"If I had not convinced of the safety of Muos, which is not traded for no compensation, I absolutely would not be here talking to you, because there is no point birth in a hospital or bridge across the Strait, taking with respect to human health .... " Looks like this in front of city council Niscemi (Caltanissetta) the President of Sicily Region, Raffaele Lombardo, to formalize his waltz on the earth terminal of the new satellite system that the U.S. military want to achieve within the nature reserve " cork. " After the "No" and "Ni", finally "yes" to breasts: the Muos is "safe to 1,000 x 1,000" and "reduced" even electromagnetic pollution generated by the installation of telecommunications that the U.S. Navy operates almost Niscemi twenty years. That is why, according to Lombardo, they are unnecessary compensation and compensatory measures that the region was ready to offer a little less than six months ago, just a couple of vigilantes on horseback in the nature reserve, a center in the hospital for monitoring cancer and a suspected "city zone", but Messina Bridge. To convince the mayor, council and council that the Muos must one do, don Raffaele was made to accompany Niscemi two "experts reported in a special way by the rector of the University of Palermo, a patrol of regional leaders, three colonels of the army and an elected official, Alessandro Ruben (FLI), a member of the House defense committee and delegate to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
"We would like to reassure citizens about the U.S. presence because of the antenna as expressed by the technicians in the field is less painful than 47 antennas already in the territory of which insist Niscemi," said the chairman. "The Muos is functional communication is needed for security, on which depends the permanence in our land of the military base in Sigonella. The Muos replace the current system and is safer. They explained that 27 antennas communicate and the other 20 are reserve in case some fail, while a small portion of them remain idle, entering eventually into operation only if it were to disable the new satellite system. " In truth, the antennas are in Niscemi present U.S. 41, six fewer than those counted by Lombardo. Quisquiglie, what really matters is to find credit in Washington, especially after the bloody cable June 15, 2009 sent by the consul of Naples to the highest civil and military authorities of the United States of America, where the leader of the Movement for Autonomy was harshly criticized for the resistance to the installation of the new system of satellite communications. "Against Muos opposes a group of mayors locals, who have successfully used local media to spread speculation - not even supported by the scientists involved as experts by the mayors - that the installation poses serious environmental risks to health of local people, "explained the consul USA. "Studies of the Navy, validated by the Italian Ministry of Defense, show that the radiation of the antennas are below the limits of the Italian and EU". The cable is also stigmatized the behavior of the Regional Environment that "delayed" the approval of the project allowing you to perform further analysis of environmental impacts. " Lombardo ha poco tempo per i funzionari stranieri”, aggiungeva il diplomatico. “Durante il suo precedente incarico come presidente della provincia di Catania, ha concesso al Console Generale una telefonata di cortesia di 5 minuti, e da presidente della Regione si è rifiutato di ricevere sia l’ex ambasciatore Spogli che quello attualmente in carica, durante i loro viaggi a Palermo, a dispetto del suo staff”. Una reprimenda che deve aver lasciato il segno: nei successivi 18 mesi Raffaele Lombardo si è incontrato in sei occasioni con i diplomatici statunitensi in Italia, l’ultima volta l’11 gennaio 2011 a Roma direttamente con l’ambasciatore Thorn. Oggetto della visita, secondo una nota d’agenzia, the "U.S. investment in Sicily and the issue of satellite dishes in the Muos Niscemi. The meetings have transformed the President in a strong believer of the safety of antennas but also the strategic importance of the military system. Colonel Francesco Maurizio Noto, chief of the second office of the Cabinet of Ministry of Defence, together with visiting Niscemi Lombardo, wanted to clarify that the "relocation" of Muos is beyond dispute. "This would lead to an increase of specific communications, that you should physically recreate all the support that exists between transmission and Sigonella Niscemi," said Noto. "We believe that needs to be done and how I Muos teach the cases I have personally followed the Vicenza and other situations, carry out all powers that the law allows us to achieve this national defense. "
After the harsh words of the high official, came the most reassuring of two professors of the Faculty of Engineering of Palermo, Luigi and Patricia Zanforlin Livreri, "technicians neutral and certainly not employed by the Ministry of Defence or NATO, "according to the presentation of Lombardo. Zanforlin, an expert in electromagnetic fields of antennas and propagation, explained that "with the frequency range that is used for radio communications, we are dealing with radiation non ionizzanti che non sono dunque in grado di spezzare legami molecolari e quindi modificare il DNA ed essere causa di fenomeni degenerativi delle cellule”. Per il docente di Palermo è “molto più rischioso per la salute quando si usa il telefonino, piuttosto che la stazione radiobase che sta sul tetto di un edificio”. Inoltre le antenne del MUOS avrebbero “appena un fascio principale con un’apertura di 0,04 gradi, assai stretto e diretto verso il cielo, non verso la popolazione, un po’ come il faro dell’automobile…”.
