Monday, December 14, 2009

How Much Is Highlights At Jc

Degorgement a la voleé

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Follando Con La Del Say

Cocktail Competition 2009 "Barman in gara"

Some beautiful and colorful cocktails. The competition was held Dec. 4 at the wine bar rector of Olbia, at the conclusion of the course for bartenders, organized for the 4th year from Confcommercio of Olbia, chaired by the barman in a masterly way AIBES Pier Luigi Cucchi, was followed with great interest from all participants.
Most of the students belonging to the fairer sex, have grappled with great skill in the colorful and tasty blends, resulting in almost all of the results remarkable.
congratulate the winners!

The first prize winner of the Cocktail Competition ...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Create Your Own Wwe Belt Online Game

Il Gruppo degli amici sardi in Viaggio per Friuli il enologico

io e la mia fidanzata

Cellar visit "The Castellada" Oslavia

The whole group to visit the
Cantina Jermann

Visit Moschioni the cellar, among the best
producers of live red in the land of white wines
interesting his "PIGNOLO" ancient
Moschioni and Michele Antonello Mariotti

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Creatine Harder Erection

Incontri Di Vini Pievati 2009 - Champagne Montaudon

evening tasting of the Maison de Champagne Montaudon "
Saturday 26 settembre dalle 19,30
Aperitivo con le raffinate produzioni della Maison "Montaudon"
  • reserve premiere brut
  • premier crù chardonnay
  • brut millesimé
  • grande rosé
  • classe M
Oltre un ricco buffet, troverete delle ostriche freschissime, direttamente dalla Bretagna ....
Vi aspettiamo!! Per info 348.3010330, 0789 206098

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How To Test Local Connectivity

Incontri Di Vini Pievati 2009

Dear friends enogastronauti

Tomorrow September 10, 2009 from 19.30 at the Wine Parishes of Olbia new appointment for "Dating Wine" with an aperitif in music .. .. An evening dedicated to the presentation of water Perrier, the champagne of mineral waters. Promotional offer: ordering a bottle of Perrier water, enjoy the delicious and fresh oysters for free!!
You'll also find a wide assortment of white, red, sparkling wine and champagne.
Everything from € 5.00 to drink ....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Y Does My Bearded Dragon Have Red Spots

Pievati Wine bar... la trasformazione passo passo!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hayete In Arabics Means

Finalmente ci siamo....

Enoteca churches, was finally rebuilt the trick ....
On August 14 we opened at 19 .. Winebar
here are some shots of the new PV
The new restaurant aims to meet the needs of enthusiasts enogastronauti, with a rich selection of wines by the glass in combination with the dishes treated with passion by the young, but no less talented, Elisa Mariotti.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ice Skating Skirt Pattern

Buon Compleanno Pievati...

And yes, the wine country churches, today, 8 years old ... Our project began July 5, 2001, with the opening of Enoteca Golfo Aranci.
project halfway between the ambitious and the reckless, bordering sometimes madness (normal for those who know me and my wife Claudia) ... Everything starts with our passion for wine and food, especially that of Sardinia. We wanted a shop, a shop where you could find good quality products, of course, they were loyal and respectful of the traditions of food and wine culture of our land ... Our guests could buy the products, but mainly a place to live could visit a virtual tour of Sardinia "by the most sought after wines and regional delicacies, the so-called niche food and wine .. In essence, the Enoteca churches had become a paradise for gourmets and lovers of this world ... Despite all the vicissitudes and changing market conditions, these eight years (think of what is success after the September 11, 2001), the philosophy of our project is not cambiata, ma si è arricchita e rinforzata, con la considerazione, che soltanto l'alta qualità e l'unicità dei nostri prodotti, può vincere questo momento, non facilissimo... Un doveroso ringraziamento, a tutti coloro che hanno avuto fiducia in noi, nel nostro progetto e nei nostri prodotti, che nonostante tutto, ci hanno permesso di continuare a percorrere questa "strada", non sempre facilissima... Grazie di cuore!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

How Many Calories Are In A Sugar Cookie?

European Country Inn: le Locande dell’Europa Rurale. La serata inaugurale

Some shots at the opening ceremony of the project

European Country Inn, the Inns of rural
Wine Parishes Olbia 18.07.2008

Region Free Dvd-v9800

Il Progetto European Country Inn: le Locande dell’Europa Rurale, compie un anno

July 18 Enoteca Parishes of Olbia will take a year since I became an official member of the Network of European Rural Inns.

