Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Full course iodized salt: The Salt of Cervia

Hello everyone.

This presentation is especially for the "new" gasisti.

Last year, in fact, we already bought the products Saline of Cervia.

They have a wide range of quality of salt as well as many other products.

Caution: Make it stock because it will be the only order of 2011!

The withdrawal will be made Saturday 26 / 3.

nice day


The saltern

The saltern , gateway to South Station and the Delta Regional Park Po, is considered an environment of high natural and landscape interest, as to be inserted as a Wetland of International Importance in the Ramsar Convention.

Nature Reserve since 1979 has become the state's animal population.

In terms of avifauna and botany, the environment of salt marshes is of extraordinary beauty and charm: populated by rare species such as the Flamingos, the Knights of Italy, Avocets and other protected species and is a point reference for visitors sensitive to environmental issues.

natural environment such as the Saline di Cervia select and specialized flora and fauna adapted to survive in extreme conditions, has no equal as an extension in the northern Adriatic, considering the depth of water that is not predominantly more than a few inches, the high concentration of salt (more than 150%) that allows the survival of particular forms of life, perfectly integrated into a single ecosystem.

The salt of Cervia extend over an area of \u200b\u200b827 hectares to 1600 meters from the sea. Are embraced by a canal along the perimeter and covered 14.200 miles in them by a network of various other channels for a total of over 46 km.

Since 1959 the system of industrial manufacture unique collection has replaced the old system to collect multiple craft. The 144 small salt then in operation, have been replaced by a dozen major basins.

After a period of inactivity for a period of 4 years (1999 to 2002) and after the transition to the Company's management saline saltern Park in the summer of 2003 he resumed the production, which now stands about 50,000 tons annually.

processing method currently in use is called for different basins " o più semplicemente "alla francese" e consiste nel separare i numerosi sali dell'acqua marina al fine di ricavare cloruro di sodio il più possibile puro.

L'avvio della campagna salifera ha inizio con lo svuotamento, alla fine dell'inverno, dei bacini dalle acque piovane raccoltesi nei mesi freddi. Verso i primi di aprile, in un giorno in cui la salinità è particolarmente elevata, l'acqua viene immessa dal mare Una parte dell'acqua riempie le vasche deposito, la rimanente comincia il suo giro e viene pompata nelle vasche di evaporazione.
Grazie al naturale processo dell'evaporazione, l'acqua marina si concentra e inizia a depositare i metalli pesanti ed i sali meno solubili (i carbonati). Then, place the sulfates in the so-called third evaporation ponds. At this point, the water is brought in the fourth evaporation ponds that "serve" salting basins, which measure 1200 meters long by 160 wide where it is deposited in the late summer of sodium chloride. In these conditions, the salinity is 7-8 times greater than that of the sea.

The harvesting of salt is carried out at the end of August, with a special machine that moves on rollers on the metal salt crust in a basin salting. The salt is then transported in the square at the center of the plant with a small train of wagons in the range of about 20 tons each, to be accumulated in attesa del lavaggio e del successivo confezionamento.


Sale di Cervia:

Sale marino integrale di grana medio grossa, raccolto e confezionato secondo il metodo tradizionale. Semplicemente lavato con acqua madre conserva la ricchezza di tutti gli oligoelementi presenti nell'acqua mare

Salfiore di Romagna - Il Sale dei Papi
Il Sal Fiore è un sale marino integrale medio fine, che i salinai chiamano ancora "il sale del papa", per la tradizione secolare di portare alla mensa pontificia il primo sale raccolto.
Vagliato e selezionato, non essiccato artificialmente e non trattato con aditivi per migliorarne la cospargibilità, come normalmente accade per il sale fine, conserva tutti gli oligoelementi presenti nell'acqua di mare.

Riserva Camillone

Sale di grana grossa, prodotto in limitate quantità, nella piccola Salina Camillone, unique example of craftsmanship in multiple collection, still in production today with the original age-old process of hand picked daily. In 2004, she was recognized Slow Food, for the method of production and harvesting and for excellence in product quality.