Secondo i calcoli dei diagrammi di radiazione effettuati dal professor Zanforlin, l’emissione del MUOS darà an electric field at ground level which can be regarded as "pure noise". "The extent that gives the dish, or the spiral in population is lost in background noise, ie a level of 0.3 / 0.5% of six volts on a meter, the limit laid down very carefully the Italian rules, "he added. "As far as failures, even if the antenna is directed directly over the village, since there are 1750 meters between the houses and the antennas, the field would not exceed the threshold that would guarantee security. The pre-existing does not absolutely health concerns, the future even less .... "
Livreri For Patrick, a professor and former researcher aggregate electronics companies in the group Finmecannica working in the field of defense and production of electronic countermeasure (UDC candidate and the latest regional elections in Sicily), the mouse is Another is that "technological innovation" with a very low impact. "The three antennas send a signal to the satellite system but do not work together," he explained. "Their purpose is to transmit the data processed on the base station and of course the operation is planned for one, two antennas. Another backup is always to give continuity transmission. The reception is entrusted to the other two helical antennas, which are very low frequency UHF, MGZ from 300 to 3 GHz. As usual, the other is a work of support, and in case of failure, the next for continuity. "
"We have spent our whole science, knowledge and objectivity, we tried to think who could have been born here and raised our children," said the professor Livreri. "We have spent the face, the University of Palermo has put the letterhead, the logo, the signature of the professor Zanforlin, mine and the director ...." For the record, the last biennio la facoltà d’ingegneria dell’università di Palermo ha sottoscritto con il Laboratorio di Ricerca dell’US Army - Dipartimento della difesa , due contratti per un valore complessivo di 70.000 dollari per la “produzione elettro-chimica di materiali nano-strutturati per applicazioni di conversione energetica”. Quando di parla di neutralità dell’accademia…
Ovviamente del tutto contrapposte le conclusioni degli studiosi chiamati dalle associazioni che si oppongono a quello che è ormai noto come l’ EcoMuostro di Niscemi . Per Massimo Coraddu, componente dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) di Cagliari, la valutazione d’impatto ambientale del sistema di telecomunicazioni satellitari, presentata dalla US Navy, “risulta gravemente carente e inadeguata sotto molteplici aspetti e non consente in alcun modo di valutare la gravità dei problemi e dei rischi legati alla sua installazione”. “Non vengono rese note le principali caratteristiche dei trasmettitori e delle antenne utilizzate (potenza, frequenze, caratteristiche del segnale, etc.) e neppure viene spiegata la metodologia di calcolo”, aggiunge Coraddu. “I risultati sono tra loro incoerenti e contraddittori: come distanza di sicurezza per l’emissione di microonde dalle parabole, vengono presentati due differenti valori, entrambi spaventosamente high, 38.9 km in Table 6.5 and 135.7 km in Table 6.7. The assessment of safety distances and the level of field checking was carried out, one by one, the issue of individual antennas, and not, as required by law, the simultaneous emission of all devices at the highest level of power. It does not even consider what is probably the worst of possible hazards: an accident or a pointing error that leads to accidental exposure to microwave beam, dangerous and potentially lethal, even for short exposures at distances of less than 1 km " .
The researcher of the Institute of Nuclear Physics complains that it is not given any consideration about the impact of emissions on the natural environment, "when it is well known that microwaves are harmful to many species, such as bees, deeply disturbed also by low field (below 1 V / m) in the presence of which become disoriented and fail to keep the swarm together, so that the spread of mobile telephony is considered a major cause of the dreadful memory that is affecting Europe and the United States. Emissions extremely intense as those generated within the beam of microwave Muos (hundreds or even thousands of V / m) can hurt a bird in flight to hundreds of meters from the source and in some cases perhaps even kill him. " Contrary to the assessments pro-Muos, direct exposure to microwave beam emitted from the antennas is "extremely dangerous and even potentially lethal to the distance of a few hundred meters." "The text presented by the U.S. Navy - Coraddu says - correctly identifies this as the greatest possible risk, but also specifies that an event is unlikely given that the antennas pointing in one direction higher than horizon. The pointing direction is not high at all, given that it comes down to just 17 ° above the horizon, and you do not understand why we should assume such an accident unlikely such as mechanical lifting of a person who is accidentally placed in front of the beam, and not one, in my opinion much more likely, as an antenna pointing error that is lowered too much above the horizon. "
The so-called Environmental Impact Study U.S. Navy is also stigmatized by the Campaign for the demilitarization of Sigonella. "I have not been addressed minimante the possible health effects on populations of long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation of Muos" he says. "Even in the absence of specific studies on the risk of this new electromagnetic system, you can draw on what has already been established for the waves generated by the mobile phone systems operating between 900 MHz and 2 GHz, the same range of Muos. As noted by scientists and oncologists from the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) met in February 2006 Benevento, "Experimental evidence of epidemiology, in vivo and in vitro, demonstrating that exposure to specific fields low frequency (ELF) "may increase the risk of cancer in children and induce other health problems in children than in adults. In addition, epidemiological evidence has been accumulated that indicates an increased risk tumors of the brain to prolonged use of mobile phones ... " . "It should not be forgotten - the end Country - which numerous studies have shown that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic waves also within the values \u200b\u200ballowed by international standards, have very serious effects on health. That's why the scientists suggest to lower the limits of the intensity of the electric component of emissions from plants that transmit between 100 MHz and 1 GHz to 3 volts per meter, so as to better protect the tissues and organs of ' man from the effects of heat waves. "
The alleged impartiality of the civil and military research in the field of mobile telecommunications is deeply concerned from the Sicilian Simona Carrubba, Yellow Post-Doctoral at the LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport, Louisiana. "No one outside of the armed forces have access to technologies such as those of Muos and I do not think have been carried out searches to check for possible health effects," Carrubba said. "Another problem is that all research on the effects of cell phone is funded by telephone companies. In an essay published in the journal Psychophysiology U.S. I compared studies on the effects of mobile phones on the electric activity in human beings made in the USA. I have seen that in 50 of them, only 3 have not been linked to the telephone industry. Only an independent research and unbound by commercial interests will seriously answer the question. That day is finally asserted that the electromagnetic waves interact with living systems and that current regulations are totally inadequate. "
The "assurances" of Raphael Lombardo & C. still have not cracked the front "No Muos. For Wednesday, March 2 was opened in Niscemi popular mobilization that should lead to regional initiative short of breath.
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