Cari gasisti e care gasiste,
so che ormai siete abituati, durante le consegne, a vedere persone "non associate" che vengono ad incontrarci per i motivi più svariati (es. la mensa scolastica bio a Givoletto ecc.).
Ieri è venuto a trovarci Dario, artigiano e marito in affitto .
Quando l'ho presentato alle persone (donne) presenti c'è stata un'esclamazione: "finalmente riuscirò ad avere la tapparella o lo sciacquore che funziona, il giardino con la legna e l'erba tagliata, ecc.."
I "maschietti" presenti erano un pò perplessi .... mah!
Dario Scovazzo , sposato con un figlio, 55 anni artigiano nato a Torino, l'ho incontrato durante the meeting of the NAC and it has been contacted proposing an agreement with 10% discount on the amount to be paid . # / pages / Dario-the-Husband -in-Affitto-Torino-Cintura/128865563836165
Dario is the only "husband rented" to the outskirts of Turin, and you can contact him at 333 / 1734025 or toll free 800 135974
Beware of those who do not know!
Good weekend
anna - gas Avigliana
from: dario.htm- husbands for rent call them, and the shutter is quickly repaired
A franchise offers 'arms' for chores with men.
But someone claims before the invention of her husband by the hour. In Italy, since 2007, there 's husband rented Ltd', a franchise that has employees in all regions.
to tell us how did the figure of the hour is factotum Gian Piero Cerino, 55 year-old Monza, married with one son.
Representative for a large food company first, then coach builder, Cerino was reinvented in the new profession. In the company's website
Gian Piero says she has always been passionate about DIY: what better opportunity to choose to turn his hobby into a real job?
all began, explains Cerizza when has lost his old job carriages. "I thought to increase the number of friends who did odd jobs at home - he says - and we gave my son a name that could describe exactly what I was doing and that is: her husband rent."
The target customers who call toll-free society, looking for arms which will play at home jobs for men, features "70 per cent of mature women - notes - mostly separate but also widows and ; family of professionals who prefer free time to devote favorite hobby, rather than spend the weekend with toolbox in hand.
And then someone of them can not even hang a nail on the wall. "
Well, sometimes it comes to replace her husband who does not know or does not want carry out chores at home. As the repair and recording of the door, belts of the blinds, the taps leaking, but take the car to do the review. Or assemble a library, going to fix the apartment to the sea before the holidays or make file to mail to pay bills .
costs, said Cerino, ranging from twenty Euros per hour and up. "It depends on what we do," he says, because things to do are varied and sometimes take hours. Maybe stealing precious time to his family: "My wife - ironically Gian Piero - he always says that before adjusting the houses of others I should fix mine, but in the end is happy that at my age has found a job I like" .
At best, it can happen having to accompany the ladies to do shopping . For important jobs, they point to the husbands to an end, the professionals of the house with the collaboration of the best professional craftsmen of the area in which they operate.
Among the affiliates of the franchise, appearing one by one on the site, husbands at all hours from Italy, like Alexander, who works in the center Milan, the young Fabio operating in Brianza, Maurizio from Como, four professionals who are in Emilia Romagna and others scattered throughout the boot.
to join their husbands for rent in the world, no matter the age, it is noted, but the reliability and the practice of DIY.
- The husband rent
Valentina Marsella (02/15/2010)
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