after two purchases we have found that the products of the soc. Brunetti really good.
On the other hand it is significant to their motto: "Quality is not achieved never by accident, our years of experience, add a daily commitment to produce a product better and better! "
Brunetto The company thus becomes in effect our official producer of preserved fish (tuna, sardines, etc..) caught and worked exclusively in the Mediterranean in Sicily.
Paste their story, as you will read, is now 80 years old.
nice weekend
anna - gas Avigliana

The history of "Brunetto" begins in the forties Aspra, a small village marinaro sulla costa palermitana.
L’azienda fu fondata da Giovanni Brunetto, un giovane intraprendente venditore di pesce, che dopo aver maturato tanta esperienza è divenuto pioniere nel settore delle acciughe salate.
Successivamente, negli anni sessanta, all’antica e artigianale arte delle acciughe salate, il Sig. Giovanni affianca la produzione dei filetti d’acciughe sott’olio, un attività geniale e innovativa, che ebbe un tal grande successo, che fu intrapresa, ben presto, da molte altre aziende.
Costanza e passione, unite all’esperienza maturata negli anni, sono gli elementi che Giovanni Brunetto, ha trasmesso ai suoi figli, prima, ed in seguito ai suoi nipoti.
The Company has gone on for three generations and now takes the name of Brunetto Company Ltd, of course, comply with the current Directive 852/853 EEC in 2004.
The current image, and prestigious organizations, known nationally and internationally, has a meticulous and careful customers, able to recognize the high quality of products.
fact, the Company provides its customers with the first field- exclusively Sicilian, English and Greek.

In addition to the classical production, you can choose the formats flavored with red pepper, parsley and capers.
Since beginning the company's history Brunetto, many things have changed, but the dedication, the 'reliability and quality that are the same over time .
unremitting efforts, the decades of sacrifice and a strong passion for this work, were able to demonstrate how success comes when you love what you do '.
Manufacturing Process ...

beheaded, gutted and selected by experts and specialists, the fish is placed in aluminum containers with added salt. The vessels are then burdened with the weight for maturity.
Once the fish processing will open in half and divided into two "threads" of pink, fleshy and pleasant taste. The fish worked well, is packaged in jars or cans of different sizes and then closed with mechanized shutters. Part of production is exported outside.

* Salted anchovies in tins and jars
* Glass jars of anchovies
* Glass jars of anchovies
salted anchovy fillets * Milk * Jars
glass pieces of anchovy
* Glass Vases fillets and pieces of tuna
* Glass jars of clams
Recipes ...
rice, olives, pickles, sausage, capers, parsley, anchovies, olive oil.
lettuce, olives, parsley, anchovies, capers. PASTA WITH BROCCOLI
Fry the onion in a pan, add anchovies into small pieces, passolina e pinoli. Versare cimette di cavolfiore scottate in acqua e sale. Versare la pasta (bucatini) al dente nel tegame e aggiungere un pizzico di zafferano, amalgamare il tutto e fare cuocere per cinque minuti.
Soffriggere cipolle tagliuzzate con un pizzico di aglio in olio d'oliva, aggiungere acciughe tagliuzzate e pinoli.
A fine cottura aggiungere prezzemolo ed un pizzico di pepe. Condire gli spaghetti. Si puo cospargere volendo mollica brustolita.
Pomodoro, lattuga, olive, acchiughe.
Imbottire il cavolfiore con acciughe, pinoli, passolina, olive, aglio, formaggio piccante.
Collocare in tegame, annaffiare con a little olive oil, cover and cook over low heat.
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