gasisti for gasisti: agreement with the API
Dear gasisti and gasiste care,
GasAvigliana has become a powerhouse of ideas with people who work, create and collaborate with each other with projects that intersect in support of families and the
I am pleased to introduce a new association was born, for a change, some gasiste.
why they thought an agreement I think the GasAvigliana gas can also be extended to other neighbors.
I will not go further and let you
the due consideration.
Good luck to Leah, Irene and all the
nice day
Dear Members of the Executive Gasavigliana, we
the bees."
Surely you've heard so much about us! We
"those" who seek to create an after-school care service, sponsored by the city, with children in kindergartens, elementary and middle premises in Middle School "Defendente Ferrari" of Avignon.
We have recently formed a board and we are an association that embraces the ideals of Solidarity S like you.
Attached you will find the plan that we presented to the City and schools.
we contact you in order to ask the possibility of spread through the network to throttle the
our initiatives, making a little advertising!
To return the favor, we have studied in a perfect style gas. " All the children of
gasisti joining our initiatives can take advantage of
two hours free when you buy a package of twenty hours for the animation and assistance tasks !
What do you think??
Thanks in advance!
THE API Lorenzo Tabassosegretario are of the "Bees".
The Non-profit association "Bees" was born in January 2011dopo about a year of preparation.
At present, the Board: Lia
Libranti (President) Anna
Marceca (Vice President)
Tabasso Lorenzo (Secretary)
Angela Edwards (Deputy Secretary)
Simona Burgio (Treasurer), Irene
Biancolli (Vice Treasurer)
and directors: Sergio Panzeca - Alessandra Ferri, Roberto Ganzitti-Andrea Ferri - Valeria Toso.
The idea is to offer a service "after school" Schools dell'infanziaelementari Avigliana and medium (except for schools Drubiaglio which are already covered by similar services).
We will be active every afternoon from Monday to Friday from after school until 18:30 pm.
Our activities will take place in some classrooms in the basement of the school that have been made available by the city of Avignon.
Students who subscribe to our association ARCI membership card will thus have full insurance coverage.
In our afternoons will offer assistance with homework and activities with the added possibility of joining art workshops and theatrical manuals and "repetition".
Families should not even bother to bring their children because
immediately activate a "walking bus" who every day take the kids to school.
Finally to complete the offer will also give the opportunity for those who adhere to our afternoon activities for home care in case of illness of the child.
We will prepare ourselves physically and follow the activities as some of us have qualifications or experience in education:
(I enclose a brief "curriculum" of LibrantiTabassoMarceca)
- I Met Your Mother!
- I have years of experience as a volunteer coordinator at the Parish of oratorio S.Maria Maggiore.
-Negli ultimi due anni sono stata la baby-sitter di molti bambini direttamente a casa mia.
-Possiedo la qualifica alberghiera nonché l’abilitazione per l’HCCP (regolamentazioni igienico-sanitarie).
-Ho fatto esperienza di volontariato presso l’A.V.U.L.L.S. di Piossasco per l’assistenza ai giovani disabili.
-Per un breve periodo ho anche fatto parte della G.I.O.C. di Piossasco.
-Sono diplomato al Liceo Scientifico »Darwin» di Rivoli e> in passatoho lavorato nel settore turistico.
-Faccio parte del Gruppo Scout A.G.E.S.C.I. Avigliana 1 e da 6 anni mi occupo dei bambini dagli 8 agli 11 anni.
-Come capo scout svolgo anche funzioni di coordinatore fra i vari gruppi della valle che fanno parte dell’A.G.E.S.C.I. per quanto riguarda i bambini delle elementari.
-Ho esperienze di servizio anche in oratorio e con adolescenti e adulti in difficoltà.
-Sono laureanda all’Interfacoltà per Educatori Professionali e ad Aprile discuterò la mia tesi.
-Faccio parte del Gruppo Scout A.G.E.S.C.I. Avigliana1 e già da tre anni mi occupo dei bambini dagli 8 agli 11 anni.
