project halfway between the ambitious and the reckless, bordering sometimes madness (normal for those who know me and my wife Claudia) ... Everything starts with our passion for wine and food, especially that of Sardinia. We wanted a shop, a shop where you could find good quality products, of course, they were loyal and respectful of the traditions of food and wine culture of our land ... Our guests could buy the products, but mainly a place to live could visit a virtual tour of Sardinia "by the most sought after wines and regional delicacies, the so-called niche food and wine .. In essence, the Enoteca churches had become a paradise for gourmets and lovers of this world ... Despite all the vicissitudes and changing market conditions, these eight years (think of what is success after the September 11, 2001), the philosophy of our project is not cambiata, ma si è arricchita e rinforzata, con la considerazione, che soltanto l'alta qualità e l'unicità dei nostri prodotti, può vincere questo momento, non facilissimo... Un doveroso ringraziamento, a tutti coloro che hanno avuto fiducia in noi, nel nostro progetto e nei nostri prodotti, che nonostante tutto, ci hanno permesso di continuare a percorrere questa "strada", non sempre facilissima... Grazie di cuore!!