In less than a week the former village of the U.S. military Mineo (Catania), privately owned, will be transformed into a large detention center for asylum seekers housed more than 2,000 to date in the CARA (reception centers for asylum seekers) throughout the country. The "emergency plan" launched by Minister Maroni expected to be sorted in the former CARA foreign nationals fleeing from Libya and that in case of massive exodus from North Africa, the prefects can "seize a residence or other accommodation," to convert " centers for migrants. " "The power to requisition will head to the Special Commissioner for the immigration crisis, il prefetto di Palermo Giuseppe Caruso, ma si tratterà comunque di uno strumento provvisorio e limitato nel tempo”, riferiscono al Viminale. Ben altra durata avrà invece il supercentro di Mineo, eufemisticamente denominato “Villaggio della solidarietà”, che nelle intenzioni del governo farà da “modello di eccellenza in Europa nell’accoglienza dei richiedenti asilo”.
Le deportazioni avverranno con “gradualità, in modo che non ci siano contraccolpi per il territorio”, come annunciato dal presidente della provincia di Catania, Giuseppe Castiglione (coordinatore regionale del Pdl), grande sostenitore del piano Mineo . “L’avvio del progetto – spiega Castiglione – sarà accompagnato da un Patto per la sicurezza sottoscritto da tutti i sindaci della zona e dal ministero dell’Interno per definire quali misure attuare non solo all’interno del villaggio, ma su tutto il territorio interessato, attraverso la realizzazione di sistemi integrati di videosorveglianza e il potenziamento dei mezzi, delle strutture e dei presidi esistenti e degli uomini delle forze dell’ordine”. Il ministro della difesa La Russa non ha perso tempo e ha ordinato intanto il trasferimento nella provincia di Catania di 60 militari dell’Arma dei carabinieri per “incrementare la sicurezza nei comuni interessati dall’emergenza profughi”. I primi uomini, ovviamente, hanno raggiunto la locale stazione di Mineo comandata dal maresciallo Domenico Polifrone.
Nonostante l’apparato sicuritario ordinato dal governo per presidiare il nuovo villaggio-prigione, il presidente Castiglione enfatizza le offerte “d’integrazione sociale” che saranno avviate a Mineo: “Secondo il progetto del ministro Maroni, il Centro prevedrà al suo interno assistenza sanitaria e attività di formazione e mediazione linguistica, nella scommessa di renderlo una realtà pilota e d’avanguardia. Tutto ciò con il coinvolgimento delle cooperative sociali of the area and local industries. " In truth, the intention would be to entrust the management of the Italian Red Cross talks with urgency and without the holding of a race as it did in the past in CARA. One business, one of the 'host', which is arousing appetites to right and left. Balances in hand, the 45-50 euro a day budget for each applicant, multiplied by the 2,000 "guests" of Mineo in receipts for about € 3 million per month, plus the fee that the government will pay the Pizzarotti SpA, Parma company owns the village, which the U.S. Department of Defense received for rental of 404 houses, 8.5 million dollars a year. In the small town in Sicily had already founded the Committee "Pro - Residence of Solidarity, sponsored by the local section UIL and by the social Sol.Calatino SCS. "The residence will be employed at least 300 social workers for the reception and integration activities and local businesses will be reflected in the provision of property services, with a clear positive impact on the local economy," announced a poster in the city. "In that regard, we ask your local council to support the testing of the founding of the CARA project, linking it to social programming in the territory through the Territorial Pact of the social economy Calatino South - Simeto support the integration work of third-Mineo. " The Territorial Pact - funded by the European Union - one of the actors to see how your Calatino Sol, a local subsidiary of the powerful consortium Sol.Co of Catania, one of the largest in Sicily with 140 cooperatives after the decision Washington to abandon Mineo had expressed interest to set up residence in "an agency for social inclusion in which to welcome people who are in a difficult time." The refugees, in fact.