This is a project funded by the European Union under the Community Initiative Leader Plus and under the name "European Country Inn" brings together some twenty partners representing major European rural reality (Sweden, Romania, Toscana, Abruzzo, Puglia , Sardinia).

The objective of the project (promotion and marketing of farm produce and handicrafts and rural tourism offer participating) is taking shape thanks to the activities that take place in Lodging, real and symbolic places of the embassies ruralità, che sono state già attivate in Bruxelles, Roma, Stoccolma, L’Aquila e Bucarest e ad altre azioni, tra le quali spiccano la partecipazione ad Expoitalia in Bruxelles nello scorso novembre, alla Fiera Gastronord in Stoccolma e presso l’Hotel Sheraton in Algeri.

La Sardegna è rappresentata da cinque Gruppi di Azione Locale: Logudoro Goceano, Sulcis, Mare e Monti, Montiferru-Barigadu-Sinis e Monte Linas.

I GAL sardi sono stati protagonisti di queste attività e, dopo il particolare successo ottenuto nelle settimane Sardinia organized in Rome, Stockholm and Brussels, now about to face a new challenge with the opening of the Inn International Olbia.

At this inn, through the valuable work of the staff Enoteca churches, there were all the activities that are planned in major European capitals schools of taste, tasting menu proposition, exposure and marketing of products, meetings dedicated to the tourism and crafts.

The formula of the school of taste - not simple tasting but real training sessions are able to activate the mechanism for identification of areas and products and lead to a recognition of individual rural areas - has been a real success, evidenced by the number of admissions recorded from October to date (over 1000 presence in Brussels, more than 1500 appearances in Rome and more than 250 in Stockholm), the quality of care (specialized, experienced restaurateurs, buyers, institutional representatives, Italians abroad, representatives of EU institutions) and the real interest from importers Sweden, the structures of large retailers and major operators in Belgium specialized national.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Netflix Router Options

Ecco dove nasce il Vermentino di Gallura.....

I often talk to several people who first discovered Sardinia, but especially the Gallura, the common denominator among the many points of view is always the same : the intensity of the perfumes that they feel in the air. Many say that getting off the plane or arrive by boat, these flavors of Mediterranean, pervade the senses and composing a pourpouri really special, that remains indelible in time . Many of these varieties smell, you can readily recognized, bringing the nose with a glass of Vermentino di Gallura . Everything is possible, thanks to climate, unspoiled natural landscapes, still virgin, but mainly due to soil composition, with its strong mineral extracted from the weathering of granite rocks, amplifies these intense emotions, such to make the grape farmed in Gallura, a semi-aromatic grapes.
If you have never been in Sardinia, the call is to not let this opportunity slip away and come visit our country soon.
(do not be influenced by stereotypes or by the many real news is not running on Sardinia, come and see for themselves, avoiding, if you can remember the month of August ... our Mother Earth is beautiful all year round, try to think of the harvest period from late September to late October ... unforgettable!)
If you really can not come, you go to a good wine Take advice and a good bottle of Vermentino di Gallura, nor be afraid of alcohol, and choose those that contain between 13.5 and 14.50 alcohol, abbinateci a good dish of fresh fish, including sushi, but not too seasoned meats and cheeses. You will live a fantastic experience, that glass if you pay attention, we will tell our land ... We wait.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Age Of Empires Ii 2-.0a Crakc

Aperitivo in Musica al Museo Archeologico di Olbia

official presentation to the press, the new Piaggio models.
Bars in music with jazz standards trio Mauro Mibelli

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Paint Bathroom Burnt Orange Rugs

Lutto nel mondo del vino in Sardegna...

Serdiana, died Argiolas
The father of the red Turriga

"Addio al re del Turriga: è morto Antonio Argiolas, fondatore della famosissima cantina di Serdiana. ''Tziu Antoni'' aveva 102 anni

E' morto Antonio Argiolas, il re del Turriga, fondatore della famosissima cantina di Serdiana, ora gestita dai figlio Franco e Pepetto Argiolas, ''Tziu Antoni'' si è spento a 102 anni dopo un'esistenza davvero straordinaria. Iniziò a fare il commerciante di formaggi, poi scoprì il vino. Famoso il Turriga, ma anche l'Angialis e l'ultimo dei nati in cantina, lo "Antoni Argiolas" che l'enologo Mariano Murru ha proposto per i cento anni del grande vecchio. I funerali si svolgeranno Today, Sunday, at 18 to Serdiana. "

Our deepest condolences to the family

" from the site "