The stand of the tastes of the producers managed to GasAvigliana |
finally begins to talk about AviglianaMangiaBio and FESTIVAL OF GAS .
Last year, for the 2nd edition of AviglianaMangiaBio and the 1st Day of gas, I must say it went very well.
Beautiful the evening of Saturday evening with the producers ( Guerzoni, Astorflex, Hill of Orange, Aqua ) along with other representatives of GasAvigliana.
A big thank you again and we must always ROSARIO Dairy (which produces a spectacular buffalo mozzarella km. Zero) which funded the show in the square.
And then the most important thing for a group purchase the most important thing is to have had the pleasure and honor of knowing personally who gives us the delicacies that we eat daily.
said Save The Date:
5 GIUGNO 2011
Unico requisito fondamentale: essere produttore e non rivenditore .
Vi aspettiamo numerosissimi ....
Anna - gas avigliana
http://gasavigliana.blogspot.com/search/label/Avigliana%% 20Mangia 20Bio
has just passed in time to come and AVIGLIANAMANGIABIO for the FESTIVAL OF GAS.
initiative last year (first time for the feast of GAS) was very good.
Our producer of oranges has had a surge of orders.
There are many buying groups, which individually have come to the event and have been able to personally meet the producers.
For the moment a note of this date: June 5 2011.
I anticipate that, following the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy , we were planning to devote an area to producers in various regions.
A glimpse of Italy "edible" ...
Italian excellence in food and food is beyond question and in my opinion, unparalleled.
E 'this is the real wealth than Italian, of course, works of art of inestimable value that we are rich.
So, dear produttori, siete autorizzati ad invitare altri vostri SERI colleghi di altre regioni (NON RIVENDITORI!!!) che avranno la possibilità di mettere in mostra e vendere i propri prodotti.
Chissà che poi non riescano ad entrare anche loro nel " giro dei gas "...
Come lo scorso anno possiamo prevedere eventualmente ospitalità presso le famiglie oppure contattare l'ostello di Avigliana gestito dalla simpaticissima Nicoletta (non immaginate una stamberga perchè è tutt'altro!) oppure una piazzola in campeggio oppure una stanza in albergo (magari fronte lago).
For details or information you can contact me via email or cell gasavigliana@gmail.com . 334/1380317.
nice day
anna - gasavigliana
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