Despite the appeal of the coop, only 10 out of 15 mayors in the district have supported the plan for the confinement of asylum seekers. The municipalities of Castel di Iudica, Caltagirone, Grammichele, Ramacca Mineo and instead reiterated their opposition in a letter to the Minister Maroni. "The model Mineo - write five mayors - not respond to the idea that we have consciously developed, building on the effective integration carried out in our communities. We do not like that at least two thousand people are deported to a place without the necessary safeguards and no real opportunities for inclusion in a condition of segregation that could herald the one hand to social unrest, the other lead some of them in the face of an overwhelmingly peaceful and inspired by the best intentions, to put a strain on the security situation in the region. "
"The government - read the letter - should realize that, despite good intentions, the Residence degli Aranci is a risk of triggering a bomb by the huge social aspect to the detriment of refugees themselves, our communities and how they have so far made to welcome sustainable and effective. " Declaring available to accommodate up to 400 immigrants, the auditors concluded that the "true hospitality can only be built into a fabric of relations and a wide network of services to help immigrants find their place, in small groups, communities, and represents for them and for the professionalism which are numerous and qualified in our area, a real opportunity. "
strong concern over the opening of the center was also expressed on several occasions by Laura Boldrini, UNHCR spokesperson, the High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations. "This would be transferred from the eight centers for asylum asilo coloro che già sono dentro, di ogni nazionalità, dagli afgani, agli eritrei, ai somali, un gran numero di persone tutte in uno stesso centro, con i problemi che questo porrebbe”, ha dichiarato la Boldrini. “Si verrebbe a sradicare così il sistema d’asilo che, con tutti i suoi limiti, sta funzionando bene”. Dello stesso avviso anche il Tavolo Asilo composto da diverse associazioni nazionali (Acli, Arci, Asgi, Casa dei diritti sociali, Centro Astalli, Cir, Comunità S. Egidio, Fcei, Senza Confine). “Tale misura, che minerebbe alle fondamenta il buon funzionamento del sistema asilo costruito faticosamente nel corso degli ultimi anni, non appare conforme with regulations on procedures for examining applications for asylum, even in light of an urgent decree "says table. "It prevented a general application of measures of detention, especially if arbitrary, to those who ask for protection as this would distort the fundamental principle of the right to hospitality in conditions of freedom. In particular, it should avoid the use solely or primarily to large structures, as experience has amply demonstrated how their management is very costly and compromise in starting a good relationship with the territory. There are all conditions to favor a warm diffuse easily activities in a timely and cost-effective even using those already established in the system of over 130 Italian municipalities adhering to SPRAR (protection system for asylum seekers and refugees).
against the deportation plan, the March 1 event was held in front of the gates of the former Village USA, attended by representatives of Arci Catania, Old People's Experia, Cobas, Coordination against immigrants amnesty fraud, LILA, Workshop Rebelde, Red Militant, anti-racist network and Rifondazione. For Alfonso Di Stefano's anti-racist network, there is no doubt that will work Mineo "yet another detention center for people who have not committed any crime. " "In the residence came out of walls and fences in recent days, built by a company that is not known to exhibit the signs looked good on the work as required by law," the complaint Di Stefano. " The choice of the government, in its segregationist logic is diametrically opposite to the specimen experience Statues, where the association future city welcomes hundreds of refugees in a country with less than 2,000 people showing that promote solidarity as a resource for development Local is possible and that the reception is much cheaper than the growing militarization of the territories and coasts. "
On sentences which functions much will be taken from the center of the jurist Mineo spoke Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo, University of Palermo. "If it was a real reception center would not need the deployment of military and police cordons," says the teacher. "It is clear that the government wants to exploit this latest emergency scheme to transform the treatment of asylum seekers who, according to EU directives and to our domestic law, can not be kept in a closed center. It is also the risk that the government deported from one center to another, throughout Italy, those who are already in the host system and break the bonds of this integration already built and break down the opportunity to appeal against the denial of status. " For Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo should instead apply to those fleeing from the Maghreb institutions humanitarian protection provided for by law and regulations on the reception of refugees in the event of mass influxes, "according to Article. 20 of the TU 286 of 1998 on immigration. " Rules not applied as it has never been activated until now the European Union Directive 2001/55 on "temporary protection". As noted by Michele Cercone, spokesman for the Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmstrom, the directive provides for the grant, on a proposal from the Commission and approval by qualified majority by the Council of refugee status for a limited time to those fleeing from countries where their lives would be at risk if they return. "
"In truth, there is still no clear idea from the national government or by local media on how they want to really deal with the reception," said sociologist of migration Tania Poguish. "The arrival in Italy is still run by the same mechanism of repression and sorting humans. Of young migrants arrived at Lampedusa you want to pack a nice package to send back as soon as they calm the waters. After the good intentions announced by Minister Maroni of migrants that could be received in the residence of Mineo was finally discovered: asylum seekers who would enjoy this privilege are those young people who have had the good fortune to reach the European shores before the fierce politics of rejection at sea and were able to apply for asylum in the border Lampedusa. These young people have a different past and personal journey to tell and are certainly being violated in their human right recognized refugee, but at the same time not guaranteed under international law, that countries like Germany and France respect ensuring health and social care. " For the Sicilian sociologist, it is the world of associations offer "not the usual table on the pietistic welcome, but an alliance with the young people of the southern Mediterranean, which have rebelled against the new world order and with whom you can build the Mediterranean the cultural and social growth that does not include and does not create people. "
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