Salfiore Cervia

The Salfiore Cervia is a medium-fine sea salt, harvested by hand in small quantities on the surface of the water at the beginning of salifera season and simply left to dry in the sun.
is light and tasty the excellence of sweet salt .

salts with herbs

For meat
jar Net weight 175 Gr
Sea Salt with herbs Romagna (sage, rosemary, garlic, juniper, bay leaf and pepper), wisely measured according to the ancient recipe of Grandma Ida, suitable for meat and cooked vegetables.

To Fish
Jar Net Weight 175 Gr

Sea Salt with herbs di Romagna (chives thyme, garlic and chilli), according to tradition skilfully salter, delicate fish and fresh vegetables.

Profumo di Mare
Jar Net Weight 175 Gr

Sea Salt with anchovies in the Adriatic Cervia salt and herbs, carefully measured out according to the ancient recipe of his grandfather Angelino

Bouquet d ' East
Jar Net Weight 175 Gr

It is said that Caterina Cornaro, Corner of the noble family, and being the owner of a salt, for a short period, Queen of Cyprus, he discovered the use of salt and seasoned with oriental spices its widespread use from 1468 up to Venezia, assieme ai soffici cristalli del Salfiore cervese.
Riallacciandosi alla propria storia e alla tradizione della dominazione veneta, viene ora riproposto il "Sale dei Dogi - Profumo d'Oriente" in cui il Salfiore è sposato armoniosamente con spezie orientali.
Provarlo sulle patate arrosto, sui fritti, sul pesce, sulle carni bianche, sul riso, dona sensazioni gustative uniche, in cui i sapori della tradizione si arricchiscono di profumi e sapori intriganti che rimandano al lontano Oriente.

Sale di Cervia alle Alghe
Vasetto Peso Netto Gr 175

Sale di Cervia e Alghe si incontrano in questo sale aromatico unico per profumo e proprietà salutari.
A Cervia salt and algae have a long history.
In fact, the city of salt to the origins Ficocle was called, as if to say from the greek "noted place for algae, which still grow wild in ponds saliferi and are commonly called" Biso ". Today
salt and algae in this salt back to finding unique scented and healthful properties.
La Quercia Marina, rich in organic iodine is so important to the welfare of the body, participates with other herbs to form a mix an unmistakable aroma suitable for meat, fish and vegetables.


addition to salt for human consumption, known as "salt sweet "for the sensitive palate, from the waters of saltern sovrasalate, always, you get mud, salts and liquors for the welfare of the person.
The salt workers have always known for their direct experience, that working for hours salty mud in the salt to soak in the waters remain mothers, rich as well as sodium chloride, magnesium, potassium and iodine and many other trace elements, to be ultimately in a sovrasalato protected them from many ailments of the joints, especially those of rheumatic and trauma and their women, employed in saline, had legs dry, firm, ankles slimmer and slimmer hips.

The Salina Camillone

La Salina "Camillone" is the only survivor of about 150 saline to collect multiple erased with the advent of industrial production according to the method in 1959.

is of small extent, with an evaporating surface of approx. And an area of \u200b\u200b21,181 square meters salting. 2650.

still in operation, thanks to the work done by voluntary Salinari Civilization Cultural Group, annually produces about 1000 tons of high quality salt. Harvesting takes place from June to September, in optimal conditions twice a week.

are used traditional work tools, in addition to these, you can see at the "Camillone" boats of iron (Burchielle) with which the salt was transported along the canals to the depots and watchtowers once occupied by financial police.

addition to mining, salinity is used for purposes Camillone tourist, educational, cultural, representing a sort of museum of outdoor rooms is unique in Italy.

Parco della Salina di Cervia
srl Via Salaria, 6
48015 Cervia (RA)
tel. 0544.971765 - fax 0544.978016


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