the materials. "
important contractor in the field of new technologies of NATO and the Italian armed forces, the society of Rome boasts an annual turnover of 865 million € and managers at the highest level. Chairman and majority shareholder of the engineer is AlmavivA Alberto Tripi, former manager and former IBM IRI, later founder of COS SpA, a leading provider of IT services and call center . Alberto Tripi currently serves on the board of directors of Confindustria and is also president of InItalia, the Consortium for Informatics consists AlmavivA, Engineering and Elsag (Finmeccanica). Group CEO è il figlio Marco Tripi, ex dirigente del la Banca Nazionale del Lavoro; vicepresidente è invece Giuseppe Cuneo, sino al 2004 amministratore delegato di Elsag. Un business tra civile e militare quasi tutto in famiglia.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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film festival on the Risorgimento
Corso Plebiscito, 77 (di fronte al Teatro
Anniversario dell’Unita’ d’Italia
“Non un abisso ci separa da ieri,
la mutata situazione”
(R. Baumgart)
Corso Plebiscito, 77 (di fronte al Teatro
Anniversario dell’Unita’ d’Italia
A tour by Prof. . NICOLA Racano
Friday, February 25, 2011 AT 20.30
How beautiful lu murire excise of E. Lorenzini, 1976, 85 '
Allosanfàn of P. and V. Taviani, 1974 (sequences for 28 ')
Friday, March 4, 2011 AT 20.30
Il Gattopardo of L. Visconti , 1963 (duration reduced to 158 ')
Tuesday' March 15, 2011 AT 20.30
Bronte - Chronicle a massacre that history books have not told -
of F. Vancini , 1972, 111 '
The robber of Tacca del Lupo of P. Germi, 1952 (sequences for 15 ')
Thursday, March 17, 2011 AT 20.30
The capture of Rome ( Filoteo Alberini, 1905, 5 ')
Little Garibaldi (anonymous, produced by Cines, 1909, 13 ')
1860 ( A. Blasetti , 1934, also titled The Thousands of Garibaldi, 26'')
Viva Italy of R. Rossellini, 1960, 23 ')
In the name of the Pope King ( L. Magni, 1977, 27 ')
Interview M. Martone, director of "We believe", 2010, with short clips for 15' total)
“Non un abisso ci separa da ieri,
la mutata situazione”
(R. Baumgart)
Does Mary J Blige Wear A Wig Or Weave
Sede Legale Via Martiri Lancianesi, 17/19
66100 CHIETI
Azienda Sanitaria Locale n. 2 LANCIANO–VASTO–CHIETI
Via Martiri Lancianesi n. 17/19 – 66100 Chieti
per n° 3 Moduli (90 posti)
Sede Legale Via Martiri Lancianesi, 17/19
66100 CHIETI
Azienda Sanitaria Locale n. 2 LANCIANO–VASTO–CHIETI
Via Martiri Lancianesi n. 17/19 – 66100 Chieti
per n° 3 Moduli (90 posti)
Best Aftermarket Dirtbike Rims
È attivo da inizio Febbraio il blog ufficiale al seguente
Nato per dare comunicazione diretta delle iniziative e degli
argomenti che si trattano all’interno del gruppo, presenta al suo interno
notizie sulla composizione della struttura organizzativa, aggiornamenti sulle
riunioni, disponibilità dei verbali on line e informazioni sui gruppi di lavoro
e i progetti in course.
The Look of the City Wide Youth, an organization of institutional representation of young people, presents the initiatives that are working in this initial part of its route, taking its first steps through the organization of specific working groups with participation of about 30 young Vasto. Registration is open until March 31 ac and are open to all young people between 14 and 30 years, community and non-EU residents in Vasto. You can 'register by completing a form at the One Stop Youth Information in via Naumachia, 45 tel 0873.366836. The Council is an important means of participation in youth and that is why they are asked not only enrollment but also to participation in initiatives for all young people of the city 'and surrounding municipalities.
Here are the initiatives under way
The consultation suggested a public competition to free participation for all children aged between 14 and 30 years for the creation of what will be the Check that the logo uses as a graphic symbol. The drawings into vector. PDF. JPEG 10 MB should be sent to the e-mail or brought up at the counter also support information centers by March 31 about the complete announcement can be downloaded from the blog Look at the following link http://www.consultagiovanilevasto . The day will be held on April 4 meeting of the Council for the Last Judgement and the winner will win a Sector watch the market value of about € 250, available from jewelry Corvino located in Vasto.
In order to promote consultation and raising awareness of its actions in a widespread manner throughout the municipality, verranno affissi manifesti lungo le
strade cittadine e locandine nelle scuole, nei centri sportivi e aggregativi, e
in aggiunta si distribuiranno flyers presso locali ed esercizi commerciali.
strade cittadine e locandine nelle scuole, nei centri sportivi e aggregativi, e
in aggiunta si distribuiranno flyers presso locali ed esercizi commerciali.
È attivo da inizio Febbraio il blog ufficiale al seguente
Nato per dare comunicazione diretta delle iniziative e degli
argomenti che si trattano all’interno del gruppo, presenta al suo interno
notizie sulla composizione della struttura organizzativa, aggiornamenti sulle
riunioni, disponibilità dei verbali on line e informazioni sui gruppi di lavoro
e i progetti in course.
every Monday from March 14 there will be a FREE screening of a film at the youth center as a Ritucci Chinni (in the Church of St. Paul). For information about the subjects and schedule projections, see the blog and facebook page of the Consulta.
Vasto, 02/22/2010 See Large Youth
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