-Ho anche avuto esperienze di servizio con bambini affetti da autismo (sui quali sto sviluppando la mia tesi) e con adolescenti difficili nel quartiere di Scampia a Napoli .
The three of us we will be primarily responsible for the activities.
With regard to other people who work with us in time to answer all these requirements:
- will all age and
graduates - will be trained and experienced in animation
- Have knowledge specificheper repetitions
- They will have organizational skills and passioneper drive
laboratories - will be involved in continuing education
For clarity in sending the attached diagram of a typical week.
Parents can choose whether to purchase a package full week (17 hours) at a cost of 50 €
or buy books of 10 or 20 hours at 50 or 100 € manageable at will. For
laboratorile reps and home care instead there will be other fees vary according to circumstances.
Being a non-profit at the end of our budget will break even. For this reason we thought that the profits earned to the end of the year will be donated to the project for the municipality of RECOSOL Ouali which Avigliana member.
; Our project will begin Monday, March 14 and concluded at the end of the school.
According to the success of the administration will consider whether to renew its confidence or not. So we need to let us know and this has already been issued a notice in all schools and we held an information evening in the council chamber, which was held on 25 / 2.
The contacts of the association for information and registration are:
e-mail: Leap ; Tel: 3273138727
This initiative does not in any way to ride the wave of controversy that recently been created around the school services (cafeteria).
The idea of \u200b\u200bour project was born well before the experience as a babysitter lady Libranti which has found that there is a shortage of supply in this area.
We have no intention of entering into conflict with any already existing reality.
We remain at your disposal for any clarification. Thank you and good job
Lorenzo - Association bees - Avigliana
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ABOUT Our Association wants the City Administration, in order to submit a" draft "of a project to optimize a service (the currently non-existent), as regards the supervision during free time, and not only children from 3 to 14 years, whose parents busy all day need.
The idea came from my personal experience of mother -working with small daughter, who, during his course of growth, was obliged to seek the help of grandparents, constraining the free time. A mother who takes with him the frustration every attentive parent, who would like their child might have a share of his time with the children of his age, doing things that stimulate the growth that would result in an "informed" (allow me the term) during the course homework, which
could also make extra-curricular activities, without having to make endless laps in gyms and neighboring countries, with excessive spending on both economic and time!
Also, if there was an adequate service, when it appeared the influence of turn, could leave her daughter at home going to work in the warm quiet and serene, it's nice to know they can count on a group that you can also provide support in an emergency!
The family needs have led the mother to stop working.
But just then she realized that those were the
their needs are the needs of all mothers and the mother so she found herself free to do the baby-sitter to various classmates of
A babysitting service is rather special, occasional,
n on continuously and only in times of real need, thing guaranteed to parents save money without having to feel locked in to a firm commitment in the month, getting the same
the quality care to their children.
Word of mouth led to the request of many parents and, despite the
entertainment capabilities acquired during the years of service at the chapel (which gave the opportunity to have the competence to manage
more children with different ages), the problem of not having enough space in their homes has given birth to this project.
offer a service to families in this difficult time arrangement for their children in outside school hours.
Our target :
Organization of entertainment for the kids. It provides for a division into groups according to age groups (kindergarten, primary and secondary school) and the type of things to do.
In agreement with the city administration and the
directions teaching the middle school has been identified "Defendente Ferrari" as a space where the play
From 1 March 2011 will be there every day working weekdays dalla fine dell’orario di lezione alle 19,30.
COME SARA’ Per i trasferimenti dei ragazzi delle varie scuole verso la sede, sarà disponibile un accompagnamento da parte di uno o più operatori/educatori imitando la formula del "piedibus".
Se lo si riterrà necessario nel tempo verrà eventualmente fornito il servizio di pullmino dalla scuola alla "sede".
Nei giorni in cui l’orario delle lezioni terminerà nelle ore pomeridiane,
le attività per i ragazzi saranno prevalentemente di svago, salvo eccezioni in cui
le famiglie richiedano servizio di aiuto per the execution of tasks to be performed by qualified practitioners who provide service to the Association.
In the remaining days after lunch, eaten together, each child will (in agreement with the
families) do the tasks assigned by supervisors for at least two hours of the day. Then continue the
or leisure activities that educators / operators have prepared during the week.
afternoons when I can spend more time in the "SEE" you can:
accommodate the elderly of unity that will entertain children with stories involving of their experience when they were their age or even just reading stories from books.
- any music workshops, decoupage, painting and so on. . . (Attached offer the vision of a hypothetical typical week)
P ASTI: For days in which it is expected that the timetable deadlines will be necessary at mealtimes
the families organize themselves with packed lunches for their children, to be consumed together with educators / operators in based activities.
The snack instead, will be borne by the association in cooperation with the COOP Avigliana. The
we chose the organic products with the intent to continue the project of "nutrition education" in schools already assimilated.
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The people who lend their work within the association are all adults and can boast experience in both animation
oratories, scouts and summer camps or as a baby sitter .
Those who lead the workshops offered will be selected among the most qualified.
order to perform the tasks, the assignment will be given to college students or people responsible.
At the end of each working day will be made by the operators and educators to ensure that the premises used to come back in perfect condition to allow
the next day's activities are carried out in total cleaning.
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RATES: To be eligible to access the service is required to sign the ARCI membership card with an annual payment of € 10.00.
This will ensure the allotment (in this case the child) insurance coverage.
We provide different types of pricing:
WEEKLY PACKAGE: includes all
hours after the end of the school at 19:30 for weekdays. Cost per week € 50,00.
Reductions for children after the first.
"SOS ORE : those who are not interested in" a weekly package "may also use the service even if only sporadically at a cost of € 5.00 per hour.
facilities are provided for those who buy a book of hours at a time to be used at will.
nell’eventualità in cui il bambino/socio dovesse ammalarsi è possibile utilizzare i “Jolly” che andranno a fare
babysitteraggio presso l’abitazione al costo di € 8,00 all’ora.
Tale servizio può essere richiesto anche nelle ore serali (anche nel fine settimana).
Eventuali utili derivanti dalla gestione,verranno devoluti come previsto dallo statuto, alla Re.Co.Sol. (Rete Comuni Solidali) che sostengono progetti di solidarietà e cooperazione internazionale nel Mali.
E’ necessaria almeno una eventuale pre-iscrizione specificando la preferenza di servizio richiesta al fine di poter permettere agli organizzatori la pianificazione del lavoro settimanale delle attività.
Sarà considerata valida solo la pre-iscrizione che verrà avallata attraverso l’immediato versamento della quota associativa .
Gentile genitore,
La preghiamo gentilmente di rispondere a queste semplici e brevi domande.
Le garantiamo che
le sue risposte non verranno in nessun modo rese pubbliche e che il questionario è anonimo.
La Sua partecipazione sarà molto utile all'associazione per raccogliere dati circa la disponibilità delle famiglie a far partecipare i propri figli al progetto di doposcuola proposto dall'associazione “
le Api ”
1) Quanto dista la vostra abitazione dalla scuola frequentata?
2) Come raggiunge la scuola suo/a figlio/a?
□ viene accompagnato
□ la raggiunge a piedi da solo
□ utilizza il servizio di pullman
□utilizza il servizio “pedibus”
3) numero di figli che frequentano la scuola
4) classe di frequentazione dei figli
5) scuola di frequentazione dei figli
6) ritiene che suo figlio possa aver bisogno di un sostegno per lo svolgimento dei compiti?
□ only for certain subjects in which more difficult
□ only needs to be encouraged to do their homework
7) Do you think that
the activities proposed by the association may be of interest to
herself and her child in?
□ yes □ no □
□ I do not know but a few (specify which)
8) believes that the timetable proposed for after-school activities may coincide with his work commitments? □ yes □ no
9) Your child needs to have an escort service to the school timetable of the service? □ yes □ no
10) would prefer to pay a monthly subscription or a daily fee with hourly rates?
Thank you for taking the time granted us and for your help.
L 'Association the Bees "
327 31 38 727 (presidente)
327 91 68 483 (segretario)
Fax: 011 